Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 314 Luck Belongs To Me

Chapter 315 Luck Belongs to Me

The performance of the fourth child is perfect, 10 goals and 7 goals in the end, which is already a pretty good result. After his last ball entered the basket, the entire basketball team began to cheer.

“Tang Feng, should I come?” Qi Xiaobing looked at the number of goals on the opposite side and his face was quite ugly. He must have seen Tang Feng’s pitching level just now. Instead of asking him to give money to the other side for nothing, he might as well be himself. If you take a gamble, you have at least one chance of winning.

Although Qi Xiaobing is not a professional basketball team, he usually likes to play. He is a master at the amateur level, but there is still a certain gap compared with the basketball team. He also has a good shot, making almost 5 of 10 three-pointers.

Tang Feng looked at Qi Xiaobing and smiled, “It’s okay. Don’t worry, I won’t lose. Isn’t there such a saying, “Knowing yourself and the enemy is not dead”, the opponent only scored 7 goals, I only need to score 8. One wins the other.”

“Tang Feng, I have finished casting, what are you still inked? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, call grandpa three times, and then get out.” The fourth child of the basketball team is a rash man, facing Tang Feng again Began to yell.

“Yeah! Are you afraid? If you are afraid, give up and get out of here. Don’t delay everyone’s time here.” The fourth voice of the basketball team instantly received support from the people around him, and they all began to agree.

“Qi Xiaobing, let me go! Let me come! You have already lost in your heart, so you lose without comparing it. Whether you vote or not has become a foregone conclusion. If you can guarantee you this game I’ll take it for sure, then I’ll let you.” Tang Feng patted the ball on the ground to try the feel, but he looked at Qi Xiaobing and then looked at the basket. His eyes were full of wisdom. Compared with Qi Xiaobing’s spirit of not admitting defeat, it was completely opposite.

Qi Xiaobing originally wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in his throat and couldn’t say it. Finally, he reluctantly retreated to the bottom of the basketball hoop. He can’t help Tang Feng, he can still pick up the ball.

“Four brother, you come to count, or we will win the other party’s shame after a while.” Tang Feng shouted at Guan Feibai.

“Okay, but you have to cheer. If you lose, we won’t have our big meal today.” Although Guan Feibai doesn’t know much about Tang Feng, he knows that he rarely does unsure things. Others They all regard him as a fool, but in fact those talents are real fools.

“Don’t worry, as long as you remember correctly, you won’t lose. Isn’t it a three-pointer? I can beat him even if I am studying now.” Tang Feng gave Jiang Chuwei a provocative look when he was about to shoot.(Read more @

“Bang!” Tang Feng’s first ball was thrown out, but unfortunately, his power was a little weaker and he hit the basket, and finally talked back.

“Damn! Did I read it wrong? Tang Feng is pretending to be B this time?” Guan Feibai, who was originally counting, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Tang Feng somewhat unclearly.

“Oh! It seems that it’s been a long time since I played basketball. I can’t find this feeling.” Tang Feng shook his head, but there was still a smile on his face.

“Tang Feng, did you not eat? Do you want to go home to eat something and come back?” Jiang Chuwei was originally worried, but now that Tang Feng didn’t score his first goal, he laughed happily.

“What are you proud of? Didn’t you just miss one goal? Then there are 9 goals, as long as the 9 goals behind me score 8 to win.” Tang Feng said, he took a few consecutive shots on the ground. Staring tightly at the basket, he shot again…

“Bang! Klang! Bang!” This time Tang Feng’s power was a bit stronger than last time, but it was too big. He hit the backboard directly, and the ball bounced back from the backboard and hit the basket again. It’s a pity Fortunately, he once again preferred the basketball team. The basketball bounced off the hoop.

“Hahaha…I’m still bragging at this level. Hurry up and leave the money and get out of here. Don’t be embarrassed here.” The basketball team saw whether Tang Feng had scored his second goal. Laughing, even the people watching the excitement around started laughing.

“Tang Feng, you don’t have a lot of money to send money specifically to the other party, right?” Guan Feibai’s eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

“Mistakes, mistakes, the next goal will definitely be scored, isn’t this just finding a touch, isn’t there still 8 goals? As long as the next 8 goals are scored, we still win.” Tang Feng smiled embarrassedly.

At this time, Qi Xiaobing’s face was quite ugly. He thought that Tang Feng was so confident and would definitely be able to win. He didn’t expect such a dish, and now he regretted agreeing to the bet.

Tang Feng’s third ball is ready to be thrown. This ball is the time to decide the fate of this bet. The atmosphere on the court is relatively depressing, especially the people of Tang Feng. Everyone waited with their breath. A miracle happened.

The ball went out, a perfect trajectory, it was a pity that it hit the basket, the ball bounced, a miracle happened, the scout fell again and fell into the basket, the ball came in, the basketball team’s face instantly It changed, but he didn’t expect this to be covered by him.

“Four brother, how about it? Go in? You have to remember it, in case you miss it, it is your responsibility.” The ball just now was extremely thrilling, as if it had nothing to do with Tang Feng, and I knew I was joking. .

“Isn’t it just a goal? What’s so good about it?” The basketball team’s fourth-year-old pouted and said disapprovingly.

“Tang Feng, if you are lucky this time, let you make two more shots, but next time you won’t have that luck.” Jiang Chuwei didn’t take it seriously, all when Tang Feng ran out of shit, the ball popped out. I can come back again.

“If you are lucky, there is no way, but I have always been very lucky. It seems that the current luck belongs to me. If you lose later, don’t be foolish.”

“The people on our basketball team are the ones who speak, as long as you Tang Feng is not bad.” Tang Feng performed there like a beam jumping clown in Jiang Chuwei’s eyes.

The fourth ball started soon. Tang Feng dragged the ball with both hands, raised it above his head, and shook his hands gently. The ball turned into a perfect parabola and flew out, hitting the basket again, but The accuracy of the head this time was better than last time. The ball just jumped slightly and entered the basket without any dispute.

“It’s really a shit luck, and he actually got both balls in.” The basketball team’s fourth child pouted his lips in disdain.

“Good luck, good luck, I didn’t expect to enter again. Are you disappointed?” Tang Feng smiled and looked at Jiang Chuwei.

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