Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 374 Stop The Way

Chapter 376

“Dingling, Dingling, Dingling…” The end of get out of class was short, and the class bell promptly interrupted the entanglement between the two people. Later, the young man gave Tang Feng a fierce look, “Boy, I remember, don’t let me see you next time, otherwise it will make you look good.” After speaking, I walked out of the classroom.

Tang Feng was not in a hurry. The professors in class walked to the door of the classroom. Tang Feng was still sitting on Chen Yuyao’s desk. Suddenly an unexpected thing happened. Tang Feng, who was sitting on Chen Yuyao’s desk, didn’t know when it would arrive. Chen Yuyao’s side, bent over, bowed her head and pouted, just kissed Chen Yuyao’s cheek, and then went to the door of the classroom and walked across from the professor who came in.

“Wife, see you next class.” Although Tang Feng walked out of the classroom, his voice came in. People in several nearby classrooms heard it, and some of the professors who had just walked into the classroom wrinkled even more. brow.

Chen Yuyao, who had been kissed by Tang Feng, turned blue and kept staring at Tang Feng’s back. Until this time, she did not recognize that the man wearing sunglasses was Tang Feng. If he knew that he was Tang Feng, I don’t know it would be. What kind of behavior is the same as Ye Tianxue, happy, relived the old feelings, or indifferent, like a stranger.

Chen Yuyao’s feelings for Tang Feng are very unique. She said she liked it, but she didn’t like it. She said she didn’t like it, but she liked it a little. The most important thing was that she had had that kind of awkward relationship with Tang Feng, and she recognized this man.

“Why, did you molesting Sister Yuyao?” Tang Feng had just sat down, and Ye Tianxue’s note passed over. She could clearly hear what Tang Feng said in the corridor.

“What? Are you jealous?” Tang Feng just wrote 5 words before returning the note to her.

Ye Tianxue was really jealous, but she didn’t dare to be too obvious. Since Tang Feng disappeared, she was really scared and missed the time the two were together very much. The waiting time is long, the more so, the more suffering. During this period of time, Ye Tianxue changed a lot, cooking, and doing housework. This was something that could not have happened before he met Tang Feng, but now it has all happened to her.

This time Ye Tianxue didn’t reply, she glanced at Tang Feng secretly, and then listened to the class seriously. Tang Feng found it boring, so she took out his fruit phone and played the game. Just before the end of get out of class, Tang Feng touched the bracelet on his wrist, and suddenly, a bright rose appeared in his hand.(Read more @

When Ye Tianxue saw the rose that Tang Feng stuffed into her hand, she almost cried. Tears dangling from the corner of her eyes, but she didn’t want to fall. This was the first time Tang Feng gave herself a rose, although There is only one, but it is better than 9,999.

“Dingling, Dingling, Dingling…” After the bell rang for the end of the second get out of class, Tang Feng glanced at Ye Tianxue again, “Don’t follow me.” Then he walked out of the classroom. Ye Tianxue, who was still somewhat resentful, didn’t feel so resentful when he saw the rose in his hand.

Tang Feng still walked towards Chen Yuyao’s classroom. Just when he reached the door of their classroom, he was blocked by a young man who ran from behind. There were several tall boys standing beside the young man. The leader was the last class. A young man who had conflicts with Tang Feng.

“Boy, we meet again. If you kneel on the ground now, knock your head three times, and then yell grandpa three times, grandpa will let you go today.” Xiao Qi curled his mouth and flipped directly in front of Tang Feng. A few rolled eyes.

Tang Feng used to be a celebrity in school. It’s not a secret that he and Chen Yuyao are boyfriends and girlfriends. Although there are still many people chasing Chen Yuyao, they are not too much. Most confession, love letters, or some Gifts, but they were all rejected by her.

There are many boys who pity Chen Yuyao, and some are unwilling to conflict with Tang Feng. Since the news of Tang Feng’s disappearance spread, those boys who are ready to move have launched a crazy offensive, and Xiao Qi is just one of them.

Xiao Qi is not from the capital, but from the south. His father is an official and his mother is a businessman. He is both a rich second-generation and a second-generation official. He is well-known in the local area. After he came to the capital, he found that he was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It’s nothing, it’s low-key, but Tang Feng is missing, Chen Yuyao has become a thing of no one. He knows that his chance is coming, and then he launched a crazy offensive against her, sending flowers and valuables, even more desperately. She came to Chen Yuyao’s classroom every day to pester her.

“Grandson, are you talking to me?” Tang Feng’s words stunned Xiao Qi and the people he brought over. He had seen arrogant people, and had never seen such arrogant ones.

Xiao Qi didn’t know Tang Feng’s identity. He was also very careful. Although he said harsh words in the last class, he didn’t do anything. If Tang Feng had no power or strength, he might be scared back. Bringing so many people is just to support himself. These are his classmates and fellow villagers, and they are all friends of wine and meat, who usually give them some benefits to act as their own thugs.

Coincidentally this time, he only saw Tang Feng alone, and he was full of confidence in an instant, and then he quickly stepped forward and stopped Tang Feng in front of the door.

Xiao Qi’s face was blue with anger by Tang Feng’s words, but he could only bear it, because this was in the corridor of the teaching building, and teachers often passed by. Renmin University manages very strictly, especially for fights and fights, and found that they were dealt with together. Although he wanted to violently beat Tang Feng in front of him, he didn’t dare and could only bear it.

“Boy, you have the ability to report to your dormitory.” Xiao Qi has no choice but to speak harsh words with Tang Feng.

“Do you really want to know?” Xiao Qi’s words were like farting to Tang Feng, he didn’t take it to heart at all, just wanted to tease him.

“If you have the ability, you can report it.” Xiao Qi gritted his teeth and said, as long as Tang Feng rushes to report, he will go to his dormitory to trouble him tonight.

“Well, you are fine, my address is Yanwangdian, Huangquan Road, next to Naihe Bridge…”

“Boy, are you looking for death?” Xiao Qi was planning how to retaliate against Tang Feng. He didn’t expect that the more he listened, the more things went wrong. Then he found out that he was molested. What Hades, Huangquan Road, this is clearly to let himself die and control it anymore. I couldn’t help but picked Tang Feng’s collar directly.

“Wife, if someone wants to beat your husband, do you just leave it alone? Are you watching your own husband being taken away?” Tang Feng’s hands on Xiao Qicai’s neck are like the air, there is nothing at all. Paying attention, but turned his head to the classroom.

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