Chapter 377

For these suitors, Chen Yuyao always ignores them, and avoids them as much as possible. This is her principle, but Tang Feng today is indeed too much, and she actually calls her own wife in front of so many people. .

People’s patience is limited, including Chen Yuyao, who suddenly stood up from her seat and said coldly: “This classmate, please be respectful. I am not your wife, and I already have a boyfriend, please Don’t bother me anymore.”

Xiao Qi laughed after listening to Chen Yuyao’s words, “Boy, did you hear that? People already have a boyfriend.”

“What are you happy about, even if someone has a boyfriend, it’s not you.” Tang Feng is not only not upset about Chen Yuyao, on the contrary, he becomes happy, and even curls his lips at Xiao Qi.

“Who said it wasn’t me?” Xiao Qi was quite dissatisfied with Tang Feng’s words, and yelled directly at Tang Feng. It may be that the voice was too loud, and soon surrounded a lot of people. Ye Tianxue originally listened to Tang Feng’s words very much, and really didn’t follow it out, but when she heard Xiao Qi’s roar, she knew who Tang Feng seemed to be arguing with, she couldn’t sit still anymore, and quickly came out with other classmates.

“Really? Then I have to ask our Yuyao baby, are you her boyfriend?” After Tang Feng finished speaking, he smiled and turned his eyes to Chen Yuyao. Xiao Qi even prayed Looking at Chen Yuyao.

At this time, Chen Yuyao was a little regretful, she shouldn’t talk at all, and the two of them were more annoying than the other suitors, so they simply sat in their seats and stopped talking.

“Pop!” Just as Xiao Qi stared at Chen Yuyao, there was a fierce pain in his face. He was about to get angry and yelled at him. Turning his head to see if he was beating him, she was a beautiful woman. It’s turned off.

After Ye Tianxue came out of the classroom, he saw Tang Feng being picked up by a man he didn’t know. He was on fire at the time, and ran over angrily, hitting the man in the face.

Ye Tianxue didn’t know Xiao Qi at all, but Xiao Qi knew Ye Tianxue, let alone that the strange man in front of him was Tang Feng. Tang Feng is Ye Tianxue’s negative scale, as long as anyone dares to disadvantage him, she will not be merciless.

The slap was very loud, and everyone was stunned. Even Chen Yuyao, who had bowed her head, looked towards the door. When she saw that the person hitting someone at the door was Ye Tianxue, she was a little surprised. At the same time, her eyes remained constant. Seeing the man in sunglasses teasing herself, she was shocked, because she understood what she read from Ye Tianxue’s eyes. It was obviously caring. There was only one man who could make Ye Tianxue care so much, and that was Tang Feng, “Could it be that he Are you back?” Chen Yuyao was not calm anymore, her heart throbbing, her eyes kept on Tang Feng’s face, she was so unfamiliar, she showed a bitter smile, shook her head, and then lowered her head again. , “He is missing, how could it be him?”(Read more @

“Didn’t I let you stay in the classroom? Why did you come out?” Tang Feng was a little unhappy about Ye Tianxue’s behavior, because he hadn’t played enough, and his manner of speaking was not very good.

“Isn’t people worried about you? You’ve been bullied like that, I’m coming out…”

“Go back!” Tang Feng’s voice was not very loud, but with endless majesty, directly interrupting Ye Tianxue’s words.

A magical scene happened. Ye Tianxue was like a kid who had made a mistake. She lowered her head, turned and walked towards her classroom, and gave Tang Feng a bitter look at the moment she entered the classroom. Xiao Qi was the most surprised, and he hasn’t been relieved until now.

“Is it him? Is it really him?” Chen Yuyao suddenly raised her head. If she was just guessing, now she is 80% sure that the strange man in front of her is Tang Feng, especially the voice, which is too similar.

Previously, Chen Yuyao was very distressed for these suitors. She never connected the person in front of him with Tang Feng, and then did not notice the voice. Now it is different after Ye Tianxue’s arrival. Although she lowered her head, she is always there. Everyone compares the man at the door with Tang Feng, but his changes are too great, and he doesn’t quite believe this fact.

“Brother, haven’t your hands earned enough?” Tang Feng pushed Xiao Qi’s hands away, and then straightened his collar.

Xiao Qi just happened so suddenly that he hadn’t completely digested it, so he forgot to let go. It wasn’t until Tang Feng pushed his hand away that he reacted, “I’m sorry brother, I’m offended.”

Is the person who can yell at Ye Tianxue a simple person? What’s more, Ye Tianxue seems to be very afraid of the man in front of him. If people like him want to mix well in school, they have long been investigated. Who can offend and who can’t offend. Among them, Ye Tianxue is one of the people who can’t offend. , Since Ye Tianxue is afraid of people, the man in front of him must not be offended. Only then did he apologize, and his attitude took a 180-degree turn.

“Go away, don’t bother my wife anymore.” Tang Feng’s voice was still not very loud, but Xiao Qi was frightened, and repeatedly said, “Well, well…”

Xiao Qi left dingy after making the guarantee. The moment he turned around, his face immediately changed, but Tang Feng didn’t see it, because his eyes had long been on Chen Yuyao’s body.

Chen Yuyao didn’t refute this wife, but he didn’t speak either. Her big beautiful eyes looked back and forth on Tang Feng’s body.

“Is that you?” Chen Yuyao finally couldn’t help but ask, but her voice was trembling, and she was obviously excited.

“Dingling, Jingling, Jingling…” The class bell rang again, Tang Feng just smiled at Chen Yuyao, “Wife, have dinner together at noon today.” Then he disappeared at the door.

After returning to his seat, Tang Feng saw that Ye Tianxue was a little unhappy, and realized that he had just spoken too much. Then he wrote on the paper: “Little fool, why are you angry again?”

“Are you a little fool? People are not stupid at all.” Ye Tianxue pouted her mouth and replied to Tang Feng.

“Tianxue, I want to have a meal with her alone at noon today… I’ll go home in the evening.” Tang Feng felt that it was better to say something clearly. The reason why he added a sentence afterwards is also a comfort to Ye Tianxue. If it were changed to the previous one, Ye Tianxue would definitely be reluctant. This time he did not refute it surprisingly, and wrote a sentence on the note, “I’ll wait for you.” Then he began to listen to the lecture earnestly.

The class was boring for Tang Feng. He had nothing to do. He simply closed his eyes. The classmates found a strange thing. Then Tang Feng turned into a statue shortly after the get out of class, motionless. , He didn’t have any new actions until the bell rang after class.

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