Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 428 Meet Ouyang Again

Chapter 430: Meeting Ouyang Again

Tang Feng didn’t ask too much about Ye Tianxue’s family affairs. It was not until after dinner that Ye Tianxue asked Tang Feng to teach her to sing. Chen Yuhua is not here, Ye Tianxue of course invited Tang Feng to her room. Tang Feng didn’t mind either, but since she moved in, she didn’t enter this room very often. Seeing the bed in front of her, she recalled that she was lying on it. a feeling of.

When Tang Feng was teaching Ye Tianxue to sing, the phone vibrated several times in a row. He frowned, and finally found a reason to go to the toilet and open it. It was all Leng Yuqing, and he shook his head helplessly, and finally just turned it off. The phone was muted, and then I walked out.

After Leng Yuqing sent more than 10 messages in a row, she didn’t get a reply. She felt a little sad. She guessed that Tang Feng must be with other women, and she also thought that Tang Feng often shut down when he was with himself. Here she felt a sense of crisis, so she turned to Leng Yuhan’s phone and dialed it.

“Hey! Sister, I’m too bored by myself. Will you move to my place and live with me?” Leng Yuqing said directly after the call was connected.

When Leng Yuhan saw that the phone number was his sister, he didn’t want to answer it. Something like that happened to the two of them, but then they picked it up. After hearing Leng Yuqing’s request, Leng Yuhan was silent and faced. On the phone in a daze.

“Sister, are you listening? I’m really lonely alone, can you just come and accompany me?” Leng Yuqing continued pleading when she saw the other person without speaking.

“Yu Qing, we’d better be separated.” After Leng Yuhan came back, she thought about it for a long time. Since she couldn’t refuse Tang Feng, she decided to stay away from him, or even not see each other in the future.

“Sister, I beg you, I’m really scared alone, you’re gone, Tang Feng also left, I’m alone, I’m a little scared.” Leng Yuqing pleaded bitterly, and pretended to be a pair Poor look.

Leng Yuhan was silent again, and after a while he said, “Yu Qing, I’m sorry I can’t really help you.” After speaking, he hung up the phone.(Read more @

Leng Yuqing didn’t expect her sister to hang up the phone. She was very angry. She dialed the phone again, but she was hung up again, three times in a row, and finally turned off.

“Sister, don’t blame me for being unrighteous if you are not kind.” Leng Yuqing sent a ruthless sentence with a sullen expression, and then edited a message and sent it to Leng Yuhan.

Today, Zheng Zihe came to Leng Yuhan’s place of work early. He waited and waited, but he didn’t find Leng Yuhan. Until all the employees of the company were gone, Leng Yuhan hadn’t appeared yet, so he could only pick it up. I called the phone to Leng Yuhan, but found that the other party was turned off.

The weather in Beijing in April is still a bit cold, especially at night, Zheng Zihe is still a bit unwilling. She knows that Leng Yuhan will never come to work for no reason. She waited until 8 o’clock in the evening, and then she coldly snorted, “Leng Yuhan, you This stinky bitch hides from me. Don’t I don’t know your little mess. Back then, you had to get your consent even to handle your hand. I thought you were a holy bitch.” Zheng Zihe said, he took the hand in his hand. The roses were thrown in the trash can next to them.

“Hey! It’s a waste. It just so happens that my wife always says I’m not romantic. I’ll be happy to go back and give it to her.” Not long after Zheng Zihe left, a middle-aged man in his thirties passed by on his bicycle and just saw the trash can. Then I picked up the roses in the house, wiped the debris with my hands, and then walked away.

Tang Feng has been with Ye Tianxue all night. In addition to teaching her to sing, the two of them hugged each other at night, but nothing happened. Tang Feng was also very peaceful. In addition to taking a small advantage, and There is no excessive action, even the two people in the clothes are sleeping together.

Ye Tianxue slept very peacefully that night, and she was curled up in Tang Feng’s arms. She opened her eyes quietly until the morning. His beautiful big eyes blinked and looked at the man in front of him. The more they looked, the more obsessed they became. , And finally secretly kissed him on the cheek, and then his face blushed.

Ye Tianxue slept very happily, but Tang Feng was miserable. Ye Tianxue is a woman and a big beauty, especially the fragrance of the virginity that stimulates his nerves all the time. After finally getting through it, I don’t know when he fell asleep. Feeling a soft thing on his face, he opened his eyes in a daze, “What time is Tianxue.”

Seeing Tang Feng opened his eyes, Ye Tianxue hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. He opened his eyes until he spoke, “I don’t know.” She just said that the alarm rang, and then she laughed.” Da Lai Bao will get up soon and go to school.” Today is Thursday, and the two of them are going to school.

Tang Feng thought for a while. Chen Yuhua was not there, and someone in the company was in charge. He really had nothing to do, and going to school was also a good choice, so he sat up from the bed.

After eating breakfast, the two walked side by side to the school, especially Ye Tianxue. Since the two people got closer last night, she has become more dependent on Tang Feng and leaned closely on him. Although Tang Feng has some I was not used to it, but I didn’t say anything. After I got to the gate of the school, I was just about to separate from Ye Tianxue. I found someone was taking a photo of the two people. I frowned at that time, and then chased after him and grabbed the other person’s hand. camera.

“Come on, catch the thief, someone stole my camera.” The visitor is not someone else but Ouyang Ke, who was humiliated by Tang Feng yesterday. He didn’t expect the other party to grab the camera in his hand, so he had the idea He cried out loudly.

Ouyang Ke’s shout really worked, and countless people quickly looked over here and attracted the attention of the security guard at the gate.

“What’s going on, what’s going on?” The prince was separating the surrounding students and squeezed from the crowd. He was stunned when he saw the two people in front of him. Isn’t this the young man who gave me the cigarette? Isn’t that Ouyang Ke? The two of them had a conflict yesterday, so why did they get on again today? The prince looked at the two people in front of him and was also worried. He didn’t want to offend either of them.

Tang Feng seemed to laugh, isn’t this the brother Wang who was still talking to himself yesterday? Just a clever move, and then with a strong finger, he made a “gappa gaba” sound, and then said to the prince: “Brother Wang, this man has wronged me. It was clear that his camera fell on the ground just now, and then I helped him. I picked it up, but framed me for stealing. Have you ever seen someone who stole something and didn’t run away and waited for someone to shout? Framing, this is clearly framed.” Tang Feng pointed at Ouyang Ke and began to yell at him and threw the camera away. Gave him, “Here you are.”

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