Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 429 Reproduce The Black Man

Chapter 431

“Master, Ouyang Ke failed. The other party is very vigilant. Are we going to make the next step?” The big man in black in the villa in the capital was reporting to the young man in white.

Just yesterday, a group of mysterious people found Ouyang Ke. Ouyang Ke didn’t care at first, but the strength displayed by the other party frightened him, so he could not fight back by himself. He practiced hard. After three years of Sanda, he was a little skeptical about his life at this time. Previously, he met one at the school gate, and now he met another one, no, not one, but a group.

“What did you bring me here for?” Ouyang Ke looked at the black-clothed man in a panic. Fortunately, he still has the ability to think. He is worthy of being a son of the family, and has some insight.

“Ouyang Ke, a 23-year-old male, is the grandson of Ouyang Wen from the family of Ouyang. His father Ouyang Le is 49 years old and is currently the vice chairman of Ouya Co., Ltd., and his mother Tian Qingfang is 46 years old and serves as the general manager of Ouya Co., Ltd…”

As the big man in black popped out word by word, cold sweat broke out on Ouyang Ke’s forehead. It can be said that the other party knew everything he had done, even the bad things he had done.

“Who are you and why did you get me here? Since you know that I belong to the Ouyang family, are you not afraid of Ouyang’s revenge?” Ouyang Ke forcefully calmed down and said harshly.

“Really? You have to know that since we can investigate you clearly, we are not afraid of you. Ouyang’s family is indeed very powerful. However, you can only count as a dog in Ouyang’s family, and pinching you to death is like pinching one to death. Like ants, think about it, how would it feel if we threw you off the roof like this?” The man in black shook his hand at the person behind him, and then two people came out of the crowd to stand by Ouyang Ke Just walk upstairs.

Ouyang Ke took a look downstairs and was shocked. This is a 20-story building. If it falls down, it won’t be broken, his legs are trembling, and a sorrow fills the air. Look at Ouyang Ke. A large piece of her pants has long been wet.

The man in black frowned as he watched Ouyang Ke’s performance, “I thought you were so stiff, you turned out to be a soft guy.”(Read more @

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, you can do whatever you want, I can give you money if you ask for money, as long as you blackmail my dad, he will definitely give you a lot of money.” At this time, Ouyang Ke no longer Without the previous calmness, the whole person is out of control.

The black-clothed man shook his hands at the two people holding Ouyang Ke, and the two of them pulled Ouyang Ke back from the rooftop. At this time, Ouyang Ke breathed a sigh of relief. a feeling of.

“Ouyang Ke, we have no malice in inviting you this time. This is just to show our strength and allow us to cooperate better in the future. In fact, we have a common purpose.” The man in black looked at Ouyang Ke after he finished speaking. .

After listening to the big man in black, Ouyang Ke had already cursed his mother in his heart, and said, “Is there such a cooperation? There is no malice, no malice to kidnap me, no malice to take me to the rooftop, with his feet hanging in the air. As long as you let go of your own life, you will be accountable, and there are so many beautiful women waiting for the young master to cultivate…”

Ouyang Ke’s dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction, but he didn’t dare to show it. What happened just now was still in shock. If he came here for a while, he would have to be scared of a heart attack, so he could only squeeze a smile out, “Brother, you said, you have Whatever you order, as long as Ouyang Ke can do it, I will definitely do it.”

The man in black was very satisfied with Ouyang Ke’s performance, nodded, and then said: “Remember the young man with Ye Tianxue?”

The words of the big man in black instantly reminded Ouyang Ke of encountering Ye Tianxue at the entrance of the school. At the same time, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The young man was absolutely abnormal. Not only did he not take advantage of it, he also asked him to repair it. After a meal, it was because of this that I had nowhere to get angry, so I came to the bar, hoping to find a girl who had a diarrhea. As a result, when he was about to carry his gun, two big men in black came in from the outside. Was brought here.

“Ye Tianxue, Ye Tianxue, you are a crazy woman, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t make a fool of yourself, let alone be caught here.” Ouyang Ke became more angry as he thought about it, and his face was a bit hideous, the black-clothed man saw Ouyang Ke smiled, smiling very happily.

“Brother, you said, you can do whatever you want to do.” Ouyang Ke saw the man in black smile, and hurriedly flattered him.

“Ouyang Ke, we have some things that are inconvenient, so we can only find someone to cooperate. Since it is cooperation, we must have sincerity. As long as you really do things for us, we will not treat you badly, and even let you sit on the head of the house. The position, even if you don’t become a Patriarch, is still at the level of elders.”

The words of the big man in black are like a seed, sprouting quickly in Ouyang Ke’s heart, always thinking about the authenticity of the other party’s words, and what the other party is doing? Carefully glanced at the big man in black, “Big brother, you said, as long as you can let me sit in the position of elder, I am willing to go up to the sword and down the sea of ​​fire.”

The Ouyang family is very powerful. It is almost impossible to be the head of the family. Even if the opponent is very powerful, Ouyang Ke is self-aware of this, but the elders are different, as long as they have made great contributions to the family. Everyone has the opportunity to promote an elder exceptionally. Even if you are a sideline, if the other party is really willing to help him, he still has the opportunity to become an elder. The opponent must also be very strong. It is definitely not the power to train so many masters. A small force, at least not much worse than Ouyang’s family.

The man in black was very satisfied with Ouyang Ke’s performance, nodded, and then said, “Do you remember the kid next to Ye Tianxue? Our young master is more interested in him, but it’s not convenient to take action. Your mission It’s very simple, just take a few frontal photos of him, and constantly monitor his movements, and then report to us.”

After listening to the other party’s request, Ouyang Ke was stunned at the time, “It’s that simple? If that’s what you said earlier, why bother to catch me here and scare me…” Ouyang Ke thought so in his heart. But dare not say it.

“Yes, no problem, don’t worry, brother, this matter is handed over to me, and I promise to complete the task.” Ouyang Ke was taken aback for a while and reacted immediately.

The big men in black disappeared. Ouyang Ke was finally relieved standing on the top of the building. At the same time, he was a little scared. Until now, he did not understand why the other party would find him, why he would leave such a simple thing to himself. Since there is no malice, he is relieved, and his heart is also full of hope. If he really wants to befriend the other party, it is really possible to sit as an elder.

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