Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 519 Successful Foundation

Chapter 521

Cultivation is boring, time is slow, and the speed of cultivating inside is dozens of times faster than outside. The rich aura makes two people make continuous progress, especially Tang Feng, which is simply a water-absorbing machine, and countless auras are crazy. Rushed into his body.

One month later, Tang Feng finally felt the fullness of the aura in his dantian, and officially reached the peak of Qi training. To his surprise, Bai Yaqing also entered the early stage of Qi training. If placed in ancient times, he would be considered a martial arts master. Up.

After reaching the peak of Qi training, Tang Feng was not in a hurry to build a foundation. Instead, he taught Bai Yaqing while consolidating his cultivation. Until three days later, he picked up the jade bottle again, and a golden pill came from the mouth of the bottle. Pour it out, the stone room is instantly filled with fragrance.

The pill melts in the mouth, and a scorching force dissipates to Tang Feng’s whole body along the eight meridians of the Qi meridian, like a fire burning in his body. Don’t think too much, quickly converge your mind and apply the exercises. At the extreme, thirty-six consecutive small cycles, 16 large cycles, the cycle speed is getting faster and faster.

In the originally fragrant stone room, a stench spread in the air. Bai Yaqing moved her nose and woke up from the practice, and looked at Tang Feng. Tang Feng at this time looked a bit hideous, her whole body was red, and her veins were violent. If she hadn’t asked Tang Feng in advance, she might have shouted.

As Tang Feng’s body debris is constantly being discharged, the smell in the stone room is getting more and more unpleasant. If Bai Yaqing hadn’t adapted slowly, he would have been fainted long ago. He could only practice desperately, only when he was practicing. Will forget the surrounding environment.

For two days and two nights, Tang Feng sat crouched on the stone bed, the blue veins on his face also disappeared, and in exchange for a black patch, he was simply a coal worker who had just come out of the cave.


Tang Feng exhaled the last turbid gas and finally entered the innate.

After entering the Xiantian, Tang Feng can use some small spells, but he has to borrow some magical tools. Now all his belongings are in the reincarnation disk. With his ability, he can’t open it at all, but he doesn’t know how to use it when he has Baoshan.

“Don’t come over, you are so stinky.”

After Tang Feng stood up from the stone bed, Bai Yaqing backed away in fright.

Tang Feng just remembered that he had just finished building the foundation, and smiled awkwardly, “We can go out.” Then he jumped off the stone bed.(Read more @


Before Bai Yaqing understood what was going on, she heard the “quack” sound from the stone bed. Tang Feng moved the head of the bed with both hands and was spinning vigorously. As the stone bed rotated, the stone door also exposed a gap. It got bigger and bigger, and Tang Feng didn’t stop spinning until he could pass a person.

“Hahaha…I Tang Feng is back…” Standing on the top of the mountain, Tang Feng yelled frantically, even Bai Yaqing was infected by him, “I Bai Yaqing is back…” The voice kept in the valley. The reverberations, until tired, the two people stopped shouting.

When I went there, two people were burdened. Even Bai Yaqing carried dozens of kilograms of objects on his body. When they came back, the two of them carried a small backpack. Except for some water and food, they didn’t need everything. All lost in the cave.

In a blink of an eye, it was mid-August. Tang Feng hadn’t contacted his home for a month and a half. The two hurriedly found a hotel nearby. The first thing was to take a shower comfortably, and then each made a phone call. Safe.

“Sister Yaqing, do you know where to bet on rocks?”

In the evening, Bai Yaqing was meditating, and Tang Feng walked in from outside.

Jade gambling stone or gambling refers to jadeite that is covered by a layer of weathered skin when it is mined. It is impossible to know the quality of jade gambling stone inside. The quality of jadeite gambling stone can only be known after cutting. Jade gambling or gambling refers to the fact that when the jade is mined, it is covered with a layer of weathered leather, and it is impossible to know its quality.

Jadeite is also a kind of spiritual stone, but the quality is very low and the energy contained is limited. Since it contains energy, Tang Feng can feel it. Now there is still half a month to start school. He wants to use this time to earn some money and make his own Parents also have a good life.

“Stone bet?”

Bai Yaqing was stunned, looking at Tang Feng with some incomprehension.

“Sister Yaqing, you know the situation in my family. I’m going to the capital to go to school. I want my parents to have a better life.”

Tang Feng did not conceal, but directly stated his purpose.

“Tang Feng, although I don’t understand stone gambling, I know jadeite gambling stone. The quality of jadeite can only be known after cutting. It is called jade gambling stone. Leaving the emerald mine, the increase in gambling is only one ten thousandth. Material>, the chance of gambling on a rise in the jade mine is much higher. A bet on a jade rise will make you rich overnight, but most of them end up in failure. It’s not that I attack you. This kind of behavior is simply impossible. For money , You can sell the jade bottle in your hand.”

“Sister Yaqing, jade is a manifestation of energy. Just like our cultivation, I can know the amount of energy in this stone as long as I put my hand on it. Not only can I, but you can also.”

Tang Feng didn’t say nonsense that the jade is wrapped in stones, and you can’t see what’s inside. However, you can feel the fluctuations of spiritual power by placing your hands on it. The greater the fluctuation, the higher the energy and the quality of the jade. The better.

Bai Yaqing didn’t expect this. She herself didn’t know that after practicing this qigong, she would have such benefits. Doesn’t it mean that she won’t have to worry about money anymore, as long as she doesn’t have any money, she can just buy two stones. Just sell it.

“Tang Feng, what you said is true?”

Bai Yaqing was so happy that she didn’t realize that she was holding Tang Feng’s arm. The two looked so ambiguous.

“It’s true, but money is just something outside of the body. It’s enough to spend. The most important thing is to cultivate well. Only after you have cultivated to a certain level will you discover that the outside world is so big.”

Tang Feng is like telling a book from heaven, Bai Yaqing can’t understand it at all.

“If you want to bet on rocks, I really know a place.”

Bai Yaqing has never gambled on stone. Zhao Deqiang likes it very much. She also heard him mention it. At that time, she also gave her some small accessories, but the quality was relatively poor, and the maximum was several thousand yuan. These were all his gambling on stone. Here, not to mention that every time I lost my money, it was almost the same. This is why Bai Yaqing opposed Tang Feng’s gambling on stones at the beginning.

Tang Feng just wanted to get lucky, but Bai Yaqing didn’t expect that Bai Yaqing really knew it. It seemed that she was really her own goddess of luck, so she couldn’t wait to ask, “Where, tell me.”

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