Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 520 Betting On Rocks

Chapter 522

The largest and most authoritative public market for jadeite public is the Naypyidaw public market in Myanmar, which opens on June 24 every year. This was abroad, and it was over long ago, and Bai Yaqing had long been ruled out.

Pingzhou, the largest jade gambling market in China, is known to everyone in the jade circle. Compared with the public market in Myanmar, the scale of the Pingzhou public market is much smaller in terms of gross material, number of people, and transaction amount, but it is held in the country and it is more convenient to participate and trade. It is an event that has been valued in the jade circle.

Pingzhou is a small town tens of kilometers away from G City and close to the city of F Mountain. For more than ten years, it has first become the distribution center of national jade bracelets and gained fame, and then it is named after the continuous jade public market in recent years. Wen Xia has become a holy place for the creation of countless jade myths.

China’s cloning ability is truly enviable by the world. Whether it is technology, product or model, as long as it can be used by me, it will be more perfect.

Emerald public auctions, a model similar to auctions, have appeared in Yangon, Myanmar since the 1960s. The total number of public auctions in various forms may not exceed 200. In Pingzhou, there are about large auctions. In 10 companies, there are about 30 public markets held a year, and there is a growing trend.

Pingzhou’s public market model is similar to that of Myanmar’s public market, but incorporates features that are more adapted to China’s national conditions and market-oriented. For example, for admission qualifications, each person who participates in the Myanmar public market has to pay an entrance fee of 100,000 euros (deposit, refundable), while in Pingzhou, only members of the Pingzhou Jade Association can participate.

If it was Tang Feng alone, he would definitely not be able to participate. Even Bai Yaqing would have some difficulties. 100,000 euros is not a small amount, equivalent to 1 million Chinese coins. If it weren’t for Tang Feng’s claim to be able to identify the quality of jade, Bai Ya Qing will definitely not help him.

Pingzhou in the public sale period can be described by the crowd of people, and the most vivid metaphor for entering the bidding field can only be canned sardines. There are more than tens of thousands of “members” from all over the country, each of whom brings a few partners or friends into the venue. They go back and forth every day during the public market for about ten days. Most of the venue is occupied by various types of stones. , You can imagine how crowded the remaining space is.

Bai Yaqing got these things from Zhao Deqiang. Under the encouragement of Tang Feng, she immediately called Zhao Deqiang, “Brother Deqiang, I want to go to Pingzhou for a few days, can you take me?”

Tang Feng had already told Bai Yaqing that she could not tell anyone about her qigong practice, not even her parents. These must be too appalling, even she can feel it herself. Since practicing Qigong, she feels that her physical condition is getting better and better, especially her strength. She couldn’t move anything over a hundred catties before, but now it’s different. Let alone a hundred catties, it’s just two. A hundred catties can be lifted easily, and she herself doesn’t know how strong she is.

“Yaqing, do you want to bet on rocks?”

Pingzhou Zhao Deqiang has been there several times, and every time he lost his money, he gradually forgot. He hasn’t been there for two years. Now when Bai Yaqing mentioned it, he evoked the gluttons in his heart again. It’s going out soon.

“Brother Deqiang, I just want to have fun. I heard that there are good jadeites there. I want to see it.”(Read more @

In order not to expose her practice of qigong, she could only make up a lie.

“If you want to go and see, I can take you there, but I am no longer a member and must call a friend.”

Zhao Deqiang thought for a while, since she just went to have a look, she met her wish.

Bai Yaqing didn’t tell Zhao Deqiang where she was. The two agreed to meet in Pingzhou three days later, and then hung up the phone.

“Tang Feng, my previous life was really your woman?”

The long-distance train is long. Bai Yaqing is sitting inside and Tang Feng is sitting outside. Originally, Bai Yaqing was looking out the window, suddenly turned her head and asked Tang Feng such a question.

Since Tang Feng built the foundation, qualitative changes have taken place all over the body, especially the skin, which is almost translucent. Bai Yaqing was a little envious when she saw it. Fortunately, Tang Feng told her that as long as you practice hard, one day it will become Such.

From the fact that Bai Yaqing can enter the early stage of Qi training in one month, Tang Feng can see that her spiritual roots are very high, and he still can’t tell what spiritual roots are.

“Why do you fall in love with me?”

Tang Feng replied with no skin and face, saying that he is also a master in the foundation period, and his appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes. A handsome young man, if he has suitable clothes, he is the young master of whose family. .

“Narcissism, I just ask casually, who would like you as a kid!”

Bai Yaqing curled her lips. After this period of getting along, the two people got along very well and often joked. Even Tang Feng wondered if she had changed and how she was completely different from her previous life.

After a day and night of turbulence, the two finally arrived at Pingzhou ahead of schedule. Neither of them was a member, and they couldn’t get in at all. Even if they got in, they didn’t have much money.

Pingzhou is worthy of being the largest public market in China. In addition to the public market, there are also many rough stones on the periphery. However, the quality is relatively poor compared to the public market. Most of them are scrap materials. The cheaper ones are tens of yuan, and the more expensive ones. Just tens of thousands of yuan.

“Sister Yaqing, how much money do you have?”

Neither Tang Feng nor Bai Yaqing have much money, and now the periphery just meets the requirements of the two.

“There are more than 3,000.”

Bai Yaqing blushed when she answered. When she came out, she only brought 10,000 yuan in cash. The two bought a lot of daily necessities. The accommodation and travel expenses along the way, now only 3,000 yuan left.

Tang Feng thought for a while, “It’s enough, let’s buy some cheap ones first, and then sell them, so that we have money.”

Tang Feng’s idea is very good. He was dumbfounded when he went to pick the rough stone. He touched dozens of pieces continuously. Not to mention the fluctuation of spiritual power, but he didn’t even feel any spiritual power. He himself doubted his method. Is it feasible.

“Tang Feng, Tang Feng, come here quickly, what do you think of this stone?”

Just when Tang Feng was picking stones from countless stalls, Bai Yaqing suddenly shouted at him while holding a big stone weighing more than ten kilograms.

Bai Yaqing’s appearance was already outstanding, and attracted the attention of countless people along the way. This shout attracted everyone’s attention even more, and even some people gathered around. There was the first and the second. More and more people came around.

“Miss, if you like this piece, I will buy it and give it to you.”

Tang Feng just squeezed from the crowd, and saw a 27-year-old young man showing courtesy to Bai Yaqing, his face became cold at that time, “Sister Yaqing, let me come and see.” He squeezed deliberately. After coming over, the young man fell to the ground as soon as he tried hard.

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