Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 521 Stone Was Robbed

Chapter 523

“Boy, you are looking for death!”

Yuan Hao originally came to participate in the public sale. He deliberately found a good time. When he was about to go inside, his eyes suddenly lit up, “What a beautiful woman.” Such a beautiful woman is rare even for him. , Especially that unique temperament, almost kill those so-called big stars in seconds.

Most women like Bai Yaqing have a lot of backgrounds, and they are not something that Yuan Hao can provoke. He also thinks that this person is also here to participate in the public market. He wanted to get a familiar face, hoping to get to know him. .

Just when Yuan Hao was trying to strike up a conversation, he heard that the other party seemed to be yelling, and then I realized that the other party was not here to participate in any public sale, maybe it was a tourist. By the way, he bought two pieces of wool. Take a chance.

From this point, Yuan Hao could see that the other party was not a wealthy person, so he made up his mind and walked over. He didn’t expect that he was hit by a stunned boy when he was about to strike up a conversation. He was so angry at that time. After getting up from the ground, he glared at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng ignored Yuan Hao at all, and directly accepted the stone in Bai Yaqing’s hand. It was a piece of scrap that was cut to pieces. It was about half a basketball and weighed more than ten kilograms. A trace of faint energy circulated in it, and the wool was returned to Bai Yaqing without any sensation. “Sister Yaqing, if you like us, you can buy it. It’s a chance.”

Yuan Hao saw that Tang Feng didn’t care about him at all, and was about to furious, only to find that the other party was called that woman’s sister. He instantly understood, isn’t this the future brother-in-law? Can not offend, absolutely can not offend, in order to show his greatest sincerity, he simply looked at the stall owner, “Boss, how much is this stone, I want it.”

The stall owner looked at Bai Yaqing and Tang Feng. They were here to travel. They didn’t understand anything. Originally, they planned to slaughter two people for a meal. However, they killed Cheng Xiaojin halfway and looked at Yuan Shao. He looked like an old man. The fried dough sticks, and some dissatisfaction replied, “Ten yuan per catty.” The stall owner wanted to kill Yuan Shao, but he didn’t dare. If he tells any secrets, the two of them will definitely not buy it, even if This piece can’t be sold either.

These are all waste materials. He collected them on the public market and recycled them at the price of the earthwork. Then, he looked for interesting ones, good-looking ones, and big ones, just like Bai Yaqing. If you change the piece in your hand to someone who is knowledgeable, don’t say 10 yuan, you don’t need to give it for nothing.

Not far from the exit of the public market, there are professional calcites that charge 50 yuan each time. Of course, you can solve it yourself, and the fee is relatively small, only 20 yuan.

Most of the scraps bought outside of the public are novices, and they don’t know how to solve the stone at all. Even if they do, they are all too dirty. Finally, they are handed over to the master of understanding stone.(Read more @

What Bai Yaqing was holding was obviously waste. Even if it was given for nothing, he still had to spend the money for the stone. This is the reason for the stall owner’s distress. If he can’t slaughter someone, he can only accept the plant and quote the highest price. .

“Boss, I think this stone is only about 10 jin, how about I give you 100 yuan?”

Yuan Hao took out an old man from his pocket and handed it to the stall owner. The stall owner smiled and took it, “Okay, sir, the stone is yours, do you need me to help you solve it? open?”

Chen Geng and the others do small transactions. There is almost no cost for such scraps. They are earned when they are sold. Although there are many people here, there are very few real buyers, and most of them are here for knowledge. I can’t sell a few dollars a day, so I am happy to open it now.

“Boss, my sister first saw this stone, so why sell it to him?”

Tang Feng saw that Chen Geng was about to take back the scraps in Bai Yaqing’s hands. He was unhappy at the time, and Bai Yaqing’s face was not very beautiful. She was chosen by a thousand choices, but now she has been selected by others. Headline, of course not happy.

“This little brother, it’s not that I don’t sell it to you. This young lady has been watching here for a long time, and I don’t know if you can buy it. If you don’t buy it after reading it, didn’t I just throw it in your hands? If you like it, you can take a look at that piece. I promise it will be cheaper for you.”

While smiling, Chen Geng pointed to the largest piece of wool on the side, saying that it was wool, but it was actually an ordinary stone. It was because he came from a mine in Myanmar that he appeared here. This piece of wool is the largest piece of Chen Geng’s waste, weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Bai Yaqing chose a lot of stones, anyway, she didn’t understand, which piece was big, she looked at which piece, she had touched the piece that Chen Geng pointed to, and the first one touched him, but no energy fluctuation.

Tang Feng also understands the boss’s meaning. Indeed, as he said, Bai Yaqing and he did pick a lot, but they didn’t buy it. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it, and simply touched it like the big rock the boss pointed to.

Tang Feng didn’t understand the rough stone. Like Bai Yaqing, he started from the biggest. He didn’t know that this piece was eliminated by Bai Yaqing a long time ago. He just tried it. Just putting his hand up, his eyes lit up, and there was a faint fluctuation along the stone. If he didn’t experience it carefully, he would really ignore it.

“Tang Feng, shall we take a look over there?”

Bai Yaqing finally found a piece with fluctuating energy, but was bought by someone else, feeling a little unhappy.

“Hello, miss. My name is Yuan Hao. This time I am here to participate in the public sale. I am very glad to meet you. You have been offended just now. In order to make up for my recklessness, this stone is given to you.”

Yuan Hao was polite, like a gentleman, dragging the piece of rough waste to Bai Yaqing with both hands.

Lost and returned, what is lost and returned, this is called lost and returned, but Bai Yaqing will not accept it. From the first time Yuan Hao saw her expression, she knew that the other party hadn’t made any good ideas, coldly. “Sorry, I have no habit of accepting gifts from others.”

Tang Feng has been watching the conversation between the two people, especially Bai Yaqing’s attitude towards Yuan Hao. He was so happy that he stood up and grabbed Bai Yaqing’s little hand, “Sister Yaqing, let’s buy this one! Then! The piece is too small, even if there is any jade in it, it’s not a big deal.”

If Bai Yaqing would definitely throw Tang Feng’s hand away in normal times, she could only endure the harassment in front of him now, and squatted down with Tang Feng.

Bai Yaqing has touched this big rock long ago, and there is no energy fluctuation at all, she frowned, “Tang Feng, let’s go there and see? We don’t have much money with us, this is so big , Money must be indispensable.”

Bai Yaqing’s voice is very small, but the stall owner sitting across from her and Yuan Hao behind her still heard it, especially the stall owner, who has been happy for a long time, and it seems that she has really been taken advantage of.

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