Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 522 Bought A Stone

Chapter 524

“How much is the stone for the vendor?”

Tang Feng ignored Bai Yaqing’s objection and directly asked Chen Geng in order to prevent being robbed again.

Chen Geng saw that the wrongdoer had taken the bait, and his face couldn’t hide a smile, “Little brother, good eyesight, the stones here are all good stones. They are all 10 yuan a catty, and those who are less than a catty are counted as ten yuan. If you want it, I’ll give you a cheaper price, 1,000 yuan, 1,000 yuan not to counter-offer.”

While talking, Chen Geng also looked at Yuan Hao behind Bai Yaqing. He understood that Yuan Hao didn’t come to him to buy stones at all, but fell in love with Bai Yaqing. , Maybe the one behind will please the beauty in front of you.

The bigger the stone, the more valuable it is, and at the same time it is not sold by the catty. All of them are waste materials. If they are knowledgeable, they are 10 yuan to 100 yuan. Even if you buy it, you will try your luck. Now I have encountered two bullies. This time If his business is successful, it will be at least equivalent to his weekly income.

In 2003, the per capita salary was about 1,000 yuan. Chen Geng earned 4,000 to 5,000 monthly income from scrap sales. Excluding some expenses, he earned more than 3,000 yuan a month, which can be said to be a huge profit.

“Tang Feng, shall we go there and have a look?”

Although Bai Yaqing didn’t care about the 1,000 yuan, she was unwilling to be caught by Tang Feng’s arm and was ready to stand up.

“Miss, I’m here to participate in the public sale. If you don’t mind, why don’t you take a look inside. The outside is all scraps, there is nothing good at all, the inside is different, what’s inside? There are all kinds of rough stones, they are all shipped from Myanmar, and some are even from Laokeng, Myanmar. If you are lucky, you might get rich overnight.”

Now Bai Yaqing wears very ordinary clothes and does not have a famous brand. Yuan Hao only regards her as an ordinary girl. If she can get started, she would be even happier. He is a jade lover, well-known in the circle, he has helped his friends bet a few yuan, this is also invited by his friends, if he wants to bring in a person, there is no problem at all.

After the experiment just now, Bai Yaqing really wanted to go in, but she was still measured and knew the choice, but looked back at Yuan Shao and said, “Thank you, we have friends who took us in.”

Yuan Shao was very embarrassed by Bai Yaqing’s rejection on the spot, but he was still not reconciled, “It’s okay. I once helped my friends bet several dollars, and the best one has risen by several million.”

Yuan Hao had just finished speaking, and he was in an uproar. He looked at his eyes full of little stars. How much he wished he was Bai Yaqing in front of him, and then let the man in front of him bring in, maybe he could become rich overnight. .(Read more @

A few million is not a small sum for Bai Yaqing. Her family is very rich, and they are all fixed assets. She has never had so much money before. If she didn’t know that Zhao Deqiang was coming over, she would be moved. So she was also very excited, and quietly pulled Tang Feng’s arm.

Tang Feng knows that Bai Yaqing is seeking his own opinion, and he also wants to go in, but the two of them have no money at all. The rough stones in there are tens of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions, even if he knows he can bet. , But two people have no money and can only stare.

“Sister Yaqing, forget it! Why don’t we buy this piece and try our luck.”

Tang Feng did feel the energy fluctuations in this stone. He just missed one piece. He didn’t want to miss the second one. The stalls nowadays have been touched by two people for one-third, only to find two pieces, if you missed it, I really don’t know how to wait until the year of the monkey.

Bai Yaqing didn’t understand Tang Feng’s meaning and thought she had read it wrong. She put her hand on the original stone again, but she still didn’t feel the energy fluctuation, she shook her head helplessly, “Tang Feng, let’s go there and take a look. Right!”

Chen Geng glanced at the two gold masters leaving, and was anxious at the time, “Miss, don’t worry, if you are too expensive, I can give you a 20% discount, what do you think of 800 yuan?”

“Boss, don’t deceive people. Where is this rough stone? It is clearly a stone. Don’t say 800 yuan. No one wants 100 yuan.”

In order to win Bai Yaqing’s favor, Yuan Hao also drank it. Yuan Hao just came here to help people bet on rocks. Once the bet goes up, he can get a certain commission. Normally, the two are irrelevant. If you make your fortune, I earn my money, but now he offends the boss in front of him. .

Chen Geng’s expression changed when he heard what Yuan Hao said. “Sir, please pay attention to your words. Although I am not a good rough stone here, they are all from Burma, not the stone you said yes. .”

After listening to the conversation between Yuan Hao and Chen Geng, Tang Feng realized that he was almost taken a victim. Although he didn’t like Yuan Hao’s renewal, he was grateful to him, but he had to take this stone. Bai Yaqing didn’t pay him. Buy it yourself.

“Boss, I don’t know anything. I just want to buy it for fun. I don’t have too much money. If my sister doesn’t buy it for me, I’ll pay 100 yuan. If you sell it, I will buy it. If you don’t sell it, I can only go there and have a look.”

Tang Feng stood up as he spoke, and forced the town to look at Chen Geng.

Chen Geng glared at Yuan Hao directly, and the hundreds of yuan were just so hot, and finally nodded helplessly, “Well, 100 yuan is 100 yuan.”

Tang Feng nodded in relief when he saw Chen Geng, took out a crumpled old man from his pocket and handed it over.

Bai Yaqing originally planned to stop it, but when she saw that Tang Feng had already paid, she shook her head helplessly.

“Boss, can you help me untie this stone?”

The stone is too big, it is impossible for Tang Feng to run around in his arms. After unlocking it, he might still be able to sell it for a good price. This is also called opening the door.

Faced with Tang Feng’s request, Chen Geng was a little embarrassed. He knew that this piece was just an ordinary stone, and there would be no jade at all. Once it broke, there would be no way to continue to fool the people behind.

“Boss, don’t worry, I just need to use the calcite machine behind you. Even if it breaks down, it won’t matter. Just spend 100 yuan to buy it for fun.”

Tang Feng explained that Chen Geng was a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Tang Feng had said so, Chen Geng was not embarrassed, nodded, OK, I will help you solve it, “How do you want to solve it?”

Tang Feng thought for a while, and then made a gesture in the middle of this big rock. Chen Geng laughed when he saw it. There is no such kind of stone, it seems that he was right when he said to have fun, and he laughed twice. “Okay.” Anyway, he knew that it would be broken, and it would be the same wherever he went.

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