Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 534 Crazy Stone (11)

Chapter 536 Crazy Stone (11)

The dignified Miss An’s was actually asked to be a maid by the little boy in front of her, Anya finally laughed angrily by him, and wiped her tears gently with a tissue.

“Actually, you look pretty when you smile, at least better than when you cry.”

Tang Feng couldn’t help but praise her.

“Well, as long as you can find me 10 pieces of jade that is similar to that piece of jade, I promise to be your maid.”

Anya is really irritated by Tang Feng, but also annoyed, hoping to get rid of this tail as soon as possible.

“This is what you said, don’t regret it then.”

Tang Feng looked at Anya and smiled, smiling very sensually, seeing Anya is a little hairy, “He doesn’t really have that much material, right? Impossible, absolutely impossible, how old he is, don’t say he is a little kid Yes, even the biggest owner here doesn’t have so many top-quality ingredients.”

Anya doesn’t know what’s wrong. She hopes that Tang Feng can really produce so many ice seeds, but she doesn’t want it. At this time, she is very contradictory and confused. This time she brought a total of 200 million yuan, one billion yuan to purchase raw materials, and one billion yuan to purchase rough stones.

“I, Anya, never speaks for words.”

An Ya clenched her teeth and kept her eyes on Qian Guangcang who was trading with Bai Yaqing in the distance.

“Miss Ann, I’m sorry, my brother is a bit naughty, don’t mind what he says”

After Bai Yaqing and Qian Guangcang finished the transaction, they walked over from there, only to find that Anya had two tears on her face. She glared at Tang Feng directly, and Tang Feng waved her hand innocently, meaning to say something to me. Didn’t do it either.

“Miss Tang, I’m a little bit sorry about what happened just now, it’s because I have no eyes.”

Bai Yaqing was talking with An Qing. Jin Sheng, who was talking with Chen Geng, walked over and gave Bai Yaqing a 90-degree bow.

“Old sir, you can’t make it, you can’t make it.”

Bai Yaqing didn’t understand what was going on, she saw Jin Sheng bowing to her and quickly helped her. How powerful she was, Jin Sheng could no longer bend, so she raised her head and looked at Bai Yaqing’s confused eyes. He was also in a daze, “Am I wrong?”

In order to prove his thoughts, Jin Sheng solemnly said: “Miss Tang, did your siblings solve three stones here? It should be 4, which one was robbed?”

Bai Yaqing didn’t understand Jin Sheng’s meaning, and nodded. Only Tang Feng was standing on the side, squinting, but his eyes were shining.(Read more @

“Dare to ask Miss Tang, is every stone you drew before the stone is laid?”

Jin Sheng continued to ask.

“No, one piece was painted by Tang Feng, and my surname is not Tang, but my surname is Bai.”

Bai Yaqing always felt awkward when she heard the call of Miss Jin Sheng Tang, Miss Tang, and now there are fewer people, it is time to explain.

“Sorry Miss Bai, Kim was abrupt, so are you?”

Jin Sheng pointed to Tang Feng.

“Old man, you don’t have to guess, the two of us don’t have any blood relationship, she is my’fuck’ sister, you know.”

Tang Feng said the word ‘do’ very heavily, and he showed a wicked smile on purpose. There were all sensible people present, and he would be a fool if he couldn’t hear what was going on. Especially Bai Yaqing’s face turned red when she heard Tang Feng’s words, and she glared at him, but did not refute.

Although Jin Sheng is over 70 years old, he was also young. How could he not understand the truth, and he was a little curious about how Tang Feng caught up with the woman in front of him.

This kind of thing is just to think about it. The most important thing for him now is to determine the identity of Bai Yaqing, so he went on to probe: “Miss Bai, you are the second jade king I have seen since I was Chen Lao. You are really a generation of Jiangshan. After being born by a generation of talents, can Jin be honored to invite Miss Bai to sit at home for a while?”

Anya couldn’t understand what Jin Shengzai and Bai Yaqing were saying, and her eyes widened when she heard the three characters “Jade King”.

“Is she really the King of Emerald?”

It’s only now that Anya began to formally look at Bai Yaqing, and at the same time, she had a small abacus in her heart. “If she is really the King of Emerald, then Tang Feng’s ten pieces of ice-seeded material will definitely not be a problem. That’s not to say that she wants to Are you his servant? No, absolutely not, you must think of a way.”

Bai Yaqing didn’t speak, and looked at Tang Feng. Just when Tang Feng was about to speak, An Ya next to him spoke, “What I said to you just now doesn’t count.”

Tang Feng’s eyes widened, “Miss An, how can you say it?”

“Your sister is the King of Emerald. You are cheating. You must not forget it.”

Anya said quibblely.

“Miss Ann, what does this have to do with my sister being the King of Emerald? I didn’t say that she used her to select materials.”

Tang Feng rolled his eyes innocently, but his original plan was ruined by the old man in front of him.

“Well, since you don’t need your sister’s help, I will reluctantly agree to your previous request, but if you lose, you must ask your sister to help me choose 10 top-quality materials.”

Anya’s beautiful big eyes whispered and whispered, thinking about her little abacus in her heart.

“Okay, no problem, but this time we have to write a contract.”

Tang Feng said so, and he was already happy, “It turns out that this silly girl is so cheating.”

“I, Anya, speak for words, and I also believe that Miss Bai speaks for words.”

Bai Yaqing didn’t even know what dumb riddles Tang Feng and Anya were playing. They were repentant and unpredictable, but she knew that Tang Feng seemed to be kind, but in fact, she never suffered a lot, so she just ordered Nodding, “Tang Feng’s words represent my words.”

“This girl is so awesome.”

Tang Feng can’t wait to go up and kiss Bai Yaqing, it’s too much for him.

Anya finally breathed a sigh of relief when she got Bai Yaqing’s promise, but she didn’t worry about Tang Feng, what if he got into trouble? From now on she decided to follow him every step of the way.

Bai Yaqing has been very calm from beginning to end. Jin Sheng also confirmed her identity as the King of Emerald. She felt a little excited. At this moment, a guy in his shop was carrying a snakeskin bag and came here. “Old Jin, we have prepared the money you want.”

Jin Sheng took the snakeskin bag and just took a look, and then handed it to Tang Feng, “Brother Tang, the 600,000 you want is here, you count.” Jin Sheng even changed his name to Tang Feng. Tang Feng is the younger brother of the Emerald King. Who is the ‘Emerald King’? That is the supreme existence in the jade world. It stands to reason that he has climbed high, but the age difference between the two parties is too great.


Tang Feng didn’t even look at it. He took the snakeskin bag and carried it on his back. If he hadn’t been for his handsome face and the appearance of a student, everyone would really think that the peasants had entered the city.

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