Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 535 Crazy Stone (12)

Chapter 537 Crazy Stone (12)

Tang Feng did not agree to Jin Sheng’s invitation, but he asked him to do a small favor, that is, to become a member of the public market. With the help of Jin Sheng, he successfully handled Bai Yaqing’s membership, he was still a premium member, and even the deposit was waived. Now she and Tang Feng can walk in the door openly.

After a long time of tossing, the time is not too early. It is about 5 o’clock. Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing don’t need to stay anymore. They glanced at each other and they were ready to go back to the hotel.

Anya had booked the hotel a long time ago, but it was not the same place as Tang Feng. In order to prevent Tang Feng from making troubles, she directly followed the two people.

“Fuck, you won’t be me when you go to the toilet, do you follow?”

Originally, Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing were going to go back to the hotel to rest, but Tang Feng found that wherever he went, An Ya followed. He slowed down, and she also slowed down, and laughed at that time.

“Are you a follower? I’m afraid that a certain kid will make trouble. I want to supervise him. Why are you afraid or guilty?”

Anya is used to quarreling with Tang Feng, and now it is a bit uncomfortable not to quarrel with him.

In the evening, the three of them were eating dinner. Bai Yaqing received a call from Zhao Deqiang. He and his friend had agreed that the plane tonight would be available tomorrow morning. Originally, Bai Yaqing planned to tell him not to use it. In the past, Zhao Deqiang had lost a lot of money in gambling on stones, and now he plans to get him back.

Through today’s experiment, Bai Yaqing has become more and more confident in herself, and she has a faint smile on her face when she eats. Tang Feng has never seen her so happy before. Seeing her smile, the heart is also there. Open little by little.

“Fuck, you won’t be sleeping here at night, are you?”

Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing had opened the room a long time ago, but An Ya didn’t mean to open the room after he came. Tang Feng walked into her room and she followed in. He wanted to cry without tears at the time, but Bai Yaqing just kept his eyes open. Watching Anya walk into her room, especially at the last glance, it was a murderous look. Didn’t Anya hurt him? Destroy the relationship between him and Bai Yaqing.

“Little kid, this lady sleeps on the bed, you sleep on the sofa.”

Anya ignored Tang Feng at all and just lay on the bed.

“Do you believe it or not I will throw you out?”

Tang Feng grabbed Anya’s chest and showed a fierce look.

“Rogue, let me go.”

Anya wore a one-piece long skirt, and Tang Feng directly exposed the corset inside. She was a little flustered at the time. Tang Feng saw that she was scared, and decided to scare her, “Believe it or not that I **** you?” There was a lewd smile on his face.(Read more @

“The hooligan let me go. If I didn’t let go, I called someone.”

Anya is really scared, especially Tang Feng’s sordid smile, there is no need to act, and it can prove that he is a hooligan.

“Miss Ann, I just made a joke with you just now, didn’t you scare you?”

Anya was in a panic. Tang Feng suddenly let go of her hand and got up from the bed. Anya was still wondering if he had been modified, so she heard the door opening, and quickly got the truth and sat up from the bed. The door of the room also opened, and Bai Yaqing slowly walked in from the door and looked directly at An Ya who was sitting on the bed.

“Sister Yaqing, why are you here?”

Tang Feng’s ears are so good, Bai Yaqing’s room is opposite her, and he heard her when her door rang, and then he released Anya in time, otherwise it would be ruined if she was misunderstood.

“Why can’t I come? Did I spoil your good deeds?”

Bai Yaqing’s eyes were staring straight at Tang Feng, hoping to see something in his eyes. Tang Feng is all old fried dough sticks. Lying never blushes. Bai Yaqing can tell Bai Yaqing is not Tang Feng anymore, showing a grinning face, “Sister Yaqing, I’m bitter, you also saw this petty bug, not only do you occupy it? My bed also allows me to sleep on the sofa, you have to help me!”

“Deserve it!”

After Bai Yaqing finished speaking, she glared at Tang Feng, and then walked outside the door.

After Bai Yaqing left, Tang Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. She did come to the ward round. She is definitely worried about being alone and widow, especially Anya. I don’t know what her calculations are. In case she seduce Tang Feng, can Tang Feng control it? These are the places she is worried about. Now I heard Tang Feng say that Anya let him sleep on the sofa, and finally felt relieved, and at the same time warned Tang Feng not to mess around, she would come to check the post at any time.

Anya smiled when she saw Tang Feng eating Karma, “It turns out that he is sometimes afraid.”

“What are you laughing at, I want to take a bath, do you want to watch too?”

Tang Feng didn’t care about the Anya in front of him, and immediately began to take off his clothes…


Anya broke a sentence directly, and then turned her head over, but she still saw some before she turned it over. She didn’t know how this guy took care of it, and her skin was better than her own.

The bed was occupied by Anya, and Tang Feng could only succumb to the sofa. He did not sleep at all, meditating, and Bai Yaqing on the other side did the same, sitting on the bed quietly. Meditating for two hours is equivalent to one night’s sleep, and the mental state will be better.

At about 2 o’clock in the middle of the night, Tang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and then he heard the door, “click”, someone was opening the door. Tang Feng didn’t move at all, pretending to be lying on the sofa.

Soon the door was opened, and a dark figure came in from the outside, sneaky. With very light steps, he walked slowly toward the bed, holding a small flashlight in his hand, and shining around in the room, suddenly the light stayed on a snakeskin bag beside the bed.

The black shadow opened the snakeskin bag, took a picture with a flashlight, and then swiftly put his back behind, and gently stepped back. He was originally happy, but suddenly seemed to hit something. Looking back, it was also a black shadow. At that time, he was taken aback, “Who?”

“You take my things and want to leave without saying hello to me?”

With Tang Feng’s voice, the light in the room was also turned on. Only then did the black shadow see the black shadow blocking him. At that time, he trembled with fright. At the same time, he drew a knife from his waist. Come here, otherwise I’m not welcome.”

The man came in black clothes and black hat with a black mask on his face. Except for his eyes, he was wrapped tightly.

“Put down things and get out of here immediately, or you will die.”

Tang Feng at this time no longer looks lazy, full of murderous expression.

“Get out of the way, otherwise don’t blame me for being impolite.”

With a knife in his hand, the other party also had confidence.

The voices of the two people were very loud, and Anya was woken up in a daze when she fell asleep not long ago. As soon as she opened her eyes, she found two figures in the room, and she was awake a lot in an instant.

The man in black turned his back to Anya, and didn’t even know that she woke up. Anya was very smart and did not say anything. He quickly took out the phone from the bedside and dialed out.

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