Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 542 Crazy Stone (19)

Chapter 544 Crazy Stone (Nineteen)

Tang Feng deceived everyone calmly, no one doubted, especially Anya’s performance, it was really angry.

Yuan Hao and Wang Wanben hadn’t left yet, Tang Feng simply came to the scene to lay the stone, and specially attacked Yuan Hao. If he saw that he was really green, would he vomit blood in regret.

Now that Bai Yaqing has become the King of Jade, Tang Feng doesn’t want to reveal his identity. Even if it is a bit slower to lay the stone, he will not draw an accurate line.

“Brother Tang, how do you solve this stone?”

Until now, Tong million did not understand what Tang Feng was going to do, what he meant, he could only ask carefully.

“This, this, my sister is not here, and I don’t quite understand, you can solve the stone as you usually do!”

Tang Feng pretends to know nothing, like a child playing house.

“Okay, no problem, just leave it to me.”

The size of the original stone is not small, but the emerald is only a part, about one-third the size of the original stone. The other area is a piece of white stone. This is a stone-in-the-stone, that is, the outside is an ordinary stone, and the inside is the real original stone. .

Tang Feng knew the structure of the original stone, but he didn’t speak, just watched quietly. According to Tong million’s solution, in order to avoid wasting the jade inside, it is natural to accurately grasp the entry point and maximize the profit.

As a result, the crack damaged a lot of the area and became Tong million’s main target. He wiped a window along the crack and stepped inward bit by bit. The crack quickly disappeared and exposed. One layer of orange.

The sound of rubbing stones attracted many people to watch.

When everyone saw the changes inside, more and more people were onlookers, and some even lowered their bodies and watched from under the crotch of others. Tang Feng was surprised by the level of curiosity.

“Stone in the stone?”

Yuan Hao finally found that he had not made a mistake at the beginning, and now he was a little worried.


The rubbing machine kept rubbing, and the skylight got bigger and bigger, and there was nothing in it.(Read more @

“No green!”

“It’s a pity, it’s broken!”

“Hey, it’s broken. I didn’t see any green when I wiped out such a big skylight.”

Everyone shook their heads and sighed when they saw that the skylight that Tong million had wiped was not green at all. The value of such a large piece of rough jadeite is definitely not too low, and it will be worn down at the beginning, which is not a good sign.

In the scorching sun, Tong Million’s forehead was constantly sweating, mixed with the surrounding stone powder, and his face was long gone, but Tang Feng could only wipe it off without saying a word.

There was no increase, but everyone’s enthusiasm was reduced a lot, and some of them were ready to leave, and the crowd began to decrease.

Tang Feng has a calm face, but Anya is a little impatient, “Tang Feng, have you played enough?”

“Play? What to play? Do you play? But you are not beautiful enough.”

Anyway, the waiting time was boring, so Tang Feng flirted with Anya.

“you you……”

Anya was so angry that she stomped her feet, and she had never won a quarrel with him anyway, she simply closed her mouth and turned her head aside, not knowing what she was thinking.

“Huh? Why did you stop?”

Everyone looked nervous and lively, but saw Tong million million suddenly stopped, and even after Anya lost her voice, she turned her head back and looked inside.

Tong Wanwan took a scoop of water from the side and sprayed the water on the window just wiped open a few times, revealing the color under the stone dust.

“Purple, violet!”

A sharp-eyed spectator glanced at the color of the window and immediately yelled.

Violet jade is a kind of purple jade with a color like violet flower. It is a special kind of jade. The jewellery industry also refers to violet as “chun” or “spring”. The purple of this jade is generally lighter. “Spring color” can be divided into high, medium and low grades by color. They are divided into red spring, purple spring and blue spring. The value of red spring is higher, and the value of purple spring is slightly lower. If you get a strange pile (blue jade) For the blue spring, there will be greater flexibility in price changes. Although it is not the best product, it is a variety that jade collectors are willing to cherish. Therefore, it is not that as long as it is violet, it must be valuable, it must be top-grade, and it must be comprehensively evaluated in combination with quality indicators such as texture, transparency, and craftsmanship.

It’s really green. The “green” here does not refer to the color but only cuts up. When he is here, Tong million does not dare to start at will, but instead looks at Tang Feng.

“Boss Tong, continue.”

Tang Feng just nodded in motion.

“Red jade, green, green, purple is precious” is a saying that people who love jade often say. The unique “violet” variety in jade is gradually gaining popularity among the world, especially female consumers, with its moisturizing, elegant and intellectual properties. attention. Zi Fei is like a girl raised in a deep boudoir, exuding a unique and elegant charm…

Even the ordinary purple is more valuable than other jadeites. He symbolizes eternal beauty. According to legend, it is Venus, the goddess in charge of love and beauty. Because of his lover’s farewell and reluctant to say goodbye, the crystal clear tears fell on the soil, and the next spring sprouted branches and bloomed beautiful fragrance. Come, this is the violet.

Mysterious legends have created fascinating violets, and also cast a mysterious and noble temperament on violet jade. This kind of jade jewelry also presents a violet color, which appears crystal clear under the light. It is not difficult to see its inherent natural texture, which is naturally orderly, implicit and restrained from the inside.

Purple is the color of Taoism and ancient emperor worship in the introduction of ancient China. The so-called “purple gas coming from the east” and “purple ribbon” are the portrayal of purple status, so purple has become a symbol of mystery, wealth and splendor.

Violet jewelry is as purple as hazy and luxurious, just like a noble concubine. Perhaps because of this, violet jade jewelry is especially popular with women from the East and the West. Violet jadeites will appear darker purple when viewed under normal yellow light. Under natural light on a standard sunny day, jadeites with fine texture, high transparency and deep purple are hard to find, and they are especially favored by Europeans and Americans.

However, the window was wiped too lightly, and only the color was seen. The specific texture could not be confirmed. Only by continuing to confirm the final confirmation.

As soon as he heard the word “violet”, Yang Fafeng’s booth was once again surrounded by water, but Yuan Hao and Wang Wanben’s faces became more and more ugly. The jade that originally belonged to the two of them was just like this. It’s too late to regret it, because the other party has already given money.

Anya looked at Tang Feng with some confusion. It is not difficult to see the excitement in her eyes. Whoever doesn’t like purple, she also likes it. Even if the purple is the last time, there are not many in normal times, let alone look inside now. The purple color is very positive, and the quality is definitely not bad.

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