Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 543 Crazy Stone (Twenty)

Chapter 545 Crazy Stone (twenty)

Pingzhou is the country’s largest rough stone trading market, where there are numerous wholesalers and jade enthusiasts from all over the country. The original lively public disk was brought to its zenith by the three words “violet”, and the more people gathered here.

The flower language of violet is “eternal beauty and love, simplicity and virtue”; the meaning of violet is “eternal charm”; violet represents “I like you very much”.

Many people come here admiringly, hoping to see the authenticity, some even want to buy him to create a unique jewelry. Now it can’t be described as a huge crowd. Some people don’t even know what’s going on here and want to squeeze in to see, but there are too many people to squeeze through.

“10 million, I will give 10 million…”

“11 million.”

“12 million.”

“1500 dollars……”

People are crazy, and some people start to bid before they even see the slices.

“Boss Tong, leave them alone, continue.”

Tang Feng’s voice was not heard, but it reached everyone’s ears. Some of the bosses who rushed over were a little disappointed. They are the biggest gamblers. Once this piece of jade is cut, it may not be at this price. It may be broken, or it may skyrocket.

Later people didn’t even know that he was the real master of this jadeite, and they were very dissatisfied with Tang Feng’s attitude, “Which kid came here to make trouble?”

“I’m very sorry, this rough stone belongs to me. I have the right to dispose of it. In addition, I tell everyone that I am not short of money. I will not sell this jadeite. If you want to beat this jadeite, please leave!”

Tang Feng originally wanted to teach Yuan Hao a lesson. This was when he laid the stone on the spot. He didn’t think that there was a purple jade inside. He thought of Bai Yaqing, his mother, and other women he used to be. This jadeite is not too small, so it should be no problem to wear a few bracelets. They have never given them any important gifts in this life. If it is a violet bracelet, they would definitely like it.

After listening to Tang Feng’s words, everyone was very disappointed, but did not leave because of this. They all wanted to see what the legendary ‘violet’ was like and what its quality was.

Tong Baiwan kept cutting and rubbing under the instruction of Tang Feng, and a half of the jade in the original stone has been exposed, purple, transparent, and full…(Read more @


A well-informed boss took a breath.

Glass jade is a kind of jade that is as transparent as glass, with very fine quality and dense crystal grains. It is characterized by fluorescence directly to the naked eye, which is called “fluorescence” by experts.

As the name suggests, the jadeite that is as clear and translucent as glass and crystal is called the glass jadeite. It is a kind of polymer with high purity, and its crystal particles are fine to cryptocrystalline. It is dense and solid and polished to a glass surface. You can see that there is a slight green or blue fluorescence on its side. The stronger the fluorescence, the better the germplasm, and the toughness is higher than that of ordinary jadeite materials.

Generally speaking, glass jadeite has no color. God created it like this. You don’t give color to the species, and you don’t give the color to the species. The water is clean and there is no fish, and there is no color if it contains no impurities. However, this jade has a color, or the legendary purple. The “violet” is inexhaustible, and its value can be seen.

Many bosses are very broad-minded, but this kind of glass violet has never been seen before, and only exists in legends.

“One hundred million, little brother, I’ll give one hundred million, how about giving me this violet?”

Today Qian Guangcang came to the public market early in the morning, hoping to get some good materials. He and his two assistants were selecting rough stones, and he saw that there was a constant surging crowd in the distance. He felt When it came time, something big must have happened, put down the rough stone in his hand, and squeezed over with the crowd. When he saw the face of the person inside, he smiled, “Isn’t this the guy who sold my jade yesterday?”

Gorgeous with brilliance, the color will be bright and transparent, especially the dazzling purple, Qian Guangcang was so excited at that time, he couldn’t help shouting such a high price.

Tang Feng was also shocked when he heard that the emerald was worth a hundred million yuan. He knew that this jadeite must be very valuable, but he didn’t expect it to be so high. This is just a quotation, and the final transaction price is still not known.

Now there is nothing more regretful than Yuan Hao and Wang Wanben, especially Yuan Hao. After hearing the offer of 100 million yuan, their legs fell soft and almost collapsed on the ground. Fortunately, it was people who were next to each other. He just wanted to fall and couldn’t do it. To.

Anya’s gaze had been fixed on the violet of the calcite machine, and she hadn’t noticed Qian Guangcang’s arrival at all. She turned her head and looked at it until he shouted a high price of 100 million yuan, and her face changed.

Tang Feng’s temper is too weird and moody. She doesn’t know what he plans to do with this jadeite. If Qian Guangcang really buys it, even if she can get a batch of raw materials from Bai Yaqing, she won’t be able to turn it over. .

“Boss Qian, we are really destined. We just met yesterday, and we met again today.”

Tang Feng saw him when Qian Guangcang was making an offer, and at the same time, he glanced at Anya, but he was calm, there was nothing on his face, and there was a faint smile from beginning to end.

“Little brother, we do have fate. I don’t know how this ‘violet’ can be given to me? We can discuss the price.”

Although Qian Guangcang was talking to Tang Feng, he used the corner of his eye to take a look at Tong million who was smelting the stone from time to time.

“Discuss, of course it’s good to discuss.”

Tang Feng still smiled faintly, no one knew what he was thinking.

“Tang Feng, you can’t sell this jadeite to him.”

Anya can’t help it anymore. She is really afraid that Tang Feng will sell this “violet” to Qian Guangcang. In terms of strength, Anjia is comparable to Qian’s family, but in terms of financial resources, Anjia is no better than Qian’s. Comprehensive industry, the family has a big business, but the Qian family is different. The Qian family only deals in jewelry and has more funds than the An family. Unless Anya asks the family for instructions to mobilize a lot of money from other aspects, otherwise it is simply Not Qian Guangcang’s opponent.

As for raising money from Anjia, it is simply impossible. Anjia is not as united as it seems on the surface. Many people are waiting to see her jokes, hoping that she will fall, so that one less competitor will be lost.

“110 million.”

Originally, these bosses really thought that Tang Feng would not sell, but now it seems that they were wrong, but they were not satisfied with the price they offered. With Qian Guangcang’s bid, some bosses started to bid.

“120 million.”

“125 million…”

As the quotations continue to increase, Qian Guangcang’s face is getting more and more unsightly. He is not omnipotent. He can overwhelm Anya, but can’t overwhelm all the bosses.

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