Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 558 Crazy Stone (35)

Chapter 560 Crazy Stone (Thirty-five)

“200 million.”

The old man in Tang suit who had not spoken suddenly spoke, and he added 20 million directly. These bosses looked at the old man in Tang suit one after another. Maybe some bosses knew his identity, and even if they wanted to make an offer, they closed their mouths.

Now this price has already exceeded Anya’s estimate, and I don’t know what to think about there, lowering my head. Only An Boyang and Qi Shuyuan were happy in their hearts. An Boyang is pleased that Anya still loses in the end. He wants to drive her out of An’s Jewelry, and then he is cultivating a puppet himself. By then, An’s Jewelry is not his final say. As for Qian Guangcang, it is nothing to him. With his contacts, he can completely solve the problem of raw materials.

Although Tang Feng didn’t like the old man in front of him, he would not have trouble with money. In addition, he had long discovered that this old man was not an ordinary person at all, but a warrior. His vigor was natural, and the opportunity had reached the peak of his inner strength, and even further, he could reach the innate.

How difficult it is for the martial artist innate, it may be that the old man’s aptitude is limited, Tang Feng has long seen him thoroughly, if there are no adventures or panacea, he may not be able to move forward half a step in his life.

Jade has the functions of “removing moderate heat, relieving boredom, moisturizing the heart and lungs, helping voice and throat, nourishing hair, nourishing five internal organs, soothing blood vessels, improving eyes and ears… etc. Natural jadeite contains a variety of minerals necessary for the human body, chiefly sodium oxide, Aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, etc., are the so-called “people nurture jade for three years, and jade nurtures people for life”. Because the bracelet is directly touched with the skin when wearing a bracelet, natural jade has “ten treasures and nine cracks”. This is because most natural jade is cracked. It can absorb body fluids and the minerals in it can nourish people for life. The benefits are self-evident.

This is a top-quality imperial green, which itself is a representative of energy. Although it has little energy, long-term wearing is more or less beneficial to the martial artist’s body. Tang Feng also understands his purpose, but he doesn’t know it.

Since no one is bidding anymore, in the end this piece of emperor green was acquired by the old man, he wished it, and he had no need to keep it. The reason why he came out this time was that he heard the emergence of the’Jade King’, and hoped him. Can help me choose a good jadeite. However, after seeing this so-called King of Emerald, I found out that it was a girl. I was disappointed at the time and said some ugly things.

With 200 million in hand, Tang Feng didn’t care much about the last piece of jade. In addition to the previous more than one billion, Bai Yaqing now has nearly 400 million in cash from her bank card. She was not at all happy. The money belongs to Tang Feng, and she has nothing to do with her. If he hadn’t handed it over to his own qigong, he wouldn’t have this ability.

It was too thrilling just now, and the last piece looked a little cold. Although it was still a glass type, no matter its size or quality, it could not be compared with that piece of imperial green. In the end, it was sold by a boss in the capital for 36 million yuan. Take it away.

Now that Tang Feng has earned 400 million yuan, the money came too fast. If he is allowed to stay here for a few months, he must become a billionaire.(Read more @

Anya’s rough stone was not shipped away, not far from Tang Feng. At this time, she no longer had any hope, and was completely desperate. Originally planned to get some raw materials from Bai Yaqing, but two people seemed to have happened. No matter what happened, she didn’t even have a word. She was bullied by Tang Feng all the time. She didn’t dare to complain to Bai Yaqing.

“Boss Tong, please trouble you again. Help me find a few more workers to solve these rough stones. These rough stones belong to Miss An. It is not easy for a woman, so I will be a good person once.”

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he laughed and looked at Anya. Anya was worried at first, but after seeing Tang Feng’s smile, she became even more worried. She now doubts whether the rough stones are Tang Feng pitting her, and even the green is not coming out.

Tong million is indeed a little tired. It is impossible to unravel the rough stones of Anya. He was just about to order his buddies, and the boss opposite said, “Boss Tong, if you don’t have enough manpower, how many of my staff do you have? A buddy is idle, I will ask them to come and help.”

With the first one to speak, there is a second one. Everyone knows the relationship between Tong Baiwan and Tang Feng. Then Tang Feng is the younger brother of the Emerald King. Of course, everyone has to make a good relationship. After they have extended their help. , Almost several machines are turned on at the same time.

Tang Feng picked up a rough stone from the ground, put it directly on the cutting machine, and layed the stone himself, but his method of laying the stone was a bit strange. He split the stone in half. Originally, he saw the green rough stone every time. Now, a section of the vast expanse of white, there is nothing.

“Tang Feng, you fool me.”

This is Anya’s last hope, but I didn’t expect it to be such a result. From this first stone, you can see the back stone.

“Fuck, you bought the stone, what does it have to do with me? Oh, I know, you must fall in love with me, but you are so ugly, brother is not interested in you.”

“you you you……”

Tears dangling from the corners of Anya’s eyes, she tried to stop him from streaming down.

“It’s green, it’s green…”

Just when Anya was about to be unable to hold on, the guy who was cutting across her shouted loudly.

“It’s green, it’s green…”

“It’s green, it’s green…”

Three consecutive cutting machines have begun to announce the good news, and everyone does not know where they are headed. These rough stones are the rough stones of Anya. There are a total of four cutting machines, and now there are three of them. Her complexion finally improved, and she looked at Tang Feng with some incomprehension.

The first piece of glutinous seeds, the second piece is still glutinous seeds, and the third piece is also glutinous seeds. Anya, whose face has just improved a bit, becomes haggard again. What she wants is ice seeds, but they are all glutinous seeds. According to this probability Go on, then… she couldn’t imagine it.

An Boyang is similar to Anya, with a period of overcast and sunny periods, and his changeable expressions are just like walking emoticons.

The cutting machine was running continuously, and pieces of jade were exposed from the rough stone, 6 pieces in a row. Except for the piece of Tang Feng, there was nothing, the other 5 pieces were all waxy seeds.

Now Anya couldn’t laugh so hard, all her feelings were swept away, she was so disappointed, she simply turned her head to the side and didn’t look at it, so she didn’t bother to see her.

“Ice seed, ice seed.”

Finally, a guy called out the ice seed, and Anya ran directly to the machine just like a conditioned reaction. The speed is no less than the world champion.

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