Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 559 Unscrupulous Subjugation

Chapter 561

Looking at the jadeites placed on the table, especially the 12 crystal clear ice seeds, she couldn’t close her mouth with a smile. She wished to run over and kiss Tang Feng fiercely. It turned out that he had always kissed Tang Feng. She was lying to herself and made her heart beat, and now her tight heart finally calmed down.

Seeing the pieces of ice seeds unraveled, Qian Guangcang’s expression turned pale. He spent more than 100 million yuan, and they were all raw materials bought at a high price. There was no profit at all, or even a loss. In the end, it’s not as good as this girl’s millions.

An Boyang’s face was not very pretty either. Anya solved the raw material problem and hit the Qian family a lot. He left with a wave of his hand. Only Qi Shuyuan, who didn’t know whether to leave or stay, was left. If he left, so Anya had left too many raw materials, and she couldn’t get it back at all, and she also lost an opportunity to contact her. If she stayed, the master would definitely blame him. After weighing it again and again, he still followed in An Boyang’s footsteps and left.

“Miss Ann, I really underestimated you, I hope you will always be lucky.”

Qian Guangcang left after leaving a sentence.

“Tang Feng, thank you.”

Only now did Anya understand why she didn’t let her compete with Qian Guangcang. He had already made up his mind, and obviously he was helping her to get money from Guangcang.

“Fuck, did you forget our bet? What should you call me?”

Tang Feng stood directly in front of Anya’s eyes, and the two of them were almost pasted together, with a bad smile on their faces.

Anya, who originally wrote about happiness, immediately fell to the bottom. It was really heaven and hell for a while. She bit her lip. She was the goddess who was once aloof. She was simply the injured little girl next door, durian.

“Tang Feng, I owe you this time, but I will give you these jadeites at the original price.”

This is Anya’s biggest concession. Some people who don’t understand don’t even know what happened to the two people. Especially with Tang Feng’s wicked smile, some people even wondered if Anya exchanged physical conditions for these rough stones. Now that Jade has got it, she regretted it, especially when she looked at Bai Yaqing’s cold face. It hasn’t changed from start to finish. Some people have their brains wide open, thinking that the three must have some unspeakable secret.

Some people who did not leave looked at Tang Feng enviously. One flower was not enough for him to pick, and he had to pick two more. But the current situation is a bit bad, it seems like a sailboat.

“Fuck, do you look at me as if I am short of money?”

Tang Feng pressed on again and stood tall forward, making Anya a step back in fright.

“Tang Feng, don’t go too far, if you are willing, we are still friends.”

Anya is really afraid of Tang Feng, because she found that Tang Feng has nothing to do. She now suspects that this guy can do all the killing.(Read more @

“I’m too much? Fool, you forgot how you promised me?”

Tang Feng took a step forward again, scared An Ya back again and again.

“Tang Feng, have you had enough trouble.”

Bai Yaqing looked at the way the two people kissed me and I couldn’t bear it anymore, and finally spoke.

Tang Feng saw that Bai Yaqing was angry, and immediately showed a smile, and then moved to Bai Yaqing’s side, “Sister Yaqing.” Then he looked back at An Ya, “I will count your luck this time, and we will count on our business. ”

The public sale was over, and the bosses all left one after another. Some people smiled, they must have received a lot of goods, and some people have a sad face, they must have lost the bet, or they have not purchased what they need. raw material.

Tang Feng and Bai Yaqing were not in a hurry to go back, first went back to the hotel and settled down. Anya also got in touch with the headquarters and shipped the jade raw materials back. The matter between her and Tang Feng is not over yet, after the arrangements are made, she also returned to the hotel. Zhao Deqiang didn’t have much to do here, and left early, Zhang Yang and Chen Kang were also a little helpless, so they had to go back too.

“Miss Bai, I want to thank you for coming this time.”

After Anya came back, she found that Tang Feng was not in her room. Then she came to Bai Yaqing’s room and found that the two people were facing each other with big eyes and small eyes.

“Miss Ann, there is nothing to thank, and I did not help you. The people you should be thankful for are there.”

Since Bai Yaqing learned of Tang Feng and other women, her attitude towards Anya has also become cold.

“Fuck, now that the bet is complete, should your promise be fulfilled, right?”

Tang Feng swept back and forth on Anya’s body unkindly.

“Tang Feng, I said, I will pay you a lot of the jade’s money. Today I came to pay it back.”

Anya said so, but she was a little nervous because she knew Tang Feng would not let her go so easily.

“Really? You said what would happen if I strip you naked and leave you on the street?”

Originally, Tang Feng was sitting on the sofa, and he arrived in front of Anya in an instant, and grabbed her collar with one hand. As long as she didn’t cooperate a little, unexpected things might happen.

“Tang Feng, you, what do you want to do, you, you let go.”

Anya was really scared, she was trembling, especially Tang Feng’s eyes told her that he was not joking, as long as she dared to say nothing, unimaginable consequences would happen.

Bai Yaqing was also shocked. She couldn’t understand a little bit. She couldn’t understand what the big boy in front of her was going to do. The eyes that had been squinting at Anya had always been squinted, but now she has become so cold. She had never seen him look like that, even she was a little scared when she saw it, and now she started to sympathize with Anya.


Tang Feng’s patience is limited. For the future, he has to be tougher. As soon as his hands are hardened, Anya’s skirt will be pulled from the neck, until it reaches the waist, revealing the underwear inside.

“Tang Feng, what are you going to do?”

Bai Yaqing also became nervous, and quickly stepped forward to block An Ya.

“Sister Yaqing, you get out of the way. This is between me and her. This is the end of unbelief.”

Tang Feng, who used to treat Bai Yaqing in all possible ways, is not so tender to her now.

“I promise you.”

Anya was initially a little scared. After hearing Tang Feng’s words, she suddenly became strong. Since she agreed at the time, she should take the corresponding risks.

“Anya, you should understand that what I can give you can be taken back, and what Anjia can give you, I can also give you. Don’t think that you will be very wronged if you follow me. One day you will understand how much you choose today. Wise, I will give you a month, and you will come to me in a month.”

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he left Bai Yaqing’s room, leaving two women in a daze.

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