Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 563 Family Reunion (Part 1)

Chapter 565

Moving and purchasing, the Tang family has been busy these two days, and the time for school is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly there was money in the family, Qian Shufang was still a little uncomfortable, and his heart was a little bloated. What should have happened still happened. Qian Shufang found Tang Feng early in the morning and said, “Xiao Feng, you will start school in a few days. , I am going to hold a farewell banquet for you.”

After so many years, Tang Feng is a little vague about his relatives. He didn’t move much at first. When he suddenly walked around, he was still a little uncomfortable. He understood his mother, and he also hoped that his mother would be happy and unrestrained. A smile, “It’s all about my mother.” Qian Shufang didn’t make any difference at all.

For this banquet, Qian Shufang personally went home. It’s been a long time since I’ve been home. Since I’m rich, I should be fine. Tang Feng drove, Qian Shufang and Tang Aiguo sat in the back, especially Tang Aiguo. Tang Feng could feel his tension from the driving position.

“Dad, mom, open the door, I’m coming to see you.”

Qian Shufang was also a little excited in her heart, and she began to shout loudly in the corridor. Tang Feng and Tang Aiguo followed, their hands full of things.

The old couple’s ears were not very good, they kept hearing the doorbell before they came to open the door. After opening the door, they saw their daughter and son-in-law, but they were a little surprised.

“Grandma, grandpa, this is my father’s honor to you.”

Tang Feng is no stranger to this place, and directly stuffed the gift into his grandmother’s hands.

“you are?”

Tang Feng’s grandmother felt a little confused, looked up and down Tang Feng, but still didn’t recognize it.

“Mom, this is Xiao Feng. Don’t be familiar with him. Now this kid is crazy. I almost couldn’t recognize him when I saw him.”

In order to please her mother, Qian Shufang hurriedly helped her walk into the house.

Tang Feng’s grandfather is a very conservative person. After hearing about Tang Feng’s plastic surgery, he severely criticized him for a meal. Only Qian Shufang was laughing secretly, “Who let you, your kid, practice kung fu secretly? Can’t say yet, have you been criticized now?”

Tang Feng had seen his mother’s expression a long time ago, and said to his heart, “Where is there such a mother who laughs when he sees his son being criticized.”

In any case, the plastic surgery has become a reality, and the last two old people accepted it.

“Shufang, these things cost a lot of money, don’t you? Take them back when you go back!”(Read more @

Mr. Qian didn’t like his son-in-law, and he still cared about this daughter. Knowing that her family’s conditions were not good, he was still spending money indiscriminately, and he felt a little distressed.

“Dad, look at what you said, these are all patriotic and filial to you.”

Qian Shufang blinked at Tang Aiguo as he spoke.

Tang Aiguo really saw the wink of his wife. He is a less talkative person, and forced a smile. “Dad, these are my filial piety to you, Shufang and I, just accept it!”

“Naughty, come next time you come, don’t take things, don’t come when you take things.”

The unprovoked old man money is on fire.

“Grandpa, these are my father’s respect for you. They were carefully selected in the mall. Knowing that you love to drink tea, he bought Dahongpao specially for you, as well as those supplements, for you and grandma… ”

“Return all these to me, quickly return, I don’t need these.”

As soon as he heard the words “Da Hong Pao”, Mr. Qian got up from the sofa and pointed to the pile of gifts not far away.

“Dad, sit down quickly, don’t be angry, don’t worry, our family has money now, you don’t have to worry about this.”

When Qian Shufang saw that her father was angry, she ran over to support him and sat down slowly.

Mr. Qian looked at his daughter questioningly. In order to dispel his father’s doubts, Qian Shufang quickly added: “Dad, Xiaofeng met a jewellery boss a few days ago. He followed her to the South for a trip and came back. After earning some money, you don’t have to worry about it.”

These were all reported by Tang Feng to his parents, and now Qian Shufang has relayed them to Mr. Qian.

“Shufang! I didn’t say you, Xiaofeng is still in school, how can you let him work outside?”

Mr. Qian didn’t grasp the problem just now, and now he has discovered a more important problem, and that is the problem of Tang Feng.

“Dad, we really have money. Not only did we buy a car, but we also bought a house in Haicheng. The other day we were busy with moving, and we didn’t have time to see you. This time one is here to see you, and the other Just to tell you the good news, Xiaofeng has been admitted to the university, and the Renmin University in Beijing will start in a few days. I would like to invite everyone to gather together…”

“Buy a car, buy a house?”

This matter is too big, the old couple, you look at me, I look at you, it has not been a long time to digest this problem.

“Dad, Mom, our new home is close to the sea, and the environment there is good. If you are willing, you should move there together?”

This was what Qian Shufang had taught Tang Aiguo a long time ago, and when he had the opportunity, he quickly said it.

“Shufang, what is going on?”

The things that should have been happy, the old man became severe.

After more than half an hour of recounting, Qian Shufang finally recounted what happened.

“Well, well, although he hasn’t been very patriotic over the years, he has a good son, and he has made up for it.”

Seeing that his daughter is happy, Mr. Qian’s three good words can be considered relieved, and the grievances that have been accumulated over the years have been solved. From this moment on, he truly accepted Tang Aiguo.

“Dad, I’m sorry, I haven’t taken good care of Shufang over the years.”

Tang Aiguo watched the old man slowly accepting himself. He was a little excited, with tears in the corners of his eyes. No one knew his suffering for so many years. An unrecognized son-in-law, whenever he came to Qian’s house, he It was like a decoration, afraid to speak, and even afraid to eat full. In addition to being pressured by the father, it was also ridiculed by other people. He is always inferior in front of others, and now he can finally look up. This all stems from his having a good son.

At noon, Tang Feng’s family did not leave, but stayed at the father’s house. The family can be regarded as a small reunion!

The news of Tang Feng’s entrance to university spread quickly, and everyone in the Qian family knew about it, and the dinner was prepared in the evening. Tang Aiguo and Qian Shufang stayed at the old man’s house, chatted with the old man and the old lady, played chess, and Tang Feng went out alone to prepare.

The location of the banquet was still the same as in the previous life. At the Haicheng Hotel, Tang Feng didn’t say hello to anyone, and randomly booked a suite on the third floor.

After the hotel was booked, he did not go back, but went to the Internet cafe. History has changed, but it does not mean that he just put it down.

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