Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 564 Family Gathering (In)

Chapter 566

Wu Youqian was the last thing Tang Feng did before he left Haicheng. He had hurt himself, and the hurtful things she had done. He had to let him return one by one.

Familiar with the road, a very simple little Trojan horse can easily break the firewall of Wu Youqian’s computer. It is still that folder, and the videos in it are enough to ruin him.

The Wu family in Haicheng is also considered a person with a face and a face, with more or less strength. Tang Feng knows that these things are not fatal to Wu Youqian, or even have no effect. This requires him to operate on his own.

In the previous life, it was Zhao Deqiang who was able to force Wu Youqian away. In this life, the two people did not have much intersection, but Tang Feng was not worried. He had a way.

At six o’clock in the evening, the Qian family gathered at the old man’s house. Still the same as in the previous life, the eldest son Qian Baofu’s family, the second son Qian Baofu’s family, and the youngest Qian Baoyou’s family, the room was too small and quickly filled.

Tang Feng’s aunt’s family was far away and went directly to the hotel, and Tang Feng was also waiting in the hotel.

“Shufang, this is your fault, Xiaofeng’s kid was admitted to college, why do you tell us now?”

Zhou Yanli, Qian Shufang’s sister-in-law, turned her gaze on Qian Shufang as soon as she walked in. Now Qian Shufang is also a famous brand. This is what Tang Feng bought with him in order to give his mother a face. This dress cost thousands of yuan, which made Qian Shufang feel distressed at the time.

Zhou Yanli seemed to be joking on the surface. In fact, the tone of her words was Tao Kan. How could Qian Shufang couldn’t hear her? She raised her arm deliberately, revealing her jade bracelet worth tens of thousands of dollars.

“Sister-in-law, I just bought a house. I was busy moving some time ago, so I haven’t had a chance?”

Women love to compare, and Qian Shufang is no exception. She used to be looked down upon by her sister-in-law, but now that she is rich, she is always fighting for some face.

“Buy a house?”

Except for the old man and the old lady, everyone was stunned in the room.

“Yeah! It’s right by the sea, that is the seaside community. If the sister-in-law is okay, you can go to my house. It’s not too far anyway.”

Qian Shufang’s face was full of smiles, and finally he was very foreign.(Read more @

“Haibin Community? Shufang, are you sure it is the Haibin Community?”

Originally, Qian Shufang’s second sister-in-law, Yang Caitong, didn’t care, but she was also surprised when she heard about the seaside community. It was a high-level community. The average house price was above 3,000. A house that didn’t cost hundreds of thousands could not be bought. So much money?

Qian Shufang only said that he bought a house in the seaside community, but he didn’t tell everyone that it was a separate villa. If you let everyone know, I don’t know how surprised it would be.

“Second Sister-in-law, we are close now. When there is nothing to do, go to my house and sit more.”

Compared with her sister-in-law, this second sister-in-law is even more arrogant. Although she hasn’t said anything bad, she usually ignores reason and feels that she is a relative of her as if it is embarrassing.

“Shufang, your bracelet is very beautiful, where did you buy it?”

The moment Qian Shufang stretched out her arm, Zhou Yanli saw the crystal clear violet jade bracelet.

“Sister-in-law, I didn’t buy this thing. Xiaofeng brought it to me from Pingzhou. It was worth tens of thousands of dollars. This kid knows how to spend money. Since I bought it, I have to put it on.”

Qian Shufang said so, but in fact, don’t mention how happy she is. She has never spoken so hard.

“Shufang, tens of thousands? No, isn’t it fake?”

Zhou Yanli doesn’t understand the value of jade at all. In her opinion, Qian’s family is still a farmer with only 1,000 yuan a month, so how could she buy such expensive things.

“It’s not fake, it’s real. Xiaofeng bought a stone and asked someone to process it.”

Qian Shufang didn’t understand either. Tang Feng told her that way, and she could only say that.

“Shufang, can you show it to me?”

Yang Caitong, who had been silent for a long time, was finally attracted by Qian Shufang’s jade bracelet. She was more or less someone who had met the world. She knew that the wife of their director had always had jade bracelets, which was said to have spent more than 1 million.

The value of jadeite is different from that of jadeite. If Qian Shufang only said that she bought it, she would not be so curious. She would definitely think it was fake. This jade bracelet looks crystal clear and exudes purple light. It’s not a common product. It happened that it was made-to-order, so she was only ready to take a look.

The jade bracelet was put on Qian Shufang’s wrist, and it was not easy to take it off. He could only stretch his arm in front of Yang Caitong, “Second sister, you have a lot of knowledge and see if this thing is true. Just a broken bracelet. Tens of thousands are more expensive than gold ones.”

Qian Shufang has absorbed too many small peasant thoughts, and in her mind gold is the best.

Yang Caitong didn’t speak, and looked at Qian Shufang’s wrist earnestly, especially the moment when he touched the jade bracelet, it was like a spring in March, Wen’er was not cold.

It is the end of August. Even in the north, the weather is very hot, but the jade bracelet feels cool, but it doesn’t feel cold. Very peculiar. She is not an expert, so she just took a look, but the feeling it gave her was very real, and she started to get nervous. If this is true, it is not worth tens of thousands of dollars, and at least 1 million. One million, that’s one million.

“Shufang, I don’t look at this thing very well, but I have a sister who works in a jewelry store. When I have time, I will take you over and let her have a look.”

At this time, Yang Caitong had countless questions in her mind. It was not just about the jade bracelet, but about the Tang family buying a house, where did his family get the money, and this jade bracelet, even if it was fake, it was spent at least. Tens of thousands of dollars. Qian Shufang’s famous brand is not fake. She is a frequent shopping mall. These clothes are clothes that she doesn’t dare to buy. They are too expensive. One piece costs her several months’ salary. Look, now she is wearing it on the sister-in-law that she usually looks down on, how could she not be surprised.

“Then thank you Ersao.”

Qian Shufang also wanted to confirm whether this thing was worth tens of thousands of dollars. If it was not worth it, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to use it out to blow it up in the future.

“Don’t chat anymore, it’s too early, pack up your things, let me go!”

The room was too small and crowded. The old man said it out loud when he saw that everyone was coming. Today he is very happy. The previously tangled heart has finally been let go. It used to be difficult for Shufang’s family, but now he has turned over.

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