Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 568 Waiting At The Train Station

Chapter 570

The most important thing for Tang Feng at the moment is not to go to school, but to practice.

To build a foundation successfully, a large amount of energy is necessary to condense the pill. Now the world has changed drastically, and the aura in the air is thin and can be ignored. If he wants to condense the pill, he must find a deep mountain and old forest with sufficient spiritual energy. Even so, he will have to cultivate for decades.

After a few decades, everything has changed. The parents are gone and the lover is old, which loses the meaning of his return this time.

In addition to hard cultivation, there is another way to condense alchemy, that is, alchemy, not to mention the materials for alchemy, it is the requirements of alchemy, which is after reaching the golden alchemy.

Although Tang Feng cannot refine the pill now, he must have succeeded in building the foundation. Refining some medicinal juice is still possible, but the effect of the medicinal juice is much worse than that of the pill. The only advantage is that the requirements for medicine are relatively low, and even the most common herbal medicine can be refined for medicine juice.

Ordinary concoction has limited energy, and it is not much faster than Tang Feng’s own practice, so it is necessary to refine high-grade concoction. High-grade medicinal juice has a low threshold in the eyes of cultivators. For ordinary people, it is a magical medicine. The requirements for medicinal materials are also high. At least one hundred years of old ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Polygonum multiflorum… to make.

Not only are these medicinal materials invaluable, they are also very difficult to find, so Tang Feng needs money, a lot of money. In the evening, he hung up another call to Anya and asked how things were going on at the auction.

Anya smiled bitterly, and could only say one good sentence. In fact, only she knows her own suffering in her heart. Since the white jade bottle was announced for auction, she has never had a good night’s sleep. In addition to worrying, she is worried every day.

This white jade bottle seems to be nothing special, but it has attracted collectors from all over the world, especially his carving process. I really don’t know what kind of carving master can have such a superb technique to carve a piece of white jade into jade. bottle.

Tang Feng didn’t hear any abnormalities from Anya’s tone, and hung up after asking some things.

At night, when his parents were asleep, Tang Feng sneaked out and sat on the reef by the sea. Not to mention, although cultivating by the sea is not comparable to that mysterious cave, it is no worse than on the mountain. He didn’t open his eyes until the sky was bright.

“If you find some treasures of heaven, material and earth, it will be fine, and I will be able to condense the pill within a few years.”

Thinking of this, Tang Feng laughed himself, “I’m thinking too much about it. It’s so easy to find the treasures of heaven, material and earth. Don’t say that the spiritual energy on the earth can’t produce any kind of earth, material and earth. In the realm of cultivation, the treasures of heaven and earth are also rare elixir.”

He was thinking, a big wave swooped in and saw the water droplets on his face, he held his hand on his face, wiped the water droplets clean, got up and walked towards home.

Going, Tang Feng is leaving. Originally, his parents wanted to send him to the station, but he refused. He pulled a trolley case and walked out of the villa. Soon the trolley case disappeared in his hand and walked to the side of the road. He immediately called a taxi and drove to the station.(Read more @

Today, the day before school started, Chen Yuyao also got up early. The parents did not come to see him off, and her cousin Chen Yuhua was next to her, who also carried a silver password box in her hand.

Chen Yuhua accompanied Chen Yuyao to the train station early this morning. Now there is only 10 minutes left before the train departs, and Tang Feng is still not seen.

Tang Feng arrived at the train station a long time ago. He also saw Chen Yuhua and Chen Yuyao waiting there. He deliberately avoided. After some disguise, he was already in the car, leaving only the foolish waiting at the station. Chen Yuhua and Chen Yuyao at the entrance.

“Sister, did he leave early, or is it this bus?”

Chen Yuyao was also a little disappointed when she saw that Tang Feng hadn’t come for a long time.

“Yuyao, why don’t you get in the car first, I’ll be waiting for a while.”

The time for the car to leave was getting closer, and Chen Yuhua couldn’t let her sister stay with her all the time.

Chen Yuyao also wanted to wait for a while, but the pedaling broadcast had already urged, and she could only walk into the car reluctantly.

The long train started, but she didn’t see Tang Feng at all. She was desperate, except for despair or despair. She originally planned to turn around and go back. Suddenly, she found a familiar and unfamiliar face smiling at herself in the window of the train.

Seeing that wicked smile, Chen Yuhua hated it and wished to go up and slap him, but the train had already started, even the wicked smile disappeared before her eyes.

In order to make Chen Yuhua give up, Tang Feng showed a face when he was leaving. He took his head back until he couldn’t see the other person. Then he looked at a little girl not far away and walked over. “Beauty, can I sit here?”

Chen Yuyao was originally watching from the train entrance, when suddenly, a strange man walked towards her. The man looks about his age, tall and handsome, especially with a faint smile on his face, which makes people feel close.

“Sorry, I don’t know you, please leave.”

Before Tang Feng, Chen Yuyao’s mood was not very good. Now someone comes to strike up a conversation, and of course her face is even more ugly.

“Beauty, why reject people thousands of miles away, I just want to make friends with you.”

The current Tang Feng has changed a long time ago, not to mention that he changed his voice, and Chen Yuyao did not find any abnormalities at all.

“Get away, or I’ll call someone.”

Chen Yuyao said coldly.

“Beauty, how about I give you a divination? Seeing you look anxious, you must be waiting for someone. With a full forehead and tender eyes, the person waiting must be your lover. Am I right?”

Tang Feng still smiled and looked at Chen Yuyao in front of him.

“Go away, you are not welcome here, have I waited for someone to leave you alone.”

How did Chen Yuyao see how annoying the boy in front of him, especially the smile, did not look like a good person.

“Grumpy, cold eyes, the person you are waiting for should be named Tang, right?”

“who are you?”

Originally, Chen Yuyao only thought that the other party was an ordinary striker, but he had guessed right, and immediately became vigilant.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. The important thing is that I know where the person you are waiting for is. Wouldn’t you ask me to sit down?”

Tang Feng smiled and pointed to Chen Yuyao’s bed. Her ticket was for a single sleeper, which was on the first floor.

Chen Yuyao looked a little nervous at the boy in front of her, especially his eyes, which seemed to be able to see through her heart. She was a little nervous in her heart, and her body stepped back unconsciously.

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