Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 569 School Report

Chapter 571

The high-speed train flies on two railroad tracks, and the carriages are filled with lively people. In the sleeper carriages, a man and a woman are constantly bickering, which instantly attracts the attention of countless people.

“Beauty, if you really don’t welcome me, then I will leave, but I can tell you, don’t regret it!”

Tang Feng pointed to another sleeping berth not far away. This berth is on top, and there are about 3 beds from here. Below that bed is a young woman, constantly looking at her mobile phone. , Who might be chatting with, smiles on his face from time to time.

Seeing that Chen Yuyao didn’t mean to stay at all, he said again, “If you really don’t invite me to sit for a meeting, then I will really leave.” This time Tang Feng didn’t change his voice specifically, but used it. It’s my true voice.

Chen Yuyao is too familiar with this voice. He and Tang Feng in high school for three years, even if they have not spoken to him, but listened to him countless times. At that time, he looked at the boy in front of him with a little puzzle, “What are you doing? who is it?”

“Miss Chen, is this how you treat people? You ask me to sit down and I’ll tell you.”

There was still a faint smile on Tang Feng’s face.

Chen Yuyao was stunned when she was suddenly called out her surname by the strange man in front of her. She was sure that she was the first time she saw the boy in front of her.

The familiar voice and unfamiliar face made Chen Yuyao a little at a loss. In order to get the answer, she could only gritted her teeth, and then pointed to her bed, “Sit over there.”

Seeing Chen Yuyao’s expression, Tang Feng smiled and simply lay directly on Chen Yuyao’s sleeper.

“you you……”

Chen Yuyao’s face is almost ashen, and she didn’t expect the other party to be so good. If she knew this, she wouldn’t let him sit down. Isn’t this leading the wolf into the room?


“Yuyao, don’t call it me.”

Tang Feng just lay down, and easily pulled Chen Yuyao down, which drew her exclaim at that time.

The familiar voice and unfamiliar aura made Chen Yuyao at a loss. Fortunately, there was a thin voice, “I am Tang Feng.”

Chen Yuyao stopped struggling, lying quietly next to Tang Feng, but her eyes swept across his face, “Who are you?” She spoke in a very small voice, only Tang Feng could listen. To.

“Yuyao, it’s really me, have you forgotten what happened in the hotel that day?”

Tang Feng knew that he had changed too much, and Chen Yuyao might not be able to accept it for a while. The best way to prove himself was the secret between the two people.

This secret is a secret that only two people know. Chen Yuyao also confirmed that this person is Tang Feng, and she doesn’t know why he became like this.

“Tang Feng, why did you become like this?”(Read more @

The curious Chen Yuyao still asked.

“Yuyao, I’m sorry, I didn’t deliberately lie to you. The reason why I didn’t tell you was because I was afraid that you could not accept it. The reason I became like this was because I had a car accident, disfigured, and had plastic surgery.”

This is the reason Tang Feng had long thought of, and it was also an explanation to the school. Fortunately, with the help of Bai Yaqing, he re-issued an ID card.

“Car accident? Tang Feng, are you okay?”

Chen Yuyao became nervous when she heard that Tang Feng had a car accident.

“Of course there is nothing left, or can I still be here with you?”

Tang Feng smiled and stroked Chen Yuyao’s long hair.

The road was long, and Chen Yuyao fell asleep leaning on Tang Feng without knowing it. Until the station, Tang Feng woke her up, “Get off, don’t you have enough.” Tang Feng pointed to her chest. Chen Yuyao blushed at the time, and she forgot to take it and walk outside. .

Tang Feng came a day earlier in this life. He and Chen Yuyao arrived in the capital at night. Under Tang Feng’s instigation, the two did not go to school, but found a hotel to stay first. Of course, they opened two rooms.

There was nothing for a night, and the next day the two hailed a taxi and drove straight to the school. The school is still that school, and the characters are still those characters.

After thousands of years, Tang Feng was finally about to see Ye Tianxue, and he was a little excited in his heart.

“Look, there’s another beauty here.”

With that shout again, Ye Tianxue pulled the trolley case in her hand and walked towards the gate of the school.

A light blue short shawl and a small coat, with a black velvet knee-length skirt, set off her excellent figure, a pair of crystal high-heeled sandals make her look taller, blue nail polish It reveals nobleness and coquettishness.


Originally, Tang Feng was stunned, and there was pain in his waist. When he looked down, Chen Yuyao’s hand was on her waist, and she could only show a bitter smile helplessly.

“You still know that it hurts, and your soul is lost.”

Chen Yuyao didn’t expect Tang Feng to be so embarrassed. He actually looked silly at that woman.

Chen Yuyao was really wronged by Tang Feng. He fell into memory after seeing Ye Tianxue, and then started to daze.

“Let’s go!”

Ye Tianxue was like a proud princess, and soon disappeared in front of the public.

“Classmates, are you here to report?”

Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao just walked to the gate of the school when a sweet voice came. The source of the voice is a lovely beauty with a round face and big eyes. He was somewhat impressed that it was the elder sister who picked him up in that lifetime. It took too long and she had forgotten her name.

“Senior sister, we are here to report.”

Tang Feng showed a bright smile to the senior sister in front of him. Tang Feng in this life is so handsome, and almost stunned the senior sister in front of him.

Tang Feng is very familiar with this school, but he didn’t disturb the kindness of the school sister. With her help, he quickly completed the admission procedures.

Tang Feng first sent Chen Yuyao downstairs to his dormitory, and then walked to the male dormitory building. His dormitory was still the dormitory of the previous life 518.

After Tang Feng walked into the dormitory, he saw the other two roommates who had just arrived and their parents. He didn’t have much time to live on campus back then, and he forgot about these roommates, but vaguely knew that there was one named Guan Feibai.

“Classmate, are you in this dormitory too?”

Tang Feng just walked into the dormitory, and an enthusiastic aunt greeted him.

“Hello Auntie.”

Tang Feng nodded politely.

Every classmate arrived very early. In less than an hour, the six people in the dormitory were all there, and everyone was considered to know each other. Tang Feng has a faint smile on everyone, and also attracted the goodwill of several people in the dormitory.

He took a different path in this life. He just came to the dormitory to take a look. He was already planning to find a house outside. If there were no major accidents, he still wanted to live in the same place in his previous life.

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