Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 570 Myanmar Public Market

Chapter 572

Military training is something that every college student has to go through and a compulsory course for college students. At this time, Tang Feng was already the person who built the foundation, so he didn’t care about these at all. On the second day of school, he was deliberately hit by a car and thus escaped the fate of military training.

Tang Feng is hospitalized. No one knows except for asking for leave from school. Of course, he will not stay in school safely. Except for the rental house, which is in the suburbs, he wants to cultivate and improve his strength as soon as possible.

This morning, Tang Feng just opened his eyes and found that the phone was vibrating, so he quickly picked up the phone. It was an unfamiliar number. He didn’t know who called it, but it was still connected.

“Hello! Hello.”

Tang Feng’s very standard greetings.

“Brother Tang, it’s really you, I’m Tong million, don’t you know if you remember?”

Since Tang Feng left, Tong million has lost his contact information, and even tried many ways to contact Tang Feng, but to no avail, and finally got Tang Feng’s new phone number from Anya.

“It turned out to be Boss Tong, I don’t know what you are looking for?”

Tang Feng also needs contacts. This Fat Tong Tong is a acquaintance. He did not turn him away, but was very polite.

“Brother Tang, I really have some things, but it’s a good thing. Recently, there is a small business in Myanmar that is about to open. I want to go to Myanmar. I don’t know if Brother Tang is interested?”

Tong million asked carefully.

Tang Feng thought for a while, and then asked, “When will we leave?”

He didn’t want to go to Burma, nor did he want to participate in any public trading. He wanted to try his luck. He wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible. The only way was to make medicine. A lot of herbs are needed for refining medicine juice, and several of them are from Myanmar.

“The sooner the better, as long as Brother Tang has time, we can leave at any time.”

Tong million is very happy, he did not expect Tang Feng to agree.(Read more @

Since the last time he took over Tang Feng’s light, he is even more convinced of Tang Feng’s strength. None of the stones he won is empty. The cost of 20 million yuan has doubled five times. This is a huge profit. From Tang Feng, the boy who looks more like a young master.

Before leaving, both people have to make some preparations, and they have agreed on the day after tomorrow.

We set off, and everything was arranged by Fatty Tong. This is the first time Tang Feng has gone abroad and the first time out of China.

Myanmar. It is a country in Southeast Asia and a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It borders the Andaman Sea to the southwest, India and Bangladesh to the northwest, China to the northeast, and Thailand and Laos to the southeast. The capital is Naypyidaw.

Myanmar is an ancient civilization with a long history, formerly known as Hung Sawaddi. After forming a unified country in 1044, it experienced four feudal dynasties of Bagan, Bago, Toungoo and Gongbang. From 1824 to 1885, Britain launched three wars of aggression against Burma and occupied Burma. In 1886, Britain designated Burma as a province of British India.

On January 4, 1948, Myanmar separated from the British Commonwealth and declared independence and established the Union of Myanmar. In January 1974, it was renamed the Socialist Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Myanmar is one of the most widely forested countries in the world. In 1994, Myanmar’s forests (including 43% canopy closed forests and 30% open forests) had a total area of ​​34.42 million ha, accounting for about 51% of the country’s total area, and the forest coverage rate was about 52.3%.

It is precisely because of the existence of these forests that they are also the best producing areas for wild medicinal materials, which is also the main purpose of Tang Feng’s visit this time.

In a blink of an eye, the Burmese jade public market was on the opening day. Tang Feng and Fatty Tong got up very early and rushed to the public market early, hoping to get in early and buy time to read more jade wool materials.

The public sale this time is just a small public, organized by the local government. Public sales like this are held several times a year. Even though it is a small public, the quality of the rough stone inside is not bad, and many of them are even from Laokeng. The finest jade has not been out of stock, and even a large-sized imperial green has appeared.

The number of rough stones in this small public market is also relatively small, and the opening time has been shortened from the original 7 days to 5 days.

Today is the first day of the opening of the market, and the gate of the public market has been crowded with jewelry merchants and jade lovers from all over the country.

Tong million is just a small businessman, he can only line up at the door like everyone else, because there are too many people. Looking at the long line, Tang Feng sighed. Even if it is a small business, its scale is not comparable in China. Without hundreds of millions of funds, it cannot be called a businessman here.

Just when everyone was puzzled about why it was so slow, the latest news soon came. The original free bids in previous public auctions are now charged, and 100 Burmese coins are sold at least as soon as a dozen.

“The Burmese is really getting darker. I used to charge 30 dollars for tickets, but now I have to charge even the bid. Will I still charge for the use of the venue in the future?”

After hearing this news, several bosses in front of Tang Feng scolded angrily. Some can understand, some can’t understand, it means they come from all over the world.

“Damn, I’ll buy 500 copies.”

It was finally Tang Feng and Fatty Tong’s turn. The jeweler from China was also in front of them. Holding a stack of bid sheets, he disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, and the people behind them also learned the same way. While the person in front was looking for money, he rushed forward.

500 bids may sound a lot at first, but if you think about the tens of thousands of rough jadeites in the public market, and at least 200 bids for each rough jadeite, it’s nothing at all.

“This Burmese really does business.”

Tang Feng also said something unintentionally.

“Yes, brother Tang, don’t you know that someone has calculated an account for the Myanmar authorities. According to the number of rough jadeites of more than 20,000, if the average bidding list is 200 for a piece of wool, then the Myanmar Public Board Organizing Committee This time, the revenue from the bids alone will be enough for ten million dollars…”

“It’s up to you, what to talk about, don’t hurry up.”

People behind saw that Tong Baiwan and Tang Feng hadn’t entered yet, they were a little anxious.

“Bring us 100 bids.”

Before Tong million had spoken, Tang Feng spoke. The bids are not many, they are refined. According to the price of the rough, these 100 bids have reached the limit of two people.

Tang Feng came to say hello to Bai Yaqing this time. Fortunately, Fatty Tong followed, Bai Yaqing handed the money to him.

It’s not the first time Fatty Tong has come to Myanmar for a public sale. He has a wealth of experience. In addition to the standard list, he bought a map. And he asked for 100 more bids, this little money must be a drizzle for him, and he is prepared.

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