Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 572 Centennial Ginseng

Chapter 574

The Burmese Jade Public Market is like a “challenge match” of jade merchants. It is a competition of financial strength, vision and courage. Before the official public sale, all jadeite wool materials are numbered, indicating the number of pieces, weight and reserve price, but the reserve price is generally very low. All the wool materials are on public display for three days. The jade merchants observe all the exhibits one by one, select the wool materials they need from them, then evaluate the prices, determine the best bid price, and put it into the bid box.

In this jade public sale, Tang Feng brought 400 million yuan in funds, and Tong million brought 100 million yuan in funds. These funds were all picked up after Tang Feng last time, but it is said to be big. Make a fortune.

Tang Feng’s 400 million yuan is not all used to buy jadeite, he plans to use 100 million yuan to purchase medicinal materials.

Three days passed quickly. During these three days, Tang Feng read almost all the signs, and the receipt was not small. A total of 42 rough stones were included, with an average of 300,000 US dollars per rough stone. Overall, less than one-third was spent.

Today is the last day, and tomorrow is the day of bid opening, which means that this public sale is about to end.

Bidding is not the purpose, the purpose is to win the bid. After winning the bid, the solution will be sold. Tang Feng wants to keep a low profile and also wants to make money, which is very difficult. Fortunately, Tong million contacted several jewelry merchants in advance, as long as they have the goods, the other party can eat them, but the price is slightly lower than the market price.

Tang Feng doesn’t care about these things at all, as long as he keeps a low profile. In this crowd of people, no one noticed that these two people kept shuttle in the crowd.

Just when Tang Feng was busy, Tong million’s phone rang suddenly. After the call was connected, the other party only said a few words and a smile appeared on his face.

“Brother Tang, good news, my friend said that someone is selling ginseng. It seems to be a good year…”

“Ginseng? It is very old, where is it?”

Tang Feng stood up immediately after hearing Tong Wanwan’s words, looking at him with some excitement.

Refining medicine juice is not a fixed medicinal material, as long as the medicinal properties are similar, elixir like Millennium Ginseng is the main medicine and is indispensable.

Ginseng, once a legendary treasure that can bring back to life, is easily available in daily life-you can buy it everywhere in supermarkets and pharmacies, and it is also common in film and television works-Hong Kong TV drama rich and famous people like to drink ginseng soup, Korean TV drama red ginseng drink is featured The rate is not low, and it has the reputation of “never old grass”.(Read more @

Most of the ginseng in supermarkets and pharmacies is artificially cultivated, and its medicinal properties are relatively low. Although the requirements for refining medicine juice are not very high, ordinary ginseng can not be replaced.

The fleshy root of ginseng is a well-known strong tonic. It is suitable for regulating blood pressure, restoring heart function, neurasthenia and physical weakness. It also has the effects of expectorant, stomach invigoration, diuresis and excitement.

Tang Feng uses ginseng as the main medicine. The refined concoction does not only have these effects. If it is combined with Polygonum multiflorum that is more than a hundred years old, it can be refined to strengthen the muscles and bones, which is equivalent to the Xiaohuan Dan in the legend of martial arts. .

Polygonum multiflorum, nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing essence and blood, black hair, strengthening muscles and bones, reducing turbidity and lowering fat. It is used for blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness, tinnitus, early white hair, waist and knee weakness, numbness, uterine bleeding, hyperlipidemia.

It is a pity that Tang Feng has successfully built the foundation. These have no effect on him except for stabilizing the meridians, but these are very helpful for Bai Yaqing who has just cultivated. If he can take it for a long time, it can also help him. The role of marrow cutting bone.

These medicinal materials do not have no effect on Tang Feng, but they are a bit less important. As long as he finds all the remaining main ingredients, he can refine the medicinal juice suitable for his cultivation.

For this ginseng, Tang Feng is not in the mood to explore the original stone, and can’t wait to put the old ginseng into his bag right away.

“Brother Tang, if you don’t rest assured, we will let that friend of mine take us over in the afternoon.”

Tong Baiwan is very empathetic, and he has long seen Tang Feng’s absent-minded appearance.

“Okay, then I will trouble Boss Tong.”

The promise of Tong million may be that Tang Feng was in a good mood, and the efficiency of his work was actually not good. He waited until noon, and actually voted for more than 10 bids.

The prices of these bids were filled in by Tong million. In this regard, he must be better than himself.

At noon, the two had a hasty lunch and hurried to the city. When the two arrived, it was long past noon.

A black off-road vehicle stopped in front of a farmyard, and four or five people came down from it, among them were Tong Wanwan and Tang Feng. The two of them really came to check the ginseng.

The person in the lead said something to Fatty Tong. Tang Feng didn’t understand him anyway, but Fatty Tong signaled Tang Feng to follow up.

Both parties are from Burma. Tang Feng couldn’t understand what the other party was saying. After a few minutes of conversation, the owner of the farmyard took out a wooden box from the back room and put it on the table. Opened.

The moment Tang Feng opened the box, Tang Feng instantly felt his eyes shine. Others may not feel it, but he could feel that this old ginseng plant has a strong aura. It is about 200 years old, but it is simply kept and lost. Even so, it has a great effect on Tang Feng. If eaten raw, it can be compared to his one-month training. The effect will be better if it is refined into a medicinal juice. At least it can increase the medicinal power by 50%. , Equipped with some other old drugs, you can do more with less.

“200 years, it works for me, it can be won.”

Anyway, the other party didn’t understand Chinese, so Tang Feng simply talked to Tong Baiwan directly.

Tong Baiwan had noticed Tang Feng’s eyes long ago, and he talked to the other party calmly. After talking for a while, he looked at Tang Feng, “Brother Tang, the other party wants 1 million US dollars.”

One million dollars is nothing to Tang Feng, and he nodded without even thinking about it. Fatty Tong didn’t understand why Tang Feng paid such a high price to buy this ginseng. Since he nodded, he didn’t ask more, and talked with the other party again.

After negotiations between the two parties, this 200-year-old ginseng was finally put away by Tang Feng. Unfortunately, the box was too bad, and he had to find a suitable box to hold him as soon as possible.

Jade is the best artifact to contain these spiritual objects. For this purpose, Tang Feng plans to buy two super large jadeites, and then process a few jade boxes. In the future, he will specially store the old medicines that he has collected, so as not to pass it. Much aura lost.

The goal has been achieved. When the two people hurried back to the hotel, it was already dark, and there was no time to go to the public market. Fortunately, there were a lot of rough stones selected in the past few days.

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