Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 573 Settle Down

Chapter 575

The trip to Burma soon ended. This time it can be said to be a bumper harvest. Not only did we purchase a batch of herbal medicines, but there were also more than one billion in income. It’s a pity that there is only one hundred-year-old ginseng. It seems that the elixir of the old years is still very rare, and even if some have, they have been bought away long ago.

The military training is still a few days away, and Tang Feng still has some time. He used the time to go to Jinsheng and retrieve the carved violet objects.

The auction is about to begin the day after tomorrow. Anya also invited Tang Feng to go with him. Under her arrangement, she came to Port X smoothly. She is now sitting in a five-star hotel while Anya is standing next to him.

“Master, my father wants to see you.”

Regardless of coercion and temptation, or sincere, Anya finally had to accept her own destiny. Especially during this trip to Myanmar, Tang Feng’s worth was no less than her own. Once the auction was successful, the tide would rise.

“Anya, you should know what to say and what not to say. Don’t think you are a woman. I dare not do anything to you. Don’t forget your current identity.”

Tang Feng frowned at Anya’s request.

“Master, don’t worry, I didn’t say anything about you. You know that we still have some strength when we settle in Port X. The thing you throw out is really too expensive, my father…”

“Okay, needless to say, is he also thinking of hitting that bottle?”

Since Tang Feng came to Port X, he has found anomalies, and there are more warriors that are usually rare. A warrior like this, if you are in peacetime, not to mention it’s rare to see it, even if you see it, you have never seen it.

“Don’t dare…”

Anya hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to see Tang Feng.

“Don’t dare? I think you don’t dare? Are the old things that you settled down with become restless?”

Tang Feng’s face at this time was majestic, and there was no way he was still laughing and joking.

“Master, I…”

Anya didn’t expect Tang Feng to guess it. An Jia did want to take it alone. This time her father contacted Tang Feng just to see his strength. If he is just an ordinary child, then I am embarrassed. This jade bottle is for the family.

“Well, since your father wants to see me, then I will meet him.”(Read more @

Now Tang Feng is just a polished commander. It is his first step to subdue Anjia. He just doesn’t know the strength of Anjia. Is there such an immortal old ghost? He also wants to touch Anjia. Of the bottom.

Anya arranged the car and drove out of the downtown area along the Huangyan Highway, stopping in front of a green brick courtyard.

“This is the old house where we settled down. It is filled with some of my elders. They have very strange tempers. Please don’t mind.”

Anya got out of the car with Tang Feng, and then began to introduce it.

Walking on a quiet path, passing through a gate, the inside is extremely wide and surrounded by flowers, plants and grasses, and even the aura is twice as high as other places. It is really a good place for elderly care.

“The environment here is good. It seems that the older generation of you will really choose a place.”

Tang Feng kept watching around, and said casually.

Turning right around the garden, I saw a gray-haired old man doing Tai Chi. After seeing the old man, Anya ran over and said, “Good grandpa.”

Anya’s grandfather saw Anya running over, and stopped his movements, nodded, and then looked at Tang Feng, “A visitor?”

“Grandpa, he is my friend. My father invited him to come this time.”

Anya answered truthfully.

“Young man, what do you think of my Tai Chi playing?”

An Haoran looked at Tang Feng with a smile.

“Not so, physical but unintentional, it’s good to exercise.”

Tang Feng walked to Anya’s side as he said, and stopped.

This old man seems to be about 70 years old, but Tang Feng knows that this is only on the surface. The old man’s aura is introverted and stable as Mount Tai. He has entered half a step of innateness, but it is a pity that he will never be able to enter innate in this world. .

Tang Feng has not seen many warriors on the earth, half-step innate, this is already the highest strength he has seen.

Congenital and half-step congenital, don’t look at just this half-step. The difference is indeed a world of difference. Take the old man in front of you as a master in martial arts, but in Tang Feng’s eyes, it’s like a three-year-old. Like children, this is the difference between congenital and non-congenital.

“Since the kids are so knowledgeable, it’s better to practice with the old man.”

An Haoran stretched out a hand and went straight to Tang Feng’s door. Moreover, he was just a test and did not use his strength. At most, he could only have 10% of his strength. Even if it was only this, ordinary people could not stand it. of.

“Old man, is this how your Anjia treats guests?”

Tang Feng didn’t dodge at all, but stretched out a hand and directly grabbed An Haoran’s wrist.

An Haoran was a little surprised by his wrist being suddenly caught, because he couldn’t see Tang Feng’s strength at all. He didn’t seem to have any internal power. The information collected through Anjia showed that he might be a supernatural person. This was the reason why An Haoran was waiting here.

An Haoran, who was grasped by Tang Feng’s wrist, was not in a hurry, but increased his strength, 10% became 20%, his strength was like sinking into the ocean, without arousing any waves, 30%, 4%. Cheng, 50%… As the strength continued to increase, An Haoran’s forehead also showed cold sweat.

A person who can withstand 50% of his strength means that the opponent is at least a master of inner strength, and the peak of inner strength is less than 20 years old, it is terrible to think about it. An Haoran also considers herself a martial arts wizard. She developed her inner strength at the age of 16, and reached the peak of inner strength in his early 50s. It took another 20 years to enter the half-step innate. Since then, he has never made any progress.

“Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to our home?”

An Haoran has already used ten percent of his power, but the other party’s hands are like iron tongs, still motionless, now it is no longer cold sweat, but beads of sweat are really coming out of his forehead.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, and what is the purpose of my coming to your home? Didn’t you invite me to the home?”

Tang Feng released An Haoran as he said, and while releasing it, he gently pushed forward, “Peng Peng Peng” An Haoran backed up three steps in a row before stabilizing his figure, and at the same time his body was shaking. If it hadn’t been for him to cover up well, Anya would have spotted it.

An Haoran’s face changed and changed after listening to Tang Feng’s words, and finally looked at Anya, “Girl, take him in!” After speaking, she walked slowly to the back of the house. Before leaving, Tang Feng glanced in another direction, and then smiled.

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