Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 580 School Life

Chapter 582

“Tang Feng, what’s wrong?”

Chen Yuyao’s class is next door to Tang Feng’s get out of class. After class, she wanted to go to the toilet. When she walked to the entrance of Tang Feng’s class, she glanced inside. She just saw him fighting and ran in anxiously.

Everyone knows Chen Yuyao, who is the third-ranked beauty in the school. She is known for her innocence shortly after enrolling in school, and she overwhelms her senior, and is recognized as the third school girl. Everyone looked at her nervous expression, especially when she grabbed Tang Feng’s arm, indicating that the relationship between the two of them was unusual.

Chen Yuyao didn’t notice how much shock her behavior brought to everyone. Originally, she didn’t have a master, and many people were going to chase her. Now it seems that she is the master of the famous flower.

Ye Tianxue saw the light in Chen Yuyao’s eyes, who was holding Tang Feng’s arm, and she seemed to have found a way to deal with him.

“Yuyao, nothing happened.”

Tang Feng stroked her long hair naturally.

What was supposed to happen still happened. Ye Tianxue, who was standing on the side with a cold face, smiled, as if the ice and snow melted. The smile was very beautiful and unbelievable. She stretched out her tender little hand and held it. Lived on Tang Feng’s other arm, “Tang Feng, won’t you introduce it to me?”

Chen Yuyao saw Ye Tianxue who was holding Tang Feng’s other arm, her face changed at that time, and at the same time she let go of her hand holding him, and looked at Tang Feng coldly.

There was still a faint smile on Tang Feng’s face. He didn’t explain at all, just glanced at Ye Tianxue. At this time, Ye Tianxue was smiling happily, and finally found a way to rectify Tang Feng.

How much Chen Yuyao hopes that Tang Feng can explain, disappointed, or disappointed, turned around silently and walked out of the classroom. At the moment of turning around, a drop of tears fell in the wind.

“Are you satisfied now? Can you let it go?”

Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuyao who was leaving without explaining or chasing him. He kept watching her walk out of the classroom, and then looked at Ye Tianxue.

Ye Tianxue was a little embarrassed. She thought Tang Feng would explain and resist, but she didn’t. It was completely out of her expectation. She was not happy because of the victory, and she even worried about Chen Yuyao.

“Dingling bell, Jingling bell, Jingling bell…”

The class bell rang, and the storm ended. Ye Tianxue did not have the will to drive Tang Feng away.

After the class, people looked at Tang Feng differently. Some girls who were interested in Tang Feng also retreated. Think about yourself, think about Chen Yuyao, who is ranked third. That is a world of difference. .

The eyes of boys looking at Tang Feng are both admiring and a little frightened. Seeing that he is thin and thin, how can he have such great power? Yuan Qilong and Liang Yingchao are among the best big men in the class. They are these two people, who are in Tang Feng. The face in front of him was like paper, and he flew out with a light push. Now the two of them looked at him with fear and viciousness.

“Tianxue, are things fun in between classes?”(Read more @

After class, Tang Feng began to write on paper.

“After class, leave me quickly, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.”

This time, Ye Tianxue actually gave him a note back. Tang Feng laughed after reading it, making the professor who was giving a lecture a little bit too much. “Student, please answer this question.”

what’s the situation? Tang Feng himself has been trapped. No one has asked him to answer questions before. Has this history really changed because of his reappearance?

For thousands of years, I have forgotten all about it. Don’t say answering it. I don’t even know how to read the question. How can Tang Feng answer him? It’s not shameful. Fortunately, he is witty and dangles just after he got up. Yes, with a shaky appearance, and finally fell in the direction of Ye Tianxue altogether.

“Classmate, classmate, are you okay?”

Tang Feng’s behavior scared the old professor, and he ran over without paying attention to the lecture. Ye Tianxue pushed him away intentionally, but found that he really fainted.

“Me, me, what’s wrong with me?”

Tang Feng opened his eyes in a daze, and found that the old professor was among the people pinching him.

Will Tang Feng faint? Certainly not, he had already been happy in his heart. Fortunately, the old professor has a lot of experience, even if he was rescued, he opened his eyes.

“Classmate, you just fainted.”

The old professor said something worried.

“Oh, I was hit by a car before the start of school. It may be the problem of that car accident. Thank you teacher. I will take a short rest.”

In this way, Tang Feng avoided answering the questions, which also delayed everyone’s time. This is not a problem he cares about.

“Did you mean it?”

As the class continued, Ye Tianxue took the initiative to pass a note.

“you guess?”

“You did it on purpose.”

“I didn’t say that, but you said it.”

Two people, you and I started the journey of the previous life again. Ye Tianxue is constantly threatening to get Tang Feng to leave the seat next to him. Tang Feng just refused to leave.

The first day of school ended in this way. After school, Tang Feng waited directly in front of the teaching building. The handsome appearance attracted the attention of countless nympho, and even some boldly took the initiative to come over to start a conversation, “Classmate, can I leave a phone number?”

For everyone who came to strike up a conversation, he greeted enthusiastically and left a string of numbers. Is this string of numbers his phone number? Of course not, he doesn’t want to make this kind of trouble. The phone number belongs to his dormitory, so he won’t go anyway, so it can be regarded as helping his former brothers!

“Sorry, my girlfriend is here.”

Tang Feng was being besieged by two crushes, and Chen Yuyao slowly walked out of the teaching building, quickly pushed the two people away, and went straight to her, “Yuyao.”

When the two women saw Chen Yuyao oncoming, they were overshadowed in an instant. They no longer have the courage to go up, and they can only leave obediently.

“What are you doing, why don’t you go to the tablemate with you?”

Chen Yuyao’s attitude was a bit cold, and she was brooding about what happened today.

“Yuyao, do you believe me and she has nothing to do with me? And there is some hatred. Today she is just to retaliate against me, do you believe it?”

There was still a faint smile on Tang Feng’s face.

“Then why didn’t you explain?”

“Explain?” Tang Feng smiled, “Will you believe it if I explained it at the time? Instead of not believing it, it’s better not to explain. No, I’m waiting for you here. Wouldn’t I explain it to you?”

After listening to Tang Feng’s words, Chen Yuyao’s expression finally eased, “Don’t lie to me, and also, why haven’t I seen you participate in military training these days? Where have you been?”

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