Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 581 Chasing To The Capital

Chapter 583

In this life, there is no trouble of starting a business. Tang Feng has taken lessons seriously in school. After the foundation is built, his brain is very developed, and he learns very quickly. Coupled with the previous foundation, he will soon The missing knowledge came back.

On this day, Tang Feng went home from school as usual. She was stunned when she walked to the door. Chen Yuhua found it. She stood at the gate of the school and looked so conspicuous. Even if Tang Feng wanted to avoid it, it was too late, because she had already seen him.

“Hi! Beauty, how do you think I am handsome and want to be my girlfriend?”

Since he can’t avoid it, he can only say hello to his scalp, but his greeting is a bit special.

Before Tang Feng came, several people went to talk to Chen Yuhua, but she refused mercilessly. Now there is another person who is looking for death, and everyone is waiting to see Tang Feng’s excitement.

“You are handsome, if you can agree to my request, I can consider it.”

To everyone’s expectation, this cold beauty actually smiled.

“It’s the first time for me, beautiful, you can’t do that.”

Tang Feng suddenly made a move that surprised everyone, and that was to retreat.

Chen Yuhua saw Tang Feng retreating, thinking that he was going to run away, and finally blocked him, this time he was able to run away, and also made an unexpected action for everyone, that is to hold Tang Feng’s. Arm.

“Tang Feng, if you dare to run, believe it or not, go to your classroom to find you?”

Chen Yuhua gritted his teeth and looked at Tang Feng. Her voice was very small, and the people around thought they were dating.

“Sister Yuhua, when did I say I ran away? Go, it’s okay for me to invite you to dinner, right?”

Tang Feng knew that he couldn’t escape, and the only thing that should come was here. History has changed, but the characters have not changed. What’s more, he has already cleaned up the room for Chen Yuhua.

Old Tan Duck Head Hall, this was the first time Tang Feng went to Beijing. Chen Yuhua was not in a hurry. His arm kept pulling Tang Feng’s arm to prevent him from running away suddenly.

“Sister Yuhua, you don’t need to be so close to me, others thought you were my girlfriend.”

School life is boring, it is also a kind of enjoyment to molested and molested beautiful women.

“Aren’t we boyfriend and girlfriend?”

Chen Yuhua gave an answer that surprised Tang Feng.(Read more @

In fact, Tang Feng didn’t know his behavior at all, which made him very mysterious in Chen Yuhua’s heart. An ordinary student actually gave himself hundreds of millions of items. First of all, it is not how the things came from, but no one has this courage.

If Tang Feng has a plan for himself, then what does he plan for himself? Beautiful? Chen Yuhua doesn’t think any local tyrant can be as proud as hundreds of millions of dollars for himself. Even if Tang Feng can, he has to show something, he always avoids himself, this time it can be said to be a temptation.

“Yes, but that was a past life. If you are still willing to be my girlfriend in this life, I don’t mind.”

Tang Feng said with a smile.

Past life? This was not the first time Tang Feng mentioned it. The answer surprised her. The more so, the more she felt Tang Feng’s mystery and the more she wanted to know him.

“Past life? Do people really have a past life?”

Chen Yuhua looked at Tang Feng with suspicion.

“If you believe in it, you will have it, if you believe in it, you will not have it.”

Tang Feng gave an ambiguous answer.

“Tang Feng, I don’t care what happened to us, but I must return the things to you, and the money, now I don’t take it with me. After the meal, you will accompany me to fetch it.”

The things were too expensive, and Chen Yuhua didn’t dare to wear them.

“I said, I have given you things, and you can dispose of them as you like. It has nothing to do with me, and we don’t have any relationship yet. If you are willing to be my girlfriend, I Don’t mind.”

Tang Feng’s domineering makes Chen Yuhua helpless. If he refuses to accept it, she really can’t help it. Do you want to force it to him, then you must also give yourself a chance.

“Tang Feng, I have to return things to you. As for boyfriends and girlfriends, I think you are still young and we can start with friends.”

Chen Yuhua wanted to impress Tang Feng with love and let him take things back.

“Sister Yuhua, no matter what kind of capacity we get along, in this life, I will let you enjoy the glory of the world. You will stand on the pinnacle of this world and become the pinnacle woman in this world.”

Tang Feng was very serious when he said this. If it were replaced by anyone who would not believe it, at this moment, Chen Yuhua actually believed in a ghostly letter. Especially looking at Tang Feng’s eyes, she was very young, but she seemed to have endless vicissitudes. She didn’t know what had happened to this young boy, why he always covered his heart with a smile.

“I believe in you, but we are just friends. You don’t need to help me, I don’t need your help, and I won’t accept your help.”

Chen Yuhua also said seriously.

“Regardless of whether you accept it or not, I will make you the happiest woman in the world. Money is nothing but a bunch of numbers to me.”

“Tang Feng, do you want me to be a canary? Then raise me in captivity?”

Chen Yuhua couldn’t understand Tang Feng, and couldn’t understand what he wanted to do.

In the previous life, Chen Yuhua was a workaholic. In this life, Tang Feng didn’t want her to be too tired. He just wanted her to be the woman behind her, but he ignored her character. She was simply a woman who couldn’t stay idle. He frowned.

“Sister Yuhua, I just set up a venture capital company. If you can’t stay free, I can let you manage it.”

The company was established, and Tang Feng directly linked to Anya’s name in order to keep a low profile. He is so confident that Anya will not betray. Anya was a little surprised. What was surprised was that this big boy had so much money. What was surprised was that he completely believed in himself and gave 2 billion of funds to himself for management. If he has any wrong intentions, 2 billion will draw water. Drifted.

“Venture investment company?”

Chen Yuhua looked at Tang Feng with some questions.

“Yes, it has just been established, and it is still being formed. It is handed over to a maid to take care of it.”

Tang Feng didn’t intend to hide things from Chen Yuhua. The two of them will meet sooner or later, especially Anya would come here every day to report on the day’s work. Tang Feng originally refused to let her come, but she volunteered. Come.

“The maid?”

Chen Yuhua is even more confused, what era is this, why is there a maid?

“You don’t have to worry about this matter, you only know that I bought her, and now she is completely under my direction.”

Tang Feng doesn’t want to explain, there are too many things involved, including Bai Yaqing.

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