Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 590 Under The Kunlun Mountains

Chapter 592

The Kunlun Mountains are also known as Kunlun Xu, the first sacred mountain in China, the mountain of Wanzu, Kunlun Hill or Yushan. It is the mountain system of central Asia and the backbone of the mountain system of western China. The mountain ranges from the eastern Pamirs in the west, across X Xinjiang and X Tibet, and extends to the Q Sea. It has a total length of about 2500 kilometers, an average elevation of 5500-6000 meters, a width of 130-200 kilometers, and a width of 130-200 kilometers in the west. More than 500,000 square kilometers. Kunlun Mountain has a prominent position as the “ancestor of ten thousand mountains” in the cultural history of the Chinese nation. The ancients called Kunlun Mountain the “ancestor of dragons”.

Nowadays, people gathered under the top of Kunlun, and tents were stationed at the foot of the mountain and halfway up the mountain. When the Anjia people and Tang Feng arrived at the bottom of the mountain, it was already in the afternoon. It took a short 20 kilometers and a few hours to walk. Such rapid walking is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

Anya’s face is a little yellow and her legs are weak. Even the juniors who settle down are all tired. An Haoran and Tang Feng are the most leisurely, one and a half innate, and a foundation, they can use some help. The power of nature consumes little itself.

The Li family’s team is relatively large, and it has been following An’s mightily, led by an old man, who looks about 60 years old, younger than An Haoran, his eyes have been sweeping Tang Feng’s body. Come and sweep.

Tang Feng had discovered the existence of this old man a long time ago, and he felt very strong and strong. If An Haoran had a drop of water before his eyes, the old man in front of him would be a pot of water. Two people are not at the same level at all, maybe this is what the warrior said of the innate.

Tang Feng compared the old man in front of him with the cultivator. It was similar to the foundation period of the cultivator. If you fight alone, the cultivator will lose, and if you fight alone, the cultivator will be better. The martial arts tournament is a contest of martial artists, so you must lose in comprehension.

The cultivators here are only ordinary cultivators. Is Tang Feng an ordinary cultivator? No, the former Immortal Venerable had an extremely profound background, and it was simply not what these ordinary warriors could imagine. If you really fight, Tang Feng can be sure that it will be killed within three moves. This is the background of a fairy. Even if he uses the way of martial artist, Tang Feng believes that he will not lose to him. It is only a matter of time before he defeats him.

In Li Lianzhe’s eyes, Anjia was just a small family, and it was such a family, but he discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, a non-warrior, a teenager and a girl. Originally, he thought that the Anjia was down to the point where all non-martial artists had come to participate in the martial arts conference, but he discovered an anomaly after following along the way, especially the handsome boy, although he has been behind the team, but he has never fallen out of the team. .

Li Lianzhe’s heart is not at peace, abnormality is a demon, here is not a flat ground, there are cliffs everywhere, even professional climbers can not come and go freely, not to mention that he is still holding a lesbian in his hand.(Read more @

Anya’s breath is rather chaotic. As a congenital master, Li Lianzhe can’t feel it. It’s more clear that she is not a martial artist. The only thing he can’t see through is Tang Feng. It’s natural. If you don’t use your eyes, you can’t feel this. Human existence. He is an innate master, and he can’t feel the presence of the other party, what a terrible thing.

I can’t feel it, I can see it with my eyes, and it’s really there, except that it looks more beautiful, there is no abnormality. Along the way, Li Lianzhe has been frowning tightly, and he didn’t even say a word to the juniors.

Compared with these big sects and families, Anjia is nothing more than a small family that is not influential. According to the requirements, they came to the arranged point, where people who settled have long been waiting.

The Li Family and An Jia are not of the same class at all. They are stationed in the middle of a mountain. The better the terrain, the higher the identity of the representative.

“Grandpa, look at the arrogant look of the Li family, one day I will step on them.”

On the way, the Li family followed An’s family. Although there was no conflict between the two parties, it did not mean that the Li family’s children were very safe. There was irony along the way, and some even publicly molested Anya. These Anjia juniors dare not speak up, not to mention that their grandfather has not spoken. Now that the Li family has gone to his residence, the Anjia junior dares to vent their grievances.

“Yes, the members of the Li family are too bullying, and they didn’t put us in the eyes at all, especially the old man at the front, who was clearly an old pervert who swept around on Ya’s body and got on the beam. The beam is not straight and crooked.”

Faced with the accusations from the juniors, An Haoran’s face was not very good, because he knew the difference in strength, especially Li Lianzhe, who had entered the innate five years ago, and now he does not know where he has reached, even if it is a sea of ​​blood. Can only bear it.

This matter seems to have nothing to do with Tang Feng, except for occasionally speaking with Anya, without making any remarks. He has seen too many hatreds of the family, the antagonisms of the family, brothers, fathers and sons, and everything is driven by interests.

The current Tang Feng is just a spectator. He is not a saint, and he has no obligation to avenge Anjia. Even Anya is just a maid in his eyes, and he has no distracting thoughts anymore. If those women in the previous life hadn’t interacted with him, they would be just ordinary passersby in his eyes now.

Look down, thousands of years of clean cultivation, let him look down on the world, the huge earth is the place where they live in the eyes of the world, but in the eyes of the cultivator, it is just a low-level plane. Looking at how big the fairy world is, even a small city is the size of the earth.

There are three thousand great worlds below the heavens. Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, abbreviated as “Great Thousand Worlds”. Buddhism says that the four worlds are covered by the moon in one day, and the six heavens and the first meditation are covered, which is a “small world”; a thousand small worlds cover one or two Zen heavens, which is a “small thousand world”; One or three Zen heavens are one “Middle Thousand World”; one thousand Middle Thousand Worlds cover one Four Zen Heaven, which is one “Great Thousand World”. There are three kinds of “thousand worlds” in one big thousand world, small, medium and big, so it is called three thousand big thousand worlds.

The earth is so small in this, like a grain of sand in the sea. Tang Feng’s goal is not here, let alone the immortal realm. His goal is the legendary god realm.

The God Realm is too mysterious, even his master does not know much, only that it is a new world opened up by the ancient power, and only there can it reach eternity.

Immortals are not immortal, but their life span is relatively long, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and they will eventually fall. This is also the reason why those immortal realms are trying their best to ascend to the god realm, and only there can there be eternity.

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