Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 591 Before The Competition

Chapter 593

The martial arts conference began, the host spoke, and the host here is also a martial artist. The elders and leaders of various factions enter the venue. It’s really like a draft on TV, very grand.

Every disciple in each sect and family, under the age of 30, participated in the rookie contest. After a series of registrations, a random selection of identification numbers was carried out.

The so-called identity number is a serial number for all contestants. Anjia is the number plate drawn by a small family and it is also ranked behind. It was the turn of the settler to draw the numbers all morning.

Tang Feng didn’t know whether it was lucky or unlucky. When he got the number, he was a little bit dumbfounded. “538” means I am 38. The magnificent Xianzun actually became the 38, even Anya saw Tang. When Feng put the number on his chest, they all smiled secretly.

“Master, you are so lucky.”

After Anya and Tang Feng got acquainted with each other, they found that he used to get along very well. As long as he doesn’t do too much, even joking is fine.

“Why don’t you go.”

Tang Feng directly tore off the number plate on his chest and stuck it on Anya’s chest.

“Master, you take advantage of me.”

Anya said so, but she was so beautiful in her heart that she even stood up her chest.

“Boy, you are dead.”

Tang Feng took the last one in Anjia. Behind him are the children of another family, and the two of them have not even met each other. But Anya is too eye-catching. The other party directly gave him a warning.

Tang Feng ignored it, didn’t even glance at the other party, took Anya’s hand and walked down the stage.

“Big brother, where does that kid belong, why have you never seen him? Don’t let me meet him, otherwise he won’t even recognize his mother if I hit him, but the female ticket next to him is very beautiful. ”

“I don’t know the origin of this kid, but that woman is from Anjia. She is called Anya. She is not a martial artist, but a leader of the Anjia consortium.”(Read more @

“Big brother, you know a lot. Did you fall in love with her? If you fall in love with her, it’s better to let your grandfather go to Anjia to propose a marriage, just a peripheral girl, and Anjia will definitely agree.”

After Tang Feng and Anya left, the young man behind him kept looking at sending them away, his eyes full of anger.

Qian Duoguang, from the Qian family in Port X, Qian Guangcang is his cousin, just because Qian Guangcang didn’t like to dance knives and guns since he was a child, and then he started doing business and took charge of the entire Qian family’s economy.

Both the Qian family and the Anjia are rivals in the business world or the ancient martial arts world, and neither of the two families accepts each other, and friction has been constant.

Qian Duoguang is a martial artist, and he is devoted to martial arts. He shouldn’t know Anya in the first place. However, by chance, let him know the existence of Anya. It was a trip to Myanmar. To protect Qian Guangcang’s safety, the family sent him to follow.

On the bright side, Qian Daguang is just a bodyguard. In fact, only Qian Guangcang understands that in terms of the status of the family, his nephew is even higher than his status.

At that time, Anya also just took over An’s Jewelry and went to Myanmar to participate in the public sale under the leadership of Aboyang. Qian Duguang was just a bodyguard at the time, and he did not attract Anya’s attention. However, he was attracted by Anya’s beauty and mentioned it to his grandfather after returning home.

It is an indisputable fact that Anya is just an ordinary person. Qian Duoguang is a warrior, and the identities of the two are very different. What’s more, the origin of the Qian’an family, how can a warrior bow his head to take an ordinary person from An’s family. He was rejected by his grandfather at that time, and the matter was let go.

Qian Duoguang has always been obsessed with Anya, especially when he saw Anya at the martial arts conference today, he thinks his opportunity is here. But he was jealous when he saw how close she was to Tang Feng, so he stepped forward to warn Tang Feng.

In Anya’s impression, there is no such person as rich and wide. Even if there is, there is only disgust. Now her heart is completely pinned on Tang Feng, and she hopes that one day, she will be able to be like Bai Yaqing.

The so-called rookie contest is divided into three parts. The first part is the qualification test, the second part is the ability test, and the third part is the competition.

Today, more than a thousand rookie warriors have participated in the selection. The so-called first part of the qualification test is to select the disciples who meet the age qualifications, and the competition is divided according to the sect level.

Tang Feng’s number plate is the first part of the test, age, style, and strength. Divided according to age and strength.

Tang Feng is 19 years old and is assigned to the group under 20 years old, and then divided according to strength.

At the peak of Anjin, the elder in charge at the time all took a look at Tang Feng. He was a strange existence, originally thought to be an outstanding disciple of the Tang family, but after seeing the family he belonged to, it was also shocking. It’s actually Anjia.

Dark Jin Pinnacle’s existence in the decline of this martial art is already a top-level existence, as long as it does not appear innate, it is an invincible existence. Tang Feng’s information was filled in by An Haoran. He didn’t know his strength, he just filled in according to his performance.

Here is also related to the size of the martial art and family. If the famous martial art or family naturally selects more disciples to qualify for the competition, the chances of promotion are also higher.

Tang Feng’s particularity also made him an unexpected thing, that is, his opponent, only one person in the group under 20 years old has reached the peak of dark energy, and he is still a little girl.

My sister-in-law Liang looks a little shy at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Standing with Tang Feng is like a golden girl and a jade girl, where is a martial arts contest.

The early stage, the middle stage and the late stage of Anjin are divided into three groups. Each group only takes the top ten, and those who advance can challenge the next level.

There are only two people in Tang Feng’s group, two people with big eyes and small eyes, there is no need to compete directly, just waiting for the top ten in the late stage of Anjin to challenge.

There are a large number of people, and the arena is limited, so it is impossible to conduct a one-to-one competition. There are three arenas on the field and the competition at the same time. Start with the early stage of the dark, every group of ten people, each group only takes the top 5. The rules are simple. Those who lose their combat power are eliminated, and those who fall out of the ring are eliminated.

Anjia is just a small family. There are only seven people participating in Tang Feng. Everyone has different strengths. They are scattered in every corner. It is impossible to meet children of the same clan in the ring.

Big families and big sects are very advantageous. Some families have as many as 100 people. Even if they are scattered, they can occasionally meet the same clan in the ring. In this way, two or more people will have a very advantage when they stick to the attack.

There are too many people, even these big families cannot guarantee that each ring has its own children. Compared to small families, it is fair. There must be a 50% chance that many people will be lucky enough to enter the next level. .

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