Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 592 Take The Stage To Compete

Chapter 594

The competition was going on intensely. After one round of elimination, more than half was eliminated first. Originally, five players could be left in each arena, but some were very unlucky. They were beaten out of the arena almost at the same time and unfortunately were eliminated. .

In order to be fair to the players, the second round of the game will be held two hours after the end of the game, so that the newly promoted players have enough time to make adjustments.

If time does not allow, then it will be ranked on the next day. There are too many people, and there are three tight arenas. In non-stop competitions and competitions, people are constantly being eliminated. Some are eliminated and some are promoted. The eliminated look is frustrated, and the promotion look is excited.

In the secular time, Tang Feng didn’t see a few warriors. He didn’t expect that there are so many here. This is still a rookie, so how many warriors are there in the older generation? There are more than 100 families of all sizes.

It seems that the number is huge, if it is scattered all over the world, it is really not very eye-catching, it is no wonder that it is difficult to see warriors in the world.

Three days, the first round of the three-day martial arts competition finally ended. The six disciples of the An family were not bad, but they all advanced. This made An Haoran very happy after watching it. This was something that had never happened before.

In the past, Anjia either didn’t participate, or he was almost eliminated in the first round. It was lucky to be able to leave half of it. All of them were promoted this year, and he became more confident in the improved method.

The second round of martial arts competition began, and the rules of the first round continued, that is, group battles, ten contestants in each arena, in order to speed up the process of the contest, the number of people promoted has changed from 5 to 4, and the martial arts are even more advanced. fierce.

The number of people is smaller, and the speed is much faster. The second round of martial arts ended in only a day and a half. The disciples of the settlement were not so lucky this time. Six people and four people were eliminated, leaving only six people. Although he is ashamed, An Haoran is still very satisfied. Such a result is a record compared to previous years.

Tang Feng’s opponent is still the little girl. Fortunately, he was given a bye again. The first five days of the competition was a spectator for Tang Feng. Sometimes when he was happy, he would even give a few words to the juniors who set up their home. Benefited a lot.

The third round of the martial arts competition was held on the sixth day of the martial arts tournament. The rules of the third round were also changed, that is, there is no age division. This is a real strength competition. Originally, Tang Feng had only one opponent, but suddenly there were more. Up.(Read more @

There are 6 groups in the early stage of dark power, the middle stage of dark gold, the late stage of dark gold, the peak of dark power, the half-step congenital, and the congenital. The number of people in the first 4 groups is almost the same, all around 50 people, the number of half-step congenital Relatively few, there are only about 30 people. But innate, there were only three people from beginning to end. These three people were aloft, looking at the competitors on the stage like ants.

What kind of existence is innate, that is the heritage of a family, let alone the innate who is less than 30 years old, how far in the future will be, no one knows, those referees are respectful when they see each other. This is the existence of the head or head of the family in the future, and he dare not easily offend him.

The third round is still using group battle tactics. This is also the last round of group battle. The rules are very simple. Only three personnel can stay in each ring, and whoever can stay until the end will be promoted.

The small families and the small sects are almost eliminated. At this time, the advantages of the big families and the martial sects are also reflected. Almost every ring has its own children.

In the early days of Anjin, there were a total of 52 people. These 52 people were evenly distributed to 3 arenas, and the three were going on at the same time. Only 3 people were taken from each arena, that is, only 9 people were promoted.

The competition lasted for half an hour, and the final players were Zhang Tian from Kunlun, 12 years old this year; Lu Donglin from Wudang, 13 years old this year; Li Yanliang from the Li family, 13 years old this year, and he was the fourth of the Li family’s generation. Generation children…

These advanced martial artists are obviously young in age, and compared with those small families in their early 20s, An Jin is incomparable at all. Standing in front of these gods, it is simply eclipsed, ashamed or ashamed. .

The difference in cultivation techniques created the difference of martial artists, and the difference in talent created the difference in strength.

After the early stage of the dark power, there is a duel in the mid stage of the dark power. The number of people in the mid stage of the dark power is almost the same as that of the early stage, and only the top 9 are also selected.

Anjin’s mid-term strength has improved to a certain extent, and the intensity is higher than that of the initial period. The gap in strength is even more obvious. After just 20 minutes, there are 9 people standing on the ring.

The game did not stop, Anjin late, Anjin peak. Although the first three levels are very fierce, but for those big families just give new disciples the opportunity to exercise, the peak of dark energy is the key point. He is related to the lifeline of a family and sect. The more the number of promotion, the more the number of people who will be able to break through the innate in the future. The more.

Tang Feng is finally going to play. Now the six children of Anjia have been eliminated, and he is the only one left in Anjia. He stretched his waist and walked slowly towards the ring, instantly attracting the attention of countless people.

The members of the small family have almost been wiped out. Tang Feng is so conspicuous that no one knows him, not to mention that he is playing for the first time, and even the leaders of those families look to him.

There are 48 people in Anjin Peak. Except for the little girl, almost all middle-aged people are in the age of twenty-eight or ninety-nine. Maybe this is their last chance to participate in the martial arts conference, even the younger ones are at twenty-five. Six years old.

Tang Feng felt a little helpless as soon as he played. There were 16 people in the ring, 15 people were watching him, including the young girl.

“Boy, you should be careful, don’t blame me for being rude this time.”

Li Yunfei has been paying attention to Tang Feng, but this kid is so lucky, he didn’t expect to go all the way, which made him feel a little unhappy. In addition to Li Yunfei, there is another person who has been paying attention to Tang Feng, and that is Qian Guangcang.

Qian Guangcang originally had the strength of the late Dark Jin, and he was a leader in the small family, but he was still a little short of the big family and martial arts with rich heritage, and was eliminated in the third round. .

Tang Feng is so young, he doesn’t believe that his strength is higher than himself, but along the way, he found that he was wrong, and he had never seen him play. He even thought this kid had abandoned the game. Standing on the ring now, he gritted his teeth with hatred. He was jealous, jealous that Tang Feng got Anya’s love, jealous that his strength is higher than himself, and now his only hope is that he makes a fool of himself on stage.

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