Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 4 Chapter 223: Little Lori is gone

Chapter 223 Little Loli Is Gone

In the early morning in the wild, the air is so fresh.

Some birds roosted in the woods, flying, and the joyful hoof hoof sound, like a natural alarm clock, awakened all the students camping in the wild.

Han Xuan opened her wistful eyes in a daze, stretched her waist, and yawned. The dark and bright eyes were moistened with clear tears. She felt that the sky outside the tent was already bright, and she sat up.

I looked at the watch time by the pillow, it was already more than 7 o'clock in the morning.

It seems that the instructors made the classmates relax today, and called them up before five or six in the morning.

"Mengmeng, it's past 7 o'clock, and the classmates will probably wake up in a while. Let's wash and wear them first?" Han Xuan stretched out a slender arm and patted the pillow next to her.


But this shot was completely shot!

Han Xuan turned her head, her expression uttered, "Huh? Mengmeng? Mengmeng!"

Turning around, Han Xuan was surprised to find that there was no one beside her! Except for the sheets and pillows, there is only one smiling and festive SpongeBob doll! ...Where did Mengmeng go? Is it possible that you have already got up?

As soon as this thought came out of my mind, it was quickly dispelled! Because Mengmeng’s military training uniform was not worn!

Oops! Miss Mengmeng?

If it's someone else, Han Xuan isn't very worried, but Kang Mengmeng is very immature. What if he runs out for fun in the middle of the night and gets lost? Although the woods at the foot of Yanshan Mountain are not as dangerous as the virgin forests, they are in danger of getting lost. Some reptiles and vipers are also threatening!


She quickly changed into her military training uniform, Han Xuan couldn't even take care of washing, she suddenly opened the tent, and yelled softly, "Instructor! It's not good! ... Classmate Kang Mengmeng is gone!"


Lorraine slept very lightly. When he heard this shout, even if he recognized that it was Han Xuan's voice, he sat up abruptly, his mind turned extremely fast. When he heard Han Xuan's words, Almost instantly reminded me of the seemingly non-existent shouts I heard last night... Kang Mengmeng? ...Now think about it carefully, the shout of music last night is somewhat similar to the voice of that arrogant little Lori Kang Mengmeng!

Is it possible?

Thinking about it, Lorraine quickly changed into a military training uniform, then opened the tent and got out.

Although he is not a living Lei Feng, but... if the people around him are in danger, he will definitely help! Although Kang Mengmeng is only a one-sided bond with himself, he is more or less a classmate of the same department. From a certain perspective, Han Xuan is an old friend of his own. He must not stand idly by. !

There is a saying that is good, the responsibilities are as great as the ability!

Lorraine didn't dare to say that he was a hero, but he was not a hard-hearted person. There were some things that needed to be done by himself, and that must be the first! As a man, if he is not bloody, he can really die!

After getting out of the tent, Lorraine first saw Han Xuan who was slightly pale and eager not far away. Even if he didn't say anything, he quickly ran over: "Student Han Xuan, what's the situation?"

Han Xuan did not expect that the first person to appear and run in front of him would be Lorraine in front of him.

Seeing Lorraine’s expression of concern at this time, Han Xuan's heart throbbed for no reason, but when she changed her mind, this throbbing was covered by the worry from the bottom of her heart, and said anxiously: "Kang Mengmeng is not there. That's it!...That's the little girl I was with when we happened to meet in the supermarket that day. She was my playmate when I was a child, equivalent to my sister!... Just when I woke up, I suddenly found out She was gone, and the military uniform was not worn, so I concluded that she must have not got up early today. There are only two situations, either... she was playful and ran out by herself last night... There is another situation... ..."

With that, Han Xuan's eyebrows frowned slightly, seemingly unspeakable.

"Huh? Another situation...what is it?" Lorraine couldn't help but ask in surprise when he saw Han Xuan's desire to speak.

After a pause, Han Xuan hesitated a little and finally decided to tell Lorraine: "Actually... the cute family background in Yanjing City is not easy. The family's commercial or some opponents may be Use some shameless means..."

"You mean kidnapping?" In fact, even if Han Xuan didn't say it, Lorraine could faintly infer that Kang Mengmeng's family background from Han Xuan's family background is certainly not simple. After a pause, he blurted out and asked.

"...I hope this will not happen..." When Lorraine uttered the words "kidnapping", Han Xuanxiu frowned, her face changed again, and she murmured in a daze.

"What happened?"

"This classmate, what's the matter? Which classmate did you say is missing?"

At this moment, four instructors walked out of two tents. Among them, instructor Zhu Da was walking at the forefront. His expression was very nervous, but he tried to keep calm. He knew that the student was missing in the woods. It's no small matter. He can't mess around. If even the instructor loses the square inch, the other students will become more nervous and helpless.

"This classmate, huh? There is also classmate Lorraine?... Just now, who did this classmate say is missing?"

Han Xuan said eagerly to the instructor Zhu: "Kang Mengmeng, she is a student of Class 2 of the Department of Economics and Trade. We slept in the same tent at night. When I woke up this morning, I found her missing. , The military uniform is not worn..."

As soon as the instructor Zhu heard it, he realized that something was wrong. He immediately opened the tent behind Han Xuan and glanced around. He found that the military training uniform was lying quietly beside the bed. The soldier's sharp eyes made a judgment. Come out, Kang Mengmeng shouldn't have disappeared until early this morning, it may be late at night...

"Did you feel any changes when you were asleep?" Instructor Zhu Da straightened up and asked Han Xuan, "No matter how subtle the noise is, I must say it. This is very helpful for us to find Kang Mengmeng!"

Han Xuan frowned, and began to think hard. After a while, her eyes finally lit up: "I remember it!~~ If it wasn't for me to have auditory hallucinations, it might have been about an hour after I had just fallen asleep, that came from my ear. Some of the voices that called me, at the time I slept too deep, so I didn’t pay much attention... By the way, it should be a cute voice, it seems to be asking me if I am asleep!... Then, I felt that the tent was being covered by people It's opened!~"

Lorraine frowned and groaned: "If classmate Mengmeng was calling in your ear, she should have gotten up by herself, not taken away by the gangster, otherwise the movement will not be so light!...Last night It’s about ten o’clock when everyone is asleep. So, Mengmeng, she should have left the tent before midnight.... A girl shouldn’t go too far. The best possibility now is She was lost in the woods!"

"Yes!" Instructor Zhu nodded fiercely. He admired Lorraine's analytical ability. "Student Lorraine is right! There are no ferocious beasts and birds in this forest, so the greatest possibility It was this female classmate who left our prescribed area and lost her way in the woods!"


Hearing the analytical words of the instructor and Lorraine, Han Xuan suddenly let out a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't caught by those ill-intentioned gangsters! If you just get lost, everyone can work together now, maybe you can find Mengmeng!

Lorraine, Han Xuan, and the four instructors, including the instructor Zhu Da, most of the classmates also got out of the tent intermittently and heard the conversations between the instructors and Lorraine and Han Xuan just now. Most of it is clear what happened.

"Dear students, now we have a female classmate lost in this woods! ... Now, we are going to find this classmate! We have four classes, each of which has five people, divided into soldiers. Four-way, follow the instructor in four directions to find!" Instructor Zhu Da sternly made relevant arrangements, "Now, who in each class is willing to join the search team?!"

As soon as this remark came out, there were scattered figures in each class.

At a glance, there are seven or eight people in each class. It can be seen that students who can be admitted to Jinghua University have very good morals.

After the instructor Zhu University eliminated some students who appeared to be so thin that they were malnourished, there were 20 students, only Han Xuan was a girl. Among them, there are Lorraine, Hao Dapeng, Wu Di, and Gao Ren! ......Oh, there is one more person, that is Song Zhihan, the tall and healthy boy who had come up with Han Xuan before!

"Now divided into four teams with five people in each team!... The first team, let Instructor Zhou lead the team! The second team, let Instructor Lin lead the team! The third team, I will lead the team! The fourth team!..." Speaking of this, the instructor Zhu was suddenly taken aback. All the instructors can't follow. You know, there are still many students in this area. If the instructors are gone, sleep here and watch them?

Seeing the hesitant look of the instructor Zhu at this time, Lorraine knew in his heart, stepped forward, and said to the instructor Zhu: "Instructor Zhu, why, let me take this fourth team?"

"You bring it?!" Instructor Lin next to him was taken aback, "No! You are a student yourself, you can't lead the team!"

However, instructor Zhu looked at Lorraine and pondered at this time, and waved his hand to Instructor Lin: "It doesn't matter, let this Lorraine student lead the fourth team! I believe him!"

"This..." Instructor Lin wanted to say something, but seeing the incontrovertible look of Instructor Zhu Da, he had to give up.

From this point, he is as smart as Lorraine, and it is natural to see that among all the instructors, this instructor Zhu has the largest position in the army!

"Okay! Now the four teams are all distributed! Lorraine, who is your team with you?" Instructor Zhu Da asked, looking at Lorraine at this time.

Before Lorraine could speak, Han Xuan stood by Lorraine's side: "Instructor, I'm in a team with Lorraine!"

"And me!" "Me too!" "We are all in the Lorraine team!" At this time, the three animal brothers Hao Dapeng, Wu Di and Gao Ren in Room 408 were also walking towards Lorraine together. Abandoned appearance.

"Instructor, I will also join this Lorraine classmate.... The student leads the team, the risk factor is slightly higher, one more person, one more caregiver." At this moment, among the crowd, a message came. The boy has a slightly calm voice.

Han Xuan looked back and frowned slightly: Huh? Isn't this... Song Zhihan?

Instructor Zhu Da looked at Song Zhihan and found that he was strong, tall, and dark-skinned, and his physique should be considered good, so he nodded immediately: "That's good! The team I am leading! Only four people are needed The students will just follow me! It’s not too late now, everyone! The soldiers are divided into four directions, and look for the whereabouts of classmate Kang Mengmeng as soon as possible!!"

With a big wave, an order!

Four rows of teams, one after another, quickly searched in four directions!

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