Chapter 224 Song Zhihan

The fourth team, in the woods to the east, walked one step at a time, while walking, while shouting the name "Kang Mengmeng".

Lorraine walked in the forefront, Han Xuan followed closely. Behind Han Xuan, the figure of Song Zhihan closely followed. His eyes looked east and west, and he looked calm on the surface. , But didn't know what he was thinking about.

This boy is a character who makes the first impression and absolutely cannot hate, but if you observe more, you will find that this boy is very scheming. However, he was far behind Lorraine. Even if Lorraine was struck by the abacus in his mind, on the surface, no one would notice the slightest sign.

"Hey hey, Gao Ren, who is this buddy? Looks very strong!...I hate people who are taller than me!" Behind this Song Zhihan, Hao Dapeng, Wu Di and Gao Rensan The individual quietly pointed out this Song Zhihan.

"I look at this man, look at the eyes of classmate Han Xuan, they are all different!"

"Cut! So what? That beautiful Han Xuan, but an old classmate from high school with Lorraine for three years! Even if the beautiful Han Xuan wants to find a boyfriend, he won’t have the man’s turn. Brother Lorraine is the first choice!"

When Wu Di heard the conversation between Hao Dapeng and Gao Ren, he nodded in agreement, and said with a serious expression: "Well, if I were a woman, I would also choose Lorraine. Although that guy looks very good, he is definitely It's a thousand miles away from our Lorraine."

Hearing Wu Di's words, Gao Ren and Hao Dapeng instantly lost their goose bumps. They looked at Wu Di with contempt and even some serious expressions. They clearly yelled silently: "Wu Di!! You! Disgusting gay!!!"

Wu Di noticed the look in the two of them, but turned their heads and spread their hands innocently: "Hey, I said you two, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I'm a pure man! More pure than Brother Chun! "

"Get out!" Hao Dapeng kicked Wu Di's butt, "Don't insult my idol!!"

"These three classmates, if you can't help, please don't make a noise, okay." At this moment, Song Zhihan in front of him stopped and turned around, his face blank, even with a hint of expression. Looking at the three with disdainful eyes, even though the disdainful look was hidden deep, it was still seen by the three.

This disdain is not that kind of contempt, but...a kind of superior existence, a sense of overlooking the weak and small creatures. From this point, it can be felt that this Song Zhihan should have a superior status, so he is used to being a young master!

But this feeling made Hao Dapeng and others feel very uncomfortable.

"You... let's not make trouble, is it your turn?!" Hao Dapeng had a grumpy temper, and immediately hobbled his eyebrows, looking like he was going to fight. He can tolerate other people's provocations to himself, but this disdainful and self-righteous look in his eyes makes him very hot!

"Huh, a clown jumping beam, you and I are not qualified yet." Song Zhihan snorted coldly and turned away, not looking at Hao Dapeng and others at all.

"You!" Hao Dapeng's face suddenly turned pale.

"Dapeng, stop making trouble." At this time, Lorraine suddenly stopped, noticed the situation here, and walked over and stopped between the two. "This classmate is right. We are now looking for Kang. She may hear the whereabouts of classmate Mengmeng and we shout to her at any time and give us an answer. The voice may be very small. We need to keep quiet and listen carefully. So, stop making trouble for the time being."

When Hao Dapeng heard Lorraine’s words, even if there were thousands of kinds of unhappiness in his heart, he suppressed it. He also knew that the three of them were indeed a bit noisy just now, but... he really couldn’t stand this stinky Song. Zhihan's self-righteous face!

"Huh! Let me spare you for the time being!" Hao Dapeng put down his fist angrily, and took a deep breath.

Song Zhihan sneered softly and sneered contemptuously, not even looking at Hao Dapeng.

"Song Zhihan, we are here to find Mengmeng's whereabouts. We need everyone to work together as a team. I hope you can pay attention to the wording when you speak." Han Xuan has been paying attention to the conversations of several people just now, although Hao Dapeng and the others The reason is the first, but this Song Zhihan is indeed a bit poisonous.

When Song Zhihan faced Han Xuan, he had a rather gentle smile, and his tone was lightly relaxed: "Hehe, classmate Han Xuan, you saw it just now. It was they who messed around regardless of occasion, I My current mind is as eager as classmate Han Xuan. I can’t find the whereabouts of classmate Kang Mengmeng in a minute. I can’t let go of it for a minute. They were so irresponsible just now. Impulsive."

After that, Song Zhihan turned to Hao Dapeng, Gao Ren, Wu Di and others in front of Han Xuan, nodded apologetically and smiled: "Three classmates, I was really sorry just now, because classmate Kang Mengmeng I was too anxious just now, so my words are so heavy. Please don’t mind the three of you."

"Uh..." Although Hao Dapeng has a fiery temper, his heart is very kind, even a little simple and soft. He suddenly changed his attitude when he saw Song Zhihan and apologized to himself. Even though he smiled awkwardly and shook his hand, "This Classmates, it should be us who should say sorry!... What you said is that we were too ignorant just now. Now everyone is in a hurry, but we are fooling around. Regarding my excited attitude just now, I hope you don’t take it seriously. I'm anxious, I'm really embarrassed!" Hao Dapeng even nodded in apology to Song Zhihan.

"Well, it doesn't matter, everyone is a man, a little bloody, impulsive! I also admire the three friends who have such a temper!...Next, we have to work together to find the whereabouts of Kang Mengmeng! This is a top priority!"

"Yes, yes!" "Yes!" "That's right!"

Hao Dapeng, Wu Di, and Gao Ren nodded in unison, and they turned the fighting into jade with a few words. With the contrast before, they actually had a deep affection for Song Zhihan.

"My name is Song Zhihan. I am a student in Class 1 of the Department of Economics and Trade. I am in the same class as Han Xuan."

"Haha, my name is Hao Dapeng." "Nice to meet you, my name is Wu Di!" "Gao Ren, ha ha, although I am not tall!"

In a twinkling of an eye, the four people who were almost in a fight just now turned out to be happy.

There is a saying that goes well: It is easy to forgive a person. But it's hard to make you hate someone. It is easier to forgive enemies than to forgive friends.

This Song Zhihan is a scheming master! ! In just a few words, Hao Dapeng, the three pure animal-level boys, was taken aback by surprise.

Han Xuan nodded slightly in her heart when she watched Song Zhihan's behavior. Well, she took the initiative to apologize and focused on the overall situation. This Song Zhihan is a man who can bend and stretch, and his character is much better than that of the sons of other rich people.

...And among all the people present, only Lorraine had a thorough view of Song Zhihan.

Just kidding, in Lorraine's golden eyes, Song Zhihan, a 20-year-old hairy boy, doesn't he look like he is not wearing clothes? ?

The hand he played just now was called first **** and then salute! It is difficult to directly win the favor of Hao Dapeng and others, but if there are some conflicts, and then proactively apologize, it seems that this favor is even harder! On the other hand, this Song Zhihan was made for Han Xuan!

He wanted Han Xuan to see how generous he was! Why should he deliberately please his Lorraine roommate? ...Because he could faintly find in Han Xuan's eyes that Han Xuan meant Lorraine a little differently! Therefore, even though Lorraine did not see him in his eyes, Song Zhihan was regarded as a potential rival in love! ! He felt that if the people around Lorraine had a good impression of Song Zhihan, this kind of gradual corrosion attack was fatal!

Haha, this Song Zhihan, among his peers, is definitely an extraordinary character. What a pity... I want to play tricks with Lorraine and practice for decades!

Of course, Lorraine wouldn't be playing tricks with Song Zhihan as a matter of course. It is unnecessary. Song Zhihan's class of characters, no matter how awesome the family background behind him, has not yet made him look down upon him. Capital!

"Oh, this classmate, we are also seeing each other for the first time. Hello, my name is Song Zhihan. I am a classmate of Han Xuan. Are you?" Song Zhihan looked at Lorraine at this time and walked up politely. One hand, to hold Lorraine.

I don't know if he did it intentionally or unintentionally. When he spoke, he always said that he was a classmate of Han Xuan. Could this be an intentional suggestion to Lorraine? Imply that Han Xuan is his prey to Song Zhihan? Did he not allow Lorraine to have that kind of mind?

Haha, little brother, you are too tender, brother is too lazy to care about you, so let's play with the spoon!

Lorraine smiled casually, and shook hands with Song Zhihan lightly, and said concisely: "Class 3 of the Department of Economics and Trade, Lorraine."

Putting down the hand he was holding, Lorraine pointed forward at this time: "Everyone, let's not search here anymore... The woods here is relatively empty. If Kang Mengmeng was nearby, I must have heard it long ago. Our call, I suggest that we go deeper and walk north at the foot of Yanshan Mountain."

"Northern?" Wu Di was taken aback, "I looked at the map of Yanshan Mountain. It said that in the northern woods at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, there are more varieties of plants and animals, and it is easier to get lost."

"Well, so I said I want to go to the north." Lorraine nodded, "If Kang Mengmeng can't find his way back all night, it is likely that he has strayed into the north of Yanshan."

"But... I heard that there is some danger there." Gao Ren also came and interjected at this time. "The northern part was designated as a potentially dangerous area by people from the relevant gardening department. Although there is no protective net, no one dares to go. Where is it close, I heard that some reptiles and plants are poisonous."

"Okay, don't discuss it. We want to save people. Naturally, we are going to be deeply in danger. Just as Lorraine said, go to the north!" At this time, Song Zhihan was a decent, self-sacrificing driving. Walking towards Han Xuan's body, with both hands behind her back, she said with a firm expression.

There is no doubt that Han Xuan is concerned about Kang Mengmeng's comfort, and now she has a good impression of Song Zhihan.

"Wait a minute." However, what Han Xuan did not expect was that Lorraine actually blocked everyone's steps.

"Oh?" There was a sly smile on Song Zhihan's face, "What? Student Lorraine, as the captain of our team, are you afraid?"

The Lorraine birds did not like Song Zhihan’s words, but took his package off his shoulders, put it on the ground, unlocked the zipper, and took out a bag of knee pads and elbow pads: "Thank you for me. I bought a lot of them. Everyone wears these knee pads and elbow pads. They go deep into the northern part of the woods, and they are likely to encounter some sharp thorns. These things protect them and avoid unnecessary cuts."

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