? Hearing this, Kang Mengmeng and Jiang Yan quickly came downstairs, and other members of the Kang family also came out of their respective rooms one after another, looking at the situation at the entrance of the study. --.

And Lorraine also walked out of the study at this time, his face was full of obvious anger.

"Yanyan, let's go!"

While speaking,  , while pulling Jiang Yan, walked towards the exit.

When I left the house, I did not forget to turn around and say: "If you have the courage, your Kang family and the Green Consortium will deal with our Luo family together. I want to see if you have the ability to move my Luo family!"

After putting down this rather arrogant remark, Lorraine flung his sleeves and left.

He took Jiang Yan who was shocked and didn't know what to say, and quickly left the Kang family, and the car quickly drove onto the night road.

"Xiao Lin...what's the matter, when I saw you first came, I felt very harmonious, but how did you end up with a conversation!"

In the car, Jiang Yan could not help asking when seeing Lorraine driving without a word and thinking.

Lorraine had been sorting out his thoughts while driving. Now when he heard Jiang Yan question, he pulled back from his thoughts, and then he smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, this is just part of our plan. !"

"Part of the plan, we." Jiang Yan was taken aback when she heard the words, but then she seemed to notice something.

He always feels that his man can control everything, and now it seems...it seems that the direction of the whole thing is still under Lorraine's control.

There were some things she knew, and she didn't need to ask so clearly. The most important thing was that she saw the confident smile on Lorraine's face at this time.

"In addition... Yanyan, I have one more thing to tell you..."

Suddenly, Lorraine was silent for a moment, and the tone of his voice seemed strange.

"Well, what's the matter!"

Jiang Yan turned to look at Lorraine's slightly strange face.

"Ahem... that..."

…… ……

After half an hour.

Among the Luos mansion.

Lanlan's room.

Under a warm bedding, Lan Lan fell asleep soundly, not knowing what dream she was having.

Jiang Yan came in to take a look, and gently stroked Lan Lan's smooth little face, then turned off the bedside lamp, walked out of the bedroom, and closed the door.

There was a "click".

Jiang Yan turned around and looked at Lorraine who had been waiting at the door and said, "I went to bed immediately when I came back. Have you washed her!"

Lorraine's old face turned a little red. He didn't speak, but just nodded.

"Smelly badass, all the men in the world are dead...It's really cheap for you." Jiang Yan said blushing.

At this time, Qin Wanshu, who had been standing next to Lorraine, walked up with a smile on her face, and lightly patted Lorraine’s shoulder: "Don’t just pat your **** and go. Human stinky man, Kobayashi!"


At this moment, Lorraine really didn't know how to answer.

…… ……

When you feel busy, things get together more and more so that you don't even have a chance to catch your breath.

It's as if you can't even find anything to do when you are free.

Those who don’t know how long they have been, will always find the same time, gather together, and crush you as much as possible.

This is the so-called "Murphy's Law", the busier, the busier.

In Lorraine, this Murphy's law often appears.

After the Xu family, there was immediately a conflict with the Kang family. After visiting the Kang family, soon, the Russian Green Consortium also began to join in the fun.

Not because of anything else, it was because of Lorraine's painful beating of Novsky, one of the board members of the Russian Green Consortium. Now that the dog is being beaten, the owner must show up to find the place.


All the giants in Beijing received a message.

The eldest son of the Green Consortium, Bervska Green Kurbski, the most popular candidate for the next board chairman of the Green Consortium, is also the most popular home owner of the Kurbski family in the future... coming.

It's coming to the capital.

"Belvska" in ancient Russia means the first son, the eldest son, and the eldest son.

Although this tradition of naming has been in the past for a long time, the Kurbski family has chosen to use this tradition to name their offspring. Of course, not all children are named according to this tradition. Only their eldest son is named according to this tradition, which seems to tell people all over the world that their Kurbski family is the most orthodox ancient traditional family in Russia.

This time, of course, Belvska came from Russia, because Novsky is his very close friend and brother.

The news of Novsky’s accident has spread to Russia, and Belvska was the first to know, and after learning that the person who beat Novsky was a member of the Low family, he became even more angry. At the moment, he ordered the investigation of the whole matter to be clear. The results of the investigation later showed that the Luo family’s eldest master, Lorraine, did it himself, but it was not without reason. , But because Novsky moved his woman.

The reason is that simple.

This seems to be a one-for-one thing, which is fair.

But in Bervška, it seems that it is not like this. After all, the Lorraine woman was not really hurt. It is said that Novsky’s good deeds were not successful, and she was killed by Lorraine. It is the general situation, but the information is not that important in Belvska's view. What attracted his attention most was actually the fact that Lorraine was tearing the collar of Kang Cheng, the youngest master of the Kang family. From the banquet hall on a certain evening, under the eyes of all the people, the arrogant and domineering search all the way to Novsky.

From this news, we can see... The Lorraine of the Luo Family is definitely a strong and arrogant figure.

Of course, there is a more terrible news.

That is, after he was finished, he ran to the Kang family's other courtyard single-handedly most of the night.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is undoubtedly sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

But Lorraine just swaggered and left with another woman of her own.

......Although the Kang family didn't do anything to Lorraine, in the end it seemed that the talk with Lorraine broke down, and the two parties ended the negotiation in a very unpleasant atmosphere.

It can be seen from this...The Kang family is also full of hostility when facing the Luo family now.

After all, the methods that Novsky made were tantamount to fanning the Kang Shi family's face in disguise.

Therefore, the current plan is very simple, that is, Belvska will fly to the capital of China at the fastest speed, and then unite with the Kang family. At the same time, he must also call on the responsiveness of the wealthy families in the capital. After all, they are Russia. The big consortium is a large international chamber of commerce. It can use the exchanges between the international business community to pay attention to principles and emphasize fairness, in exchange for everyone's unanimous hostility to the Low family.

Belvska believed that Lorraine drove out at the dinner party in full view, pulling the collar of Cannes and leaving arrogantly, which would definitely arouse everyone's resentment.

This is a good starting point.

Therefore, before going to Russia, Belvska needs to figure out a few things.

The first point is that this Lorraine is very strong, and the Luo family's methods are very harsh. You must be careful about this trip to China.

The second point is that this Lorraine is a young man. From things, it seems that he is more impulsive, and it can be seen from his age alone... This Lorraine has absolutely no experience.

Based on the above two points, Belvska must bring enough security forces to put itself in a dangerous place.

For this, Bervska is very confident.


In this regard, all of Russia, I am afraid that only Bervska dares to have such confidence.

After Bervska announced that he was going to the capital of China, he went back home.

Then he sat in his study and dialed a phone call.

"Mr. Vampire, do you have time to come to my study! Of course, money is not a problem, you know that I am a person who treats my friends a bit too generously!"

hang up the phone.

About ten minutes later, the standard palace-style ancient European building of Kurbuski, like a noble emperor's castle, accepted a guy with a very strange breath.

Under the dark night, this guy wearing a cloak and robe full of ancient Gothic feeling slowly stepped into this great castle.

Under the recommendation of the butler, this strangely breathed fellow came to Bervska's study.

"Hehe, Mr. Vampire, I'm sorry to disturb you suddenly, please sit down, would you like a glass of red wine? I have treasured it for a long time!"

"You know, I don't reject all red things. This can complement my white skin." Then, this guy called "Mr. Vampire" took off his cape and hat. Second, revealing a very strange-looking guy...

The pale skin, the pale hair, the blue-white eyes, and his grinning two sharp tiger teeth...

He took the red wine and took a sip. The scarlet wine left a bright red mark on the corner of his mouth.

He put out his tongue and licked the corner of his lips.

The picture in this scene looks very strange.

He raised his hand, and there was a distinctive tattoo on the exposed white elbow.

A skull and a black top hat.

Coupled with the feeling of his whole person, even Bervška is full of goose bumps in his heart.

"Mr. Bervska, you know, I always like to be busy!"

"Let me add one point for you, you should prefer high-paid busyness!"

"What mission!"

"protect me!"

"It's that simple!"

"This trip is going to the capital of China, Mr. Vampire, what do you think."

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