Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Vol 10 Chapter 913: Demon Gentleman

?China Country...


This guy called "Mr. Vampire" frowned upon hearing this. --.

He is a very bold person. For so many years, he has been everywhere in the world, but the only thing he fears most... is China.

Oh, no, to be precise, he was more afraid of certain people in China.

Some strange people.

This so-called "Mr. Vampire" can be invited to be a bodyguard by this Belvska, which naturally guarantees that he has a fairly strong combat power, at least some incredible protection ability.

When Bervska decided to go to China, he must conduct a very detailed investigation of the Luo family and Lorraine. Therefore, according to the data, Lorraine’s skills are very powerful. It’s not a secret that many high-level karate masters of the Wa country were defeated by him. Therefore, he can only invite this "Mr. Vampire" person with such confidence, which naturally explains his confidence and this " The strength of "Mr. Vampire".

Belvska believes that this "Mr. Vampire" can protect his own safety and ensure that he can go to China intact and come back intact. This at least shows... In Belvska's opinion, "Mr. Vampire" Not a master equal to Lorraine's level, but a much stronger existence than the opponent.

after all……

The origin of this "Mr. Vampire" is very unusual.

Just look at the weird tattoo on his elbow.


Is one of the members of [Devil Gentleman].

And is one of the high-level internal members.

As Russia's oldest family development culture, the Kurbski family, as the eldest son of Bervska, naturally knows [devil gentleman]... what level of existence it is, and what kind of existence it is.

Devil gentleman.

Many people in Europe and the United States will tremble subconsciously when they hear this word.

Among European and American folk, there are many versions of legends of "devil gentleman".

The most widely circulated version is that as early as the Renaissance, a strange man named "Devil Gentleman" appeared active in various stories, and some people even said that...Da Vinci was a demon gentleman back then. A member of the high-level council, the "demon gentleman" at the time, was not called a "demon gentleman" but a "dawn knight". They were mainly to promote science and criticize blind superstition and fanaticism about religion.

In that era, such criticism and rejection of religion was naturally inevitably wanted by the Pope.

Studying the so-called science is simply disrespectful to God. At that time, countless "Knights of Dawn" were arrested by the Pope, and then were judged by various cruel criminal laws, such as "burning of holy flames" and crucifixion , Such as the happiest... Hanging.

In short, when its predecessor developed and emerged, it suffered an unprecedented blow.

In this way, the so-called "Knights of Dawn" were publicized and discredited by those in the church in power! ! The evil force that is in the company of demons.

They say that these people are slaves sent by the devil from hell, they work for the devil, Satan, they are evil, and they deceive people's hearts.

At that time, people still couldn't understand science clearly, so they considered them to be the so-called "evil forces that are in the company of demons."

Until... the transitional period from the success of the first industrial revolution to the second industrial revolution.

These "Dawn Knights" appeared again.

Of course, this time they changed into a brand new "vest" and made a comeback. They even gladly accepted the titles given to them by the previous churches, and modified them, and there will be later ones! ! [Devil Gentleman] Alliance.

They made a comeback this time, but they were fully prepared.

They didn't know what method they used, they found many strange people in the entire European world, and then they adopted the method of decentralized action, according to the different strength of each person, to assign different tasks, let them decentralized action.

Of course, this time they still want to take advantage of the wave of the industrial revolution to take advantage of a new scientific popularization action.

Obviously, the results achieved this time are many times that of hundreds of years ago.

At least, with their careful management, the words "devil gentleman" have gained a very high reputation among the people, and many of these reputations are deeply respected.

Later, they felt that the time became more and more mature, so they began to gather the funds that all the members had earned for so many years, gathered together, and then began to invest in a very large project. This project was shocking at the time and caused the whole The world can cover the sensation of people with information.

That is the famous...electric confrontation in history.

What is the clash of electricity.

It's simple.

That is the confrontation between the direct current of Edison, the father of the electric light bulb, and the alternating current of Nikola Tesla, the father of alternating current.

A direct collision and confrontation about who is more scientific and who is more advanced.

As for which one is from the demon gentleman.

There is no doubt that it was Nikola Tesla, the father of alternating current, who completely covered Edison's limelight in that era.

There is a more interesting rumor that this guy is not only a senior member of the devil gentleman, but also a strange person with special functions, saying that he can design his own design, in front of his own eyes or in his mind. Imaging, and then according to his own understanding of technology, imagine various industrial parts and originals out of thin air. In this virtual imaging, he performs repeated assembly, disassembly and design, and he can not think about it when he does not want to design. When I want to design, I find it out in my mind again, continue the automatic imaging, and improve and design again on the basis of the previous research.

Everyone who lived in that era knew that Edison was simply a scum in front of Nicholas Terras.

Throughout the history of Nobel Prize winning, scientists have studied the works of Nikola Tesla, and have been inspired by 27% of the Nobel Prize in Physics, and more than 65% of indirectly inspired by the Nobel Prize in Physics. In the thirty years since its establishment, Nikola Tesla has been selected nine times alone, twice with Edison, and he has given all the eleven Nobel Prizes to virtuous people. As for Edison, It was a little tragic. He used various channels to fight for the Nobel Prize with General Electric every year, but he was always rejected in a comprehensive manner, and he never won the Nobel Prize in his life.

Back then, the AC company established by Nikola Tesla was established with the support of the Devil Gentlemen Alliance.

At that time, Edison was a capitalist with full means. He possessed monstrous power and was good at using intrigues. In the end, Nikola Tesla was defeated, because at the time Edison was operated by various means. They all exist in the mainstream, so despite the obvious advanced applicability of AC owners, they still haven't surpassed Edison. Of course, if you stay in the green hills, you are not afraid of no firewood.

When Nikola Tesla is ready to bring his scientific research results over the years to reinvigorate! ! Edison burned Nikola Tesla's laboratory on fire.

At the same time, many important research materials and reports were burned, including x-ray, radiation, and plasma research reports, which led to the tragic consequences of later Roentgen and Madame Curie, experimenting with their bodies and suffering great harm.

In the final analysis, the *silk counterattack Gao Fushuai did not succeed.

Although, that* silk possesses very advanced scientific theories and talents.

But no matter when, mainstream society will always have a theme.

The main theme of the year was alternating current.

And now the main theme... is "world peace, God is with me".

Therefore, the devil must be curled up in the dark, not exposed.

From the end of the nineteenth century to the present one hundred years, the Devil Gentlemen Alliance has never done anything shocking. First, they lack talents. Second... the war has been burning for more than half a century. Third, After the war ended, talents sprung up like mushrooms, but none appeared in the demon gentleman.

In the modern world, the devil gentlemen can no longer try their best to use science as a sharp edge to counterattack the main theme of society, because they have not yet come up with a handful of research results, but after so many years of development, they have a very powerful The dark forces, this group of dark forces, no one knows how many strange people and strangers are hiding, but the foundation of hundreds of years has settled down, and no one will doubt its gold content.

It's like...

Right now, the "Mr. Vampire" invited by Bervska, he is a very powerful character. Of course, this refers to combat strength. Among their demon gentlemen, there is no such thing as the Sky Eye organization. The first, second and third human limits are divided.

They just divide the strength according to the difficulty of the task level that each member of the demon gentleman can be competent and complete.

Within the Demon Gentleman, from low to high, there are a total of one-star to nine-star difficulty levels.

After completing a certain star mission, you will be awarded a star medal by the alliance, one star, two stars, and three stars, which is equivalent to the downstream, midstream, top strength, four stars, five stars of the internal third-line members of the Sky Eye organization. Six-star is equivalent to the lower, middle, top, same reason, seven-star, eight-star, and nine-star of the second-tier members of Skyeye, corresponding to the lower, middle, and upstream strengths of the first-line members.

And this "Mr. Vampire", his five gleaming stars on the medal pin on his shoulder means...

He already has quite a formidable strength.

"Mr. Bervska, when shall we leave!"

"When the sun rises!"

"Action during the day, it seems that I need to wear a robe on the plane!"

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