Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4150: war of kings

First Era!

Luo Chen brought the little bit of the fifth prince's obsession close to the crack in time and space at the junction with the Taihuang Taoist body!


The terrifying power of cause and effect entangled Luo Chen almost instantly, and meandered along Luo Chen's arm, entangled the obsession in Luo Chen's hand as well.

More and more causal threads locked Luo Chen tightly like iron chains!

And at this time, other kings want to kill them!

But unfortunately, the corpse Luo Chen was still standing there proudly, and the Taihuang Sword in his hand not only slashed at Luo Chen at this moment!

Instantly cut off a part of the thread of cause and effect, and at the same time turned around and stabbed out with a sword again!

This sword was just a sword light at first, but the sword light exploded into a black dragon at the next moment, sweeping across the world!


This blow not only repelled Wu Wang's attack, but also instantly wiped out a large army of predecessors!

The exploding breath was too terrifying, and the combat power of the corpse was unparalleled, just a flash of sword light!

A corpse, a sword, at this moment, still disdainful to the six kings, the forced Tianku King and Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor dare not approach easily.

The surrounding troops were forced to dare not approach!

At this moment, it seems impossible for anyone to get close to Luo Chen!

This scene is quite conspicuous in the entire battlefield!

Although killing the emperor and the old emperor's side, the battle is more intense and terrifying!

But the most eye-catching thing was on Luo Chen's side, a corpse that forcibly withstood the attack of the six kings, and successfully took one away.

Now the five kings still want to attack!

Wu Wang's attack was repulsed, his eyes were full of surprise, and at the same time he was still unconvinced!

And Tianku King and Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor are also planning to launch a new round of attacks with powerful long-range attacks at this time!

It's best not to get close to this corpse, because the melee ability of the corpse is too terrifying!

So Tianku waved his hand and broke the blade this time!

He just waved at Luo Chen and the corpse Luo Chen once, but at the next moment, nine figures raised their arms and waved together, each wave carrying the aura of opening up the world!

Nine is the extreme!

These nine attacks are extreme attacks, the void is shattered inch by inch, and the saber energy has reached a certain unspeakable state and level!

This kind of saber gesture is absolutely wonderful, absolutely at the level of a king, even faintly surpassing the average!

The terrifying sword moves one after another, one cut breaks time and space, two cuts break cause and effect, three cuts break the world...

The arrival of nine knives is like the arrival of nine avenues of heaven and earth!

A terrifying aura rushed over, covering one universe almost instantly.

This kind of saber energy made the rest of them very confident!

However, this kind of knife attack came, and I don't know if it was because the corpse couldn't open its eyes, or the corpse didn't want to open their eyes.

The Taihuang Sword only vibrated slightly, and the corpse Luo Chen was also helping Luo Chen!

Or he seems to be contaminating Luo Chen with more karma!

Therefore, what he helped was not Luo Chen, but more like the matter itself!

However, at this moment, he raised his arm and slashed his sword casually!


Taihuangjian erupted with terrifying power and fluctuations at this moment!

The Taihuang Sutra was created by Xuan Yi, it is a terrifying creature that can kill the destiny!

So the horror of Taihuangjing is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine!

This one blow stabs out, cooperates with Taihuang Sword!

It's like peeling tofu!

One sword cuts all the unparalleled in the world!

One sword breaks the eternal invincible!

One sword, one thought, is life and death!


The Nine Dao Sword Qi almost collapsed instantly when it came into contact with it!

The terrifying sword qi is destructive, like a broken bamboo, not only easily cut through nine sword qi!

Luo Chen took a look, the corpse Luo Chen was still using the Taihuang Sutra with flaws and flaws!

But he also seems to be stronger!

I don't know if it's because of the big ship or some unknown reason, this corpse Luo Chen seems to be a little stronger!

But there is no doubt that Taihuangjing itself is powerful and terrifying enough.

Not to mention repelling everything with a single sword, it is also so powerful that it can kill everything!

Just raised his hand, and then made a sharp sword.


Everything exploded, and the light that bloomed reached tens of thousands of light-years away!

Long Aotian was dumbfounded, because in his eyes, he was more domineering and handsome than his father Long Yi!

Raise your arm and the world will be shocked!

Move a sword and collapse forever!

Tianku King's expression changed drastically, he had already avoided that place, away from that sword energy!

He frowned, and avoided across three light years, and at the same time, the solemnity in his expression became more and more serious!

Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor also had dark eyes at this moment, with a hint of inexplicable doubt.

The opponent's swordsmanship attainments, there is a feeling of being the best in the world!

This swordsmanship attainment, at least in the opinion of Nine Heavens Saint Jinhuang, may have surpassed Chen!

It's not that the strength surpasses Chen, but the attainments in the way of swordsmanship!

He has seen some historical images left over from the Chen battle, which were recorded in the Palace of Heaven and Humanity and Human Emperor's Department for people to study and learn from!

The Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor had also been there to observe, after all, Chen Hao was known as the number one combat power under the throne of the Emperor back then!

At that time, Chen's swordsmanship had reached the pinnacle, reaching the pinnacle!

However, when I saw it today, the sword skill of a corpse could surpass Chen?

How could it be so terrifying?

Wu Wang and Wei Wang are still close!

And King Si is also waiting for an opportunity!

It's just a corpse struggling to cross the ninth floor, and it's nothing more than a mere immortal!

Now he just played the atmosphere and cautious attitude of the five kings besieging another terrifying king!

But none of the five kings backed down, because they still believed that the other party would not last long.

And the realm is always too low.

The power of the king is something that creatures below Wang's level will never be able to understand.

Now that the power of waving comes, even a glance can sometimes shatter everything!

That kind of power will not only make people confident, but also make people swell!

Otherwise, not many people would choose to use it knowing that they would die after using it!

If you hear about it, you will die in the evening!

And the same is true for Shan Fanghua, especially Cheng Wang!

Even if it is just a short experience, even if it is not a real king, but that kind of power is still obsessed and makes people crazy!

That is the supreme power, the ultimate power!

So the king is to the creatures under the king!

This is also the reason why Wu Wang and the others still dare to approach!

Wu Wang and Wei Wang outflanked!

Almost just stepped into the attack range, Wu Wang and Wei Wang started a head-to-head berserk attack mode at this moment!

Every blow turns the planet into powder, and every blow boils the cold space of the universe!

Every blow is wide open and close, every blow seems to be crushed with all your might and strength!

At this moment, Luo Chen, the corpse, turned around abruptly, raised his sword and slashed at it with a sword. Wu Wang Wei Wang was overjoyed, they can miss hundreds of times, but as long as they succeed once, it will be fine!

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