Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4151: Contaminated cause and effect

The auras of King Wu and King Wei rolled through the void, bursting and incomparable, powerful because the power spread out.

The oppressive feeling of that force caused the universe to roll up in an instant, and the power of the two kings was terrifying!

Almost before he got close, there was a terrifying aura about to tear apart the corpse Luo Chen's body!

However, the golden light on Luo Chen's body was incomparably brilliant, like a golden war emperor from ancient times, and his power was equally terrifying!

The fierce and domineering sword energy fell across the sky, directly colliding with Wu Wang Weiwang's attack.

The two collided and exploded instantly in the void, and the terrifying shock wave struck again!

However, facing the terrifying shock wave, the two sides forced a second attack and fight directly!


Wu Wang punched the corpse Luo Chen's body, the golden light was so brilliant that it was almost deformed, and the golden light released was like a rushing river that was about to collapse in an instant.

Wei Wang tried his best to trade injuries for injuries, and forcibly grabbed one arm of the corpse Luo Chen!

He intends to forcibly crush Luo Chen's arm with great force, but he hasn't waited for him to succeed!

The golden light, which seemed to be deformed by a punch, never deformed and did not touch Luo Chen's body.

And although Luo Chen's arm holding the Taihuang Sword was restrained.

But Luo Chen let go of the corpse in an instant, and as soon as he let go, the Taihuang Sword was released instantly, and with extremely sharp and powerful force, it was aimed at Wei Wang's neck and sealed his throat with a sword!

This directly frightened Wei Wang to raise his hand to block, he didn't dare to hold the arm of the corpse Luo Chen, and he didn't dare to choose head-to-head to resist the long sword!

He knew very well that this sword was extremely terrifying, and he must not resist it forcefully, otherwise he would really be blocked by the sword!

As soon as he let go, he raised his hand to pay back, but Wu Wang's fist next to him continued to exert force!

And the moment the corpse Luo Chen's hand was free, he suddenly struck out with a palm!


Blood splattered!

The combat power is simply unmatched, and the attack power is unparalleled in all ages!

With one palm, Wu Wang was hit **** the chest. Wu Wang was knocked into the air almost instantly, and at the same time, his body clicked.

After all, he was the king of the first era, and his physical strength was terrifying, but even so, King Wu's chest was sunken, and he felt dizzy for a while!

With this blow, he was injured again!

In the case of fighting the physical body, they have never fought.

Obviously, they still suffered from the information. If they could see that Luo Chen's corpse was not based on the physical body at all, then they might have been trying to restrain themselves at this moment.

However, Wu Wang was injured and had no time to think about it.

Wei Wang just raised his hand to block the Taihuang sword at this moment!

But what surprised him was that Taihuang Sword's seemingly menacing strike was just a feint!

Wei Wang blocked it with a flick of his finger!


His fist hit the sword, making the sword tremble, boom!

The fists fell on each other, and the corpse Luo Chen also punched Wei Wang at this moment!

This time Wei Wang was prepared, and at the same time the void opened behind him, and multiple figures emerged!

This is an ancient secret technique, extremely difficult to cultivate, but it can instantly enhance one's combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

The terrifying power was surging, and the figures of War Lords emerged from behind King Wei.

These terrifying figures were unparalleled, superimposed on each other, and walked into Wei Wang's body, making Wei Wang, who was already a mighty martial artist, even more mighty and boundless.

Unparalleled power erupted again, and at this moment Wei Wang was full of confidence!

He has the incomparable combat power of Daotiancheng in every gesture, and at the same time, his combat power is even further terrifying!

A powerful force erupted instantly, and he swung his fist violently, directly smashing the Taihuang Sword of the corpse Luo Chen!


Sparks splash!

He didn't flinch, but went one step further, and walked away with regret again.

One after another, the non-stop hard regret, the shaking surrounding void almost collapsed!

Wei Wang looked too brave, at this moment, the two of them fought thousands of times in the void!

And looking at Luo Chen, the corpse that had been caught in the battle, at this time, the Nine Heavens Saint Jinhuang and the King of Tianku also felt that this was a rare opportunity.

The Nine Heavens Saint Golden Emperor also slammed away with unrivaled power, wrapped in unparalleled murderous intent.

At this moment, one is fast, one is ruthless, and the other is fierce!

Two-on-one, the void is almost instantly riddled with holes, and it is also a head-to-head move!

At this moment, the King of Tianku also suppressed and went away, the broken blade in his hand was almost unparalleled in ferocity, and his combat power had almost reached the extreme level!

At this moment, the raging force surrounded the corpse Luo Chen from almost any direction.

So far, they seem to have finally found a breakthrough.

Under the pressure of the Three Kings at this moment, the corpse Luo Chen seemed to have reached a certain limit!

However, Luo Chen still didn't mean to be nervous!

He is still handing the fifth prince out abruptly!

The powerful force of cause and effect was forcibly held back by him and Taihuang Taoist body!

Luo Chen looked at the bit of brilliance in his hand, at this moment the brilliance had been forcibly sent to the time and space of the emperor's body!

There are more and more karma involved!

At this moment, the clean surroundings of Taihuang Taoist body are also full of causal threads, and the causal threads are constantly shaking.

Countless silk threads are entangled layer by layer, and the karma involved in it is almost inexhaustible. Even if Luo Chen looks at it now, there are causal threads as thick as iron chains behind it!

This contamination is really not a star and a half of cause and effect, it is really difficult to break it!

Taihuang Dao Body is very low-key behind, and will hardly make a move unless it destroys the cause and effect.

Otherwise, it is generally ignored, because this is to prepare for escape.

Whether it is the fifth era or the first era, there are many chess players from the beginning to the end!

There must be a body to jump out, in order to be more comfortable!

Now it can be regarded as part of the failure because of this!

But Luo Chen's eyes were firm, and so was the Emperor's Dao Body!

There is actually no difference between saving one person and saving a group of people and the world!

As long as you have a clear conscience in your heart and are open and unrestrained, then everything will be worth it!

Those threads of karma were entwined and tainted with endless karma. Luo Chen ignored it at this moment, and abruptly handed that bit of remnant to the Taihuang Dao Body!

Taihuang Taoist body took over that bit of remnant thought, and looked at the obsession of the fifth prince.

"It may be troublesome for him to exist and survive in this world, but I believe you know how to do it, and how to do it!" Luo Chen said.

At this moment, the Taihuang Taoist body looked at Luo Chen again, separated by time and space!

Luo Chen understood what he meant!

Anyway, it has already been contaminated with karma, so it seems that it doesn't matter if it is contaminated with one or two karma!

At this moment, the killing intent boiled in the eyes of Taihuang Dao Body. His eyes became sharp and unparalleled in an instant!

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