Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4178: got into trouble again

Bai Yanying asked again.

It stands to reason that at this time, Dao Zisheng and the others will also go to attack, and take the initiative to provoke the battle.

It's not going to work like this, if you don't move, things will be troublesome.


"It should be seen the ambush on the other side of the Eternal Human Court!" The following people reported.

"Sometimes, being too smart is not necessarily a good thing!" Bai Yanying said in a low voice.

"Should we let them know?"

"Go, see if they can attack, or find a way to stimulate the army of the Eternal Human Family to kill the Five Elements Department!"

"However, why is the Eternal Family so cautious?" Bai Yanying still couldn't figure it out.

After all, he hasn't received the news that the king of the Ministry of Gold has escaped in advance.

And this is the overall situation, and no one will care that a person named Luo Wuji got mixed in.

Bai Yanying's side was also restrained at the moment.

But Luo Chen had already started going to the forbidden area of ​​the Five Elements Department.

As for the overall situation, Luo Chen only saw a little bit, or suspected a little bit.

After all, the same Luo Chen doesn't have the perspective of God, and now both sides have something hidden in the dark.

Behind Luo Chen was the elder of the Five Elements Department.

They first came to the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Finance!

The place where Jinbu's forbidden area is located is the land of trapped dragons!

There are constant visions in the sky here, with huge sun and moon constantly rising and falling, the sun sinks golden, and the moon sinks black!

Yin and Yang have formed a certain kind of extremely evil spirit here, the evil spirit penetrates the whole world, coming with a general trend, like a wild beast drinking and hating here, the resentment keeps piling up, and it can already affect reality!

Before it got close, a **** thick fog covered the whole world.

It is said to be a forbidden area, but this place is really too big, surrounded by mountains, at a glance, it looks like a continent, and there is no end in sight.

At this moment, Luo Chen and the five elders were already close.

They looked in front of them, the continent was distorted and fluctuating in the dense fog.

"Is this the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Finance?"

"It's really shocking!" The remaining four elders saw it for the first time.

"This is not only the forbidden area of ​​the Jinbu, but also the ancient residence of the Jinbu!"

"It can be said that from the beginning, the Ministry of Jin lived on this continent." Elder Jin sighed.

The remaining four elders nodded, and so did their forbidden areas.

"So this is not only the forbidden land, but also the ancestral land!" Luo Chen looked forward.

In the thick **** fog, there is a winding path that leads directly to the depths of the mountains!

Here, the suppressing power of spiritual energy can be said to be hundreds of millions of times that of the outside world.

And once you get close here, the human body is like being shrouded in layers of shackles, and the power of the path of humanity can be said to be useless.

Even flying is difficult!

Before walking in, the five elders had obviously reached their limit, and their breathing became short of breath.

Luo Chen is fine!

Luo Chen's body glowed with a faint blue light, without the power of humanity and the power of immortals.

Luo Chen still has the power of martial arts and supernatural powers.

Of course, these two kinds of power are also partially suppressed here, and the supernatural ability can help the five departments to block the coercion.

As for the power of martial arts, what can be suppressed is equivalent to a martial saint!

But Luo Chen was better than others, he was directly suppressed into an ordinary person.

The reason why this place is a forbidden place is that, even if it is a crowned place, even if the supreme one enters, it must be suppressed like an ordinary person.

In this way, naturally no one is willing to go in and explore.

After all, the inside is very big, and from the outside, it looks very scary and terrifying.

The five elders looked at Luo Chen in shock at this moment, and at the blue light that was also shining on them.

"This is?" the five elders were astonished.

"The ability can help you resist some coercion and attacks, and provide some energy for your body." Luo Chen said calmly.

"I'm waiting to thank Luo Zun!" The five elders were really amazed.

He is worthy of being the future overlord of heaven and earth, and he is worthy of being the son of future luck!

In this case, there is still power?

The five elders felt it was worth it at this moment. It was really worth it for them to abandon the Five Elements Department and follow Luo Chen.

If Luo Chen hadn't come forward this time, the Five Elements Department would have been slaughtered long ago, with corpses strewn all over the field and blood flowing like rivers.

"Go in and have a look." Luo Chen said.

The six of them walked along the winding path and soon went deep into the mountains.

It is very old here, whether it is plants or soil, or anything you can see, there is a heavy sense of history.

And the deeper you go, there will always be faint energy fluctuating around.

At the same time, Luo Chen saw a strange phenomenon here.

The light ahead is bright, and the supreme avenue is flowing, like a waterfall, but it is not, because the waterfall is a bit sticky.

And again and again.

And it's still breathing out the essence of heaven and earth.

"Is that divine gold?"

The gold department is not gold, it has to be gold, and any metal is a characteristic of the gold department.

The same is true of Shenjin.

And Shenjin is just the world's name for some magical metals.

"Is it breathing?" Minister Jin himself was dumbfounded.

Because this huge flowing waterfall is absorbing and filtering the supreme energy of the Dao at this moment.

"You are Elder Jin, you ask us?" Elder Huo glared at Elder Jin.

"I'm Elder Jin, not the patriarch of Jin, I don't know everything!" Elder Jin didn't want to lose face in front of Luo Chen, so he turned back.

"Liquid metal can breathe, it seems to be alive, be careful, don't cause any trouble!" At this moment, the prince followed up from nowhere.

In the end, his words just fell to the ground!


The waterfall exploded, sparks splashed in all directions, liquid metal shot up into the sky, and then it seemed as if its hair had exploded, and countless sharp spikes pointed at the prince!

Luo Chen didn't bring him with him, but he quietly followed, holding a mobile phone in his hand and recording.

He plans to publish an issue of The Adventures of Stone Village Boys, make it into a video like survival in the wilderness, and then take it back to Earth and sell it!

He discussed with Hong Biao that in the future he will not only engage in KTV and clubs, but also develop into the entertainment industry. Anyway, he has Auntie Blue Belle, so it is no problem to take him to film.

No matter how popular he is, he can make his debut in situ.

That's why he followed up, exploring while recording.

As a result, something happened when he arrived!

"Your body is metal, my God, what are you doing in here?"

"Damn it, my little ancestor!" Minister Jin blew his hair straight away!

The prince is now a living metal, his whole body is full of metal, and he came to the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Finance, this is purely to cause trouble! "I'm alive, I'm going to live!" The five elders panicked all of a sudden, because the metal around them suddenly revived at this moment!

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