Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4179: Forbidden Center

Countless metals twisted around, black, as black as ink.

Red, bright as fire.

All kinds of divine gold seem to be stimulated at this moment, and they seem to be conscious. At this moment, some even sweep across the sky like sand grains, and some open like big trees.

No one would have guessed it was metal.

Even the crown prince was shocked at this moment.

"My mother!" The crown prince dropped this sentence, turned around and ran away!

But at this moment, Luo Chen's figure appeared beside the prince, and he kicked the prince fiercely like a cannonball.

The prince is completely a cannonball fired out!

All of a sudden, those revived horror metals also moved at this moment!

They all chased after the prince.

The five elders suddenly took a deep breath, and their hearts were all pounding.

Because they have no fighting power at the moment, if they are attacked, they really can only rely on Luo Chen to help them.

But this feeling of life and death in the hands of others is definitely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Luo Chen kicked the prince away in time.

The direction the prince flew out was very close to the exit.

A large group of metals swept away in pursuit, and when they reached the position of the exit, the metals stopped again.

The metal storm shone and vibrated, and stopped at the exit. They seemed to want to chase out, but in the end they stopped abruptly.

Wandering there, looking at the prince quietly.

Luo Chen watched a strange scene.

"They shouldn't come out of this forbidden area." Elder Jin said.

"Be careful." The fire department elder said.

And these metals seem to only attack the same but unfamiliar metal creatures.

For example, the prince.

But they don't seem to have much interest in Luo Chen and others, but the premise is not to actively provoke these metals.

"Did these metals give birth to wisdom?" Luo Chen asked.

"I don't know. Generally, no one comes to this ancient land, and we will not enter here."

"Actually, strictly speaking, the attack just now may also be because the metal on the kid once belonged here!" Minister Jin sighed.

"The metal on his body looks a bit like the Emperor's Bell. I can't see it very clearly, but if it is the raw material of the Emperor's Bell, it should be obtained here!" Elder Jin thought of a legend.

"A long time ago, at that time, the three Human Sovereigns had no differences. Among the three Human Sovereigns, the Human Sovereign who is still alive today entered this place."

"Tricked away some metal and followed him."

"Cheat?" Luo Chen looked at Elder Jin.

"Yes, lie!" Elder Jin nodded in affirmation.

"Why it's a lie, I don't know, I only know that our ancestral home is recorded in this way." Elder Jin said.

"You say that, we all seem to have similar records." The four elders looked at each other!

"What a coincidence?" The five elders said in unison.

Whether they were in private or in public before, they definitely would not talk about the Emperor, nor would they take the initiative to tell the secrets of their own clan.

If it weren't for the discussion here today, I am afraid that these secrets will never be verified by each other one day.

"The records of the five tribes are all lies?" Luo Chen was also surprised.

"Yes, what is recorded is deceit." The five elders nodded.

"It seems that things are very interesting." Luo Chen smiled.

The Emperor came in and tricked some metal away?

Then use these metals to make some soldiers and weapons?

And if the record is a lie!

"It seems that your ancestors were already dissatisfied with the Emperor at that time." Luo Chen said.

"What metal did he take?" Luo Chen looked at Elder Jin.

"It can't be traced anymore, but it can't be some simple metal."

"The ones that can be favored by the Emperor should all be incredible metals!" Elder Jin said.

The five people continued to walk forward, some of the metal here had calmed down, and some were still bathing.

But these metals each do their own thing, and they have no interest in Luo Chen and the others.

The road is very long, and it seems that it will take a lot of time to go to the deepest point.

Along the way, Luo Chen was observing the metals.

Each of those metals seemed to possess spiritual intelligence.

And Luo Chen always felt that maybe the real secret of the Five Elements Department was hidden in this forbidden area.

The Department of the Five Elements corresponds to Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth!

This is the basic element of world composition.

The Five Elements Department might be even older, as old as the Xi clan.

Because the people of the Five Elements Department are also the creators of heaven and earth, logically speaking, it shouldn't be too short a time.

As Luo Chen walked, he expressed this idea, because he also needed some clues from the elders of the Five Elements Department.

And there is no need to hide this matter from the elders of the Five Elements Department.

"What does Luo Zun mean, maybe we are amazing?"

"Maybe we have a longer history?"

"Maybe there is a power to shake the world hidden in the forbidden area?" The five elders were shocked after hearing this!

After all, they didn't think of it themselves.

"I just speculated and suspected based on some clues." Luo Chen said in a deep voice.

"But there are powerful things in it, so don't hold out too much hope." Luo Chen said again.

"After all, the Human Emperor has already been here, and those other characters have been here a long time ago, and that good thing may have been taken away!" Luo Chen no longer had much hope for this.

A character like Renhuang, who is good enough to be admired, will definitely try to take it away.

And if even the emperor doesn't like it, it doesn't really make much sense.

After all, what Luo Chen had to face was the Human Sovereign.

"I really hope that our ancestors will leave us something to save our lives." Elder Jin also sighed at this moment.

But he also understood that what Luo Chen said made sense, the Human Sovereign had already walked here.

There is really something good in it, I am afraid it has been emptied long ago.

This journey was very smooth, perhaps because of the Five Elements Department, or perhaps because of Elder Jin.

Anyway, along the way, what should those metals do, none of the metals took the initiative to attack and stop Luo Chen and the others.

Luo Chen even tried to communicate with one of the metals.

But unfortunately, although that metal has intelligence, it is not considered a human race, and it is difficult to communicate effectively.

After climbing over the densely packed metal mountains, Luo Chen and the others saw the deepest part of this continent, which is also the center of the forbidden area!

When they saw the scene in front of them, the five elders suddenly felt their scalps go numb, and even Luo Chen was slightly surprised. Because the scene in front of me is indeed very frightening and unbelievable!

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