Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4190: keep tinder

Obviously, the Little Renhuang can't drive Dao Zisheng and the others to go out now, so he can only drive the ghost department.

The best ending is that the ghost department was slaughtered cleanly.

Even so, the effect is less than the slaughter of the Five Elements Department.

But in this way, it can be regarded as having an excuse!

And the ghost department is equally old, once it was slaughtered, plus it once followed the queen.

Wouldn't this be chilling?

If the Eternal Family and the Queen's Old Department don't do it now, they will force the other party to do it.

And the people below really went to deliver the order.

On the other side, the five elders went to persuade.

"What, sending our family to the fifth era?"

"Then isn't this a hostage-taking?"

"Yes, in this case, it would be better to know earlier."

"Shut up!" the five elders scolded.

"We are just worried that there are idiots like you in the tribe."

"What's wrong with going to the fifth era?"

"Go there, at least you can survive!"

"If you don't go, everyone will die here." The five elders scolded.

"Everyone, I understand Luo Zun. You don't let him down, and he will never let you down. Some young geniuses from our respective tribes have already gone to the Fifth Era, and they don't want to come back here."

"Shui Ruo, my Shui Ruo!" When mentioning this incident, an old woman burst into tears.

Because Shuiruo is her granddaughter.

"Everyone, there are some things that I don't need to go into detail, but I still say that, your family has gone to the fifth era, and it can be regarded as a safe place!"

"Here, we five old bones, we still need to ask those pig brains in the tribe to think about it!"

"We surrendered, we won, so let's not say more, what about losing?"

"We will be liquidated. At that time, will your family members wait here to be liquidated, or is it safer to stay in the Fifth Era?" The five elders directly clarified the words.

They didn't worry that these words would reach Luo Chen's ears, because Luo Chen didn't care about these things.

These words were so shocking that many people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Migrate, and leave some kindling for the Five Elements Department." At this moment, a Supreme Master of the Water Department sighed.

The large-scale migration of the Five Elements Department has already started, and there is no time to clean it up, because Luo Chen wants to see the results as quickly as possible.

Therefore, in the ancient starry sky, people from the Five Elements Department began to migrate to the endless abyss on a large scale.

Detour the big ship from the endless abyss, and go to the southern great universe of the fifth era.

And Luo Chen had already sent Long Aotian back to communicate with Hong Zhenxiang.

Otherwise, the people from the Five Elements Department would have been slapped to death by Hong Zhenxiang if they just went there.

And not everyone can go to the fifth era.

Only those with genetic shackles can do it, and there are only a small number of people without genetic shackles.

This part of the people must be very loyal.

There are very few such people, so not many people can go to the Fifth Era.

Some people without genetic shackles temporarily evacuated, or went directly to the endless abyss.

Some old people couldn't help crying at this moment.

There is an old man standing in the yard of his house. He has lived here all his life, three million years.

The days and nights of three million years, from when he was young, to when he is old now.

The old tree in front of the door did not know how many trees had been replaced, and he gave away many of them for the old tree.

He is familiar with every inch of land and every place here.

But now he is taking his grandson out of here and going somewhere else.

"Let's go, grandpa!"

"Let me take one last look, goodbye to this place, goodbye to the world, goodbye to the place where I was born and raised!" The old man couldn't help crying at this moment.

He actually didn't want to leave, he wanted to die here.

But he has to take care of this grandson who was born with great difficulty.

Neither of his parents were eligible to go to the Fifth Age.

"This is war, leaving home!" Someone sighed.

But even if they were unwilling, they still chose to leave.

At this moment, Long Yi, Luo Chen, and the emperor stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the Five Elements Department again.

There is a mountain and river geography globe in the palm of Luo Chen, which can monitor the situation outside the Five Elements Department, and can also communicate with the five elders outside.

"How powerful is the coercion here?" The emperor frowned.

The emperor is very special, his body is lit up with the unique golden pattern armor of the ancient family.

Here, Long Yi couldn't escape the fate of being suppressed, and Luo Chen was still the same.

But the emperor of the Eternal Human Court is still walking like a tiger.

"You are not suppressed?" Long Yi frowned.

Because the Emperor of the Eternal Human Court still has the strength of the crown.

"There is suppression, but I offset most of it." The emperor said.

"I am the emperor of the Eternal Family. If everyone in the Eternal Family falls, then I will be the only one who can resist, so I must have some means." The emperor said.

Luo Chen and Long Yi nodded.

For this, they agree.

If an emperor from the Eternal Family came here and was suppressed to death, then this emperor is indeed useless.

However, this kind of suppression is troublesome for others, but for the three of Luo Chen, they all have their own methods.

Luo Chen has means.

Naturally, Long Yi also has them.

The three of them at this moment entered here and continued to move forward.

"You seem to be contaminated with something bad?" The emperor suddenly said, he turned his head and looked at the distance behind Luo Chen, but saw nothing.

But he did notice it.

"Don't worry about it for now." Luo Chen said.

Needless to say, those weird things were found again.

The three of them walked forward and soon arrived at the place where Luo Chen was before.

But before it got close, at least half of the continent was destroyed.

Here is a scorched earth.

"You did it?" Long Yi looked at Luo Chen in surprise.

"Suppressed, we are all **** here, you still have this kind of strength?" Long Yi will definitely be surprised.

After all, it looks like half a continent, and the area of ​​this half continent is at least as large as the three continents of the earth combined.

"Just set off some firecrackers to scare those annoying things." Luo Chen didn't care.

In the scorched earth, the emperor led them to fly, and soon approached the place where Luo Chen saw the coffin.

"What a powerful breath!" Emperor Long Yi frowned at this moment.

"I can feel the infinite terrifying power in this coffin, it seems that there are some terrifying creatures inside!" The Emperor's sense is very keen.

"This must have something to do with the ancient times." Long Yi also said.

"Now let's see what will happen to the coffin after the people from the Five Elements Department leave?" Luo Chen looked at the geographical globe in his hand. On the other side, people from the Human Emperor's Department have already arrived at the Ghost Department!

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