Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4191: The Fall of Civilization

"The Human Emperor's Department has orders!" At this moment, a man was holding a big yellow flag.

The banner fluttered in the wind, making several people in the ghost department serious and serious in an instant.

"I'll wait for the order." The members of the ghost department said, and the leader was still a supreme being.

No matter what the order is, they will obey it in name.

"The Ministry of the Five Elements surrenders, they shall be killed without pardon!"

"From now on, the Ghost Department will lead an army to attack the Five Elements Department immediately!"

This order made the leaders of the ghost department frown for a while. They are not the ones who have the final say on the whole ghost department, they are just the people who talk here.

But even they frowned at this moment.

Let them lead the army to attack?

Now the army of the Eternal Family and the Queen's old department are assembled. Their people go, and they look mighty, but once they go, they will hit a stone with an egg.

Let them go at this time, it really needs to kill many people!

"Several, the order has been delivered, and I will say something that is not an order."

"The army of the Human Emperor's Department will arrive soon, and if you get things done this time, then the Human Emperor's Department will arrange for the Ghost Department to become one of the tribes of the Human Emperor's Department!"

"This is a challenge, but also an opportunity. I hope you can judge for yourself and understand the importance of this matter!" The messenger said.

The people in the ghost department are actually not stupid.

This is too ambiguous.

This is very disingenuous.

It is indeed tempting to join the Human Emperor's Department, but the other party did not say who said it.

If you don't admit it afterwards, the most you can do is push out the order and come out to take the blame.

Promises are so ambiguous and false.

But they are not very good at disobedience at this time.

Therefore, the people from the ghost department stood up at this moment, and then spoke.

"Herald, we may still need to discuss this matter." The people from the ghost department did not agree.

"Thought it over, do you need to discuss it?" The herald's tone was cold, obviously threatening.

"The herald misunderstood, our discussion is how to attack the Five Elements Department, not to resist the order!" The people from the Ghost Department hurriedly put on a humble look.

"Okay, I hope you can be quick!" The herald snorted coldly, and then left.

He's going back to his life.

On the other side, as soon as he left, the faces of several people in the ghost department suddenly became ugly and cold.

This was the most troublesome and difficult to deal with before!

Go, that is to die, and the benefits given by the Human Emperor's Department are also ambiguous, without the slightest sincerity!

If you don't go, then once the Human Emperor's Department comes, they will definitely ask for punishment.

Even if you don't ask about it now, you will definitely settle the score later.

But before, didn't they send people to help the Human Emperor's Department, Heavenly Human Dao Palace and Immortal Lineage?

Sent, with a large army.

The results of it?

All died in battle!

Whether or not only a few people are alive is still uncertain.

The life and death of a king like Mingshitu is uncertain now, and it is not known whether he is still alive or not.

"Everyone, let's discuss it." Someone from the ghost department sighed, but still couldn't hide the hesitation on his face.

"It's clear that we are required to make shields, and it is clear that we are required to die, so what else is there to discuss?"

"Then we must obey orders, how can we gain a foothold then?" Someone from the ghost department sighed again.

The war is coming, sometimes, you just don't want to stand by and watch.

It's not something you can do by yourself.

And once you stand on the wrong team, the consequences will be disastrous.

But few people can predict the future and get results in advance.

So how to choose is also an extremely difficult thing for them.

However, the situation of the Ghost Department is slightly better than that of the Five Elements Department.

Although the ghost department was once controlled by the queen, it was not suppressed too much by the emperor's department.

And the ghost department is warlike, so it has been preparing for war.

Compared with the Five Elements Department, which likes peace, at the moment of war, the inner acceptance is higher.

The ghost department went to discuss, even if they were prepared, but if they really went to face the Eternal Family and the Queen's old department, they would still be in a hurry.

On the other side, Luo Chen and the emperor were still watching the changes in the coffin in front of them.

At this moment, the coffin did not seem to have changed at all, and the people from the Five Elements Department were still evacuating here one after another.

The emperor stood there, looking at the people far away from home in the mountains and rivers of the earth, he couldn't help sighing.

If possible, they are not willing to start a war like this. After all, once a war breaks out, how many people will be displaced and how many people will lose their relatives.

Strictly speaking, war has no winners!

But this war must be fought!

For the sake of peace, they have compromised, but many people still died. The entire first era has become less and less fair and just!

"Does it look cruel?" The emperor suddenly asked.

"I went on a cruise once, and it was a village on the edge of the Eternal Family!"

"Ten young men in the village killed their parents and relatives overnight, and insulted their sister-in-law!"

"The whole village is a tribe, and there are few intermarriages with foreigners, so many people are still relatives!"

"One of them is the most incomprehensible to me. He doesn't even let his own sister go!" When the emperor talked about this matter, there was finally a wave in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes.

"I caught him, tortured him severely, and asked the reason for doing this. The other party replied that it was because he was strong, and that's how it should be!"

"He said that if you look at the monkey group, don't all the monkey kings have the absolute right to mate?"

"He said the same thing happened in a village three thousand miles away next door."

"I went to see it later, and all the people in the village were dead, except for one blind man."

"Cannibalism kills!"

"When I went, the blind man was eating the flesh of a child."

"At that time, I thought, what happened to this world, what about Tianli?"

"What's fair?"

"Justice, we are human!"

"Why are they like a bunch of animals?"

"Why am I becoming more and more like a beast in the skin of civilization?"

"Where are the kindness and beauty in the world, those virtues that are called human beings?"

"At that time, I thought, this world really needs to be purified. At that time, I believed that human nature is evil!" The emperor said these words with a sigh.

Luo Chen didn't say a word, this is the grievance of the First Era, he doesn't care what the fight is for, what he cares about is how to fight? "Darkness will never disappear in this world, it lurks in everyone's heart!"

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