The flame creature stood proudly in front of many coffins with its back facing everyone.

The surrounding flames illuminated the sky and the earth, dyed half of the sky red, and also reflected the huge coffins red.

The flames around the flame creature shook as if they were dancing.

The swaying flames are definitely not swaying randomly, they are really dancing, like a kind of sacrifice.

But the flame creature deliberately wants to prevent the disaster from happening.

But unfortunately, it is also a part of the seal, and it is suppressing the coffin, so it has no spare power to stop anything.

"So do not cherish the world, do not cherish people themselves, do not respect life itself!"

"The human race really doesn't deserve to live, but it's a pity that you are the black sheep!"

"It has harmed the entire human race!" The flame creature didn't know the truth, thinking that it was Luo Chen and the emperor who started the war for no reason and wanted to exterminate the human race.

The emperor didn't explain, or Luo Chen and the three of them didn't explain.

"Senior, that's not the case. Someone outside is already planning to harm the human race, and we are just resisting." The fire chief clasped his fists and explained.

"On the outside, justice is not shown, people's hearts are out of balance, and people on the outside"

"You human race, you don't understand the value of life, you don't know how hard-won life is." The flame creature interrupted the elder of the fire chief.

The flame creatures seem to be in awe of life, and never despise any life!

"Sure enough, the human race is the darkness itself!" The flame creature sneered.

"Forget it, since you are going to bring your own destruction, then let you achieve it." The flame creature seemed completely disappointed at this moment.

It doesn't seem to be blocking anymore in general.

Zhou Tian's flames were still dancing together just now, dancing with flames.

But the jumping flames stopped suddenly at this moment.

The flames all over the sky shrank instantly at this moment, and the countless flame giants began to dissipate at this moment.

The fire department elder looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly became a little frightened.

Because those coffins are getting bigger and bigger at this moment.

Strictly speaking, it's not that the coffin is getting bigger, but that the coffin is getting closer to them.

After all, the coffin itself is huge.

As the coffin got closer, the powerful auras that belonged to the coffin got closer and closer.

Everyone feels the pressure.

Strong as the emperor also frowned slightly at this moment.

"It seems that the seal is on the verge of being released at any time."

"I always have a question!" Luo Chen was still in doubt.

"What is the relationship between the coffin in the fifth prince's body and the coffin?" Luo Chen asked.

The emperor also pondered for a moment, he was also very curious about this matter.

"This matter may still have something to do with the Eternal Family." Luo Chen thought for a moment.

"Luo Zun, Emperor, we may have to take action outside." The fire chief elder received the signal.

"You look at the seal here first, and the others don't migrate away for now." The emperor arranged.

They will undo the seal when they need it, not just undo it now.

Of course, that must only be done when it is absolutely necessary.

Naturally, they will not touch the seal now.

And this has something to do with the ghost department, which shows that the ghost department is also very important.

The Emperor thought about it, but he still decided to take down the ghost department.

And strictly speaking, this is just one of the battlefields.

This war is far bigger than imagined and seen.

Because this war still involves Fu Tian's old department.

There is a universe far away from here, and it is also close to a palace in the Palace of Heaven and Humanity.

There, the war is breaking out at this moment!

Ten thousand cavalry riding ancient ferocious beasts are rushing to kill a branch palace of the Palace of Heaven and Humanity.

Some planets in this universe belong to the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Human Dao Palace.

But just now, this ancient and savage knight suddenly broke through the universe.

The leading knight was very handsome, with long snow-white hair fluttering, and murderous intent in his eyes. He seemed to have an endless aura of destruction all over his body.

With a big knife in his hand, he slashed down and hacked three people to death.

There is a king guarding here, and the king is guarding the palace. At first, the king didn't take it seriously.

After all, the opponent still has 10,000 people, and they have tens of millions of troops here.

So he sent troops out directly, not caring at all.

What big waves do ten thousand people want to make?

But he really underestimated the opponent, and he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until a long knife struck and shattered the dome of the palace.

But it was too late, as soon as he stood up, endless attacks came.

The king broke out completely, and his combat power was also unmatched, with terrifying power surging.

A shocking war broke out in this universe.

The hundreds of billions of human beings in this universe died at this moment.

As for the lives that are not considered human, such as some flowers and trees, some birds, beasts, fish and insects.

The dead creatures are even more uncountable and unimaginable.

There are hundreds of billions of human races living in this universe, and this is considered a relatively prosperous universe in the First Era.

It feels like a densely populated city on Earth.

It's just that a city here is a universe, which is very huge.

And the population starts at 100 billion.

And now there are floating star wreckage and corpses everywhere.

Some people don't even know how they died.

The cavalry of 10,000 people also suffered losses at this moment, and more than 30 people died.

But they are too powerful, even if the void is blood-stained, that one is about to be besieged to death at this moment!

This was an unexpected result, since the cavalry didn't look like they had a king.

But at this moment, this team of cavalry is very evil, because they seem to kill more people, the more powerful they become.

At this moment, the king guarding the branch of Tianren Dao Palace is dying.

He couldn't believe that he himself was going to be besieged to death.

But the cavalry is merciless, all they see is massacre and killing.

They seem to be able to **** human blood.

The king was dying, with fear in his eyes.

"You, what are you guys?"

But the leader who took the lead, with gray hair, didn't care at all.

Futian is dead, they will avenge Futian for a while, and they can finally kill Futian.

In the universe, a group of people rushed over with a knife in hand. Although the king tried his best to resist before he died, he couldn't stand the attack of the crowd.

Before the king died, someone had already bit his shoulder and started to eat.

Then others bit him one after another!

And his head was cut off with a knife, and finally dedicated to the leader.

The leader is gray-haired, and his body is extraordinarily huge. A normal human head is in his hand, like a bigger apple.

The leader picked up the head and put it in his mouth, as if eating an apple, juice and blood flowed sideways.

But he showed an expression of enjoyment. "Find the next universe, remember, find some universes without masters!"

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