Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4200: war situation

The cavalry collected the bodies, clever enough not to pick out some particularly conspicuous places.

Moreover, the people here are enough for them for a long time, and the next time they appear, their strength will be completely different.

Not just here, here is a quick fix.

But in some places, they have already fallen into anxious battles at this moment.

Futian's death was far more influential than everyone imagined.

It can be said that even when the old emperor died, there was no such disturbance.

The queen died that year, and such riots and wars had never occurred.

Futian is not just a hero in everyone's hearts, he is more like a kind of spiritual sustenance and a symbol of the human race's love for beauty.

And now, the dove of peace is dead.

Many people have either started to wake up, started to resist, or have already done it.

"Everyone, how long will you be insensitive?" At this moment, someone from a slightly smaller tribe was calling.

"Do you want our descendants to live in darkness like this?"

"They won't care about us, they have a family feud through the ages!" Someone retorted.


"When my son died a few years ago, you said it was an accident!"

"When the old minister was killed a few years ago, you said it was his own fault."

"Now they dare to kill Fu Tian, ​​let alone us?" Some people are still mobilizing.

"It's time for us to resist. We shouldn't keep silent like this. I heard that the Five Elements Department has surrendered!"

The way the flames of war were ignited was something that stunned the entire First Era.

But there are already wars everywhere.

There are wars and chaos everywhere, or wars and chaos are about to break out.

At this moment, the big ship seemed to be very quiet, without much movement.

The core of the whole battle may be the key to victory here.

After all, once a top creature makes a move, its power will be extremely terrifying.

However, the nine ancient emperors around the big ship were very nervous.

Because the situation is unclear now.

Now the situation is very confusing.

The Undead Heavenly King and the Heavenly Man Taoist did not come to rescue.

This shows that in their cognition, they have confidence in the king of heaven and man.

On the other side, the Eternal Family has declared war.

But the top creatures of the Eternal Human Family did not come out to help, nor did they stop them.

Even if they came to help the queen, they didn't seem to come.

This is confusing.

Luo Chen didn't pay attention to this.

The role he can play in this war is actually not big.

Although it seems that he kept the Five Elements Department, discovered the seal, and even helped the Eternal Family formulate the first step.

But these really have too little impact on this war.

What really matters has to be the First Era itself.

Luo Chen can only be regarded as a passerby, or can only be regarded as guarding the fifth era in the first era.

The battle of perdition in the first era definitely had nothing to do with him.

But Luo Chen knew that this war would eventually involve both the Second Era and the Third Era.

Because apparently someone in the Second Era is already preparing to change their fate against the sky.

In particular, Wen Dao and Martial Dao have been laid out for many years, obviously for the purpose of changing fate against the sky in the end.

However, for the Second Era, whenever something went wrong in the First Era, or something else.

Then the Second Age would not have been born.

So in this battle, the Second Era will definitely intervene in the end.

But since the second era has already intervened.

Then the third era will have to follow suit.

The third era is not so much thinking about how to escape from the era they are in, it is better to solve the problem from the source.

That is to change the legacy of the Second Era to them.

In this way, they can obtain more resources.

Then the third era may not have that eternal day.

Therefore, it is already foreseeable that the war of the First Era will be won or lost.

The way of the first era's demise involves too many things, and it is definitely not the first era's own final say.

Second, the Third Era is not stupid, nor will it sit idly by.

It's like Luo Chen will come to the first era to disrupt the situation.

From Luo Chen's point of view, the second era and the third era will definitely find a way.

Especially the top creatures.

It's just that they are still waiting, waiting for the right time.

And what about the Fourth Era?

Want to get involved too?

At least Luo Chen, the Fifth Era, has already participated.

And the unknown Sixth Era.

In other words, the final result of this great war is definitely not a war within the First Era!

This battle was destined to be the battle of the eras of the eras from the very beginning!

That's when Luo Chen really showed his talents.

As for now, Luo Chen really can only help out with some harmless ideas.

But now the situation of the battle on the top battlefield is unknown.

The Little Emperor is also advancing the battle situation, putting pressure on the ghost department again.

Today's ghost department has started discussions again.

"The meaning of the Eternal Human Court is that we send people to attack the Five Elements Department, just to put on a show, and our idea of ​​completely sitting on the sidelines has come to nothing." Someone from the Ghost Department sighed.

"Originally, we released the signal, and the Eternal Human Court directly attacked the villain Huang Yama behind us. I didn't expect them to do this." Guibu sighed again.

"They are not fools, how can they let us do whatever we want?"

"What now?"

"If we send people to pretend to attack, it's fine to pretend!" Dozens of people from the ghost department expressed their opinions.

"Don't be stupid, the people we sent will definitely be detained there!"

"Do you think the Eternal Family will let our people come back?"

"Then send people to die?"

"Yes, not only to die, but also to send an elite army!" Someone smiled wryly.

"If some old, weak, sick and disabled are sent there, the Little Human Emperor will see the problem again."

"Isn't this being manipulated by the Eternal Court?" Another person frowned.

"The Little Emperor has sent another order, let us send troops quickly!"

"He is really ruthless, and he completely uses us as bait!"

"In this case, we might as well surrender!" the creature from the ghost department said again.

"It's best not to surrender, not to help, because it doesn't matter who wins or loses!"

"What if you have to surrender?"

"The Eternal Human Court values ​​human feelings, I choose the Eternal Human Family!"

"The Eternal Family and the Queen's Old Department have little chance of winning. If you choose the wrong one, the Ghost Department will be exterminated. I will choose the Emperor's Department!"

Dozens of people expressed their opinions and spoke fiercely.

"Everyone, in my opinion, don't discuss it, let's solve the current matter first!"

"Should we send people to attack the Five Elements Department?" Someone asked the most critical question.

Everyone was silent, neither sent nor sent!

On the other side, the emperor is already making arrangements. "If the ghost department sends people, they will send a large army to surround the ghost department's lair when they get here!"

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