Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4228: playing with fire

The terrifying Golden Crow rushed away with the light shining all over his body!

The figure sitting high on the dragon horse punched fiercely, and flames shot out!


The Golden Crow exploded into flames, but it did not die, and the huge flames were pieced together again in the sky.

But at this moment, even Luo Chen noticed the undead riding a dragon horse.

This undead is riding a tall dragon horse, which is too tall. In terms of strength, Luo Chen feels that it is definitely more terrifying than the ghost king!

Again, everyone was suppressed here, but in the face of the huge Golden Crow, the opponent was still able to crush it with one punch, which shows how terrifying the opponent's strength is.

And with the appearance of this undead, the terrible breath is still coming.

The underworld also restrains ghosts!

No one understands death better than Onibu!

Unless it is death itself!

And death itself may be Hades!

The underworld doesn't look powerful, and it doesn't even sound like it has much impression!

But life is just a passerby, and the underworld is the destination!

From the moment when people and creatures can no longer live forever, or even if they live forever, they can live forever without accidents.

And how could there be no accidents in the first era, so death is always there!

Death has always been with everyone, quietly following everyone like a shadow.

Therefore, the end of all living beings is death, and death itself, the underworld, is powerful and mysterious!

At this moment, this tall figure all showed the horror of death.

Even the ghost king in red in the ghost department is afraid and fearful.

Luo Chen's eyes flickered, and he had a hunch that if this went on, it would definitely not be a trivial matter, and some shocking changes would definitely occur.

But Luo Chen still didn't want to stop at this moment, and still wanted to continue to let the situation develop!

At this moment, the temperature of the flame world has dropped a few points again, and the huge gale has already struck, sweeping away with terrifying and endless flames, very powerful!


The undead riding the rotting dragon horse was really terrifying. At this moment, with the flick of a finger, a terrifying cold breath rushed away, like the power of Xuanming.


The huge wings smashed down, forcibly overturning a large piece of land, at least the ground with a radius of a hundred miles was forcibly overturned, and it was overturned directly into the sky!

The flame creatures pointed at the land and spit out flames violently!

The void is full of scarlet magma, the continent melts instantly, and magma rains down from the sky!

But at the next moment, a black and thick arrow shot out from the ground, piercing through the huge head of Dafeng, causing Dafeng to explode!

The flames boiled, and the strong wind was about to condense again. Deep in the earth, out of the darkness, a terrifying figure stepped out.

That figure stepped between heaven and earth, like a tall mountain, and at the same time his bulging muscles were bound by huge chains.

At this moment, the huge chain was dragged and rattled.

At the end of the chain is a rotten wooden coffin, but that coffin looks very heavy, very heavy.

Even the huge figure seemed to struggle to drag it.

On that coffin, sat seven black shadows, these were real black shadows, they had no strength, only groups of black shadows.

Obviously, this is another terrifying undead from the underworld!

This terrifying undead seemed to have crushed the ground, coming with a rotten breath.

At the same moment, a gray moon suddenly rose.

The moon has no substance.

But here at this moment, the gray moon rises abruptly from the horizon.

At the moment when the gray moon shed its brilliance, the magma and flames on the earth seemed to be extinguished at this moment.

In fact, the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Fire is very wide and huge, and there is no end in sight at a glance. If we really talk about it, the area may be the size of a planet.

And at this moment, as the gray moon rises, at one end of the horizon of the flame world in the forbidden area, a huge pass that reaches the sky slowly rises!

On both sides are huge terrifying cheeks, and there are black banners like rags waving!

Luo Chen frowned slightly, his premonition was right, things got serious.

Obviously, this is like the underworld that has been hidden for a long time in the first era, and this time it was brought out by Luo Chen.

And that would be the real world of the underworld!

The huge pass looks indistinct, with a very gloomy atmosphere.

"What's that?" The flame creature obviously realized the seriousness of the problem.

"It might be the underworld!" Luo Chen said.

Luo Chen once thought that the ghost department in the first era was the underworld and its predecessor.

But obviously Luo Chen guessed wrong. The ghost department has something to do with the underworld, but it is definitely not the underworld.

The underworld obviously existed a long time ago, but it has never been manifested.

Moreover, today's reincarnation system may not exist at all, and the balance of yin and yang does not need to be maintained.

So after death, not every creature will go to the underworld, and the underworld will not deliberately come to seduce the soul!

However, this does not prevent the existence of the underworld!

At this moment, figures have already begun to appear on the huge and majestic pass.

The undead riding the dragon horse still hadn't been burned. At this moment, he rushed out of the flame again, and then smashed a flaming creature with a punch.

"Pass down the order to evacuate the people of the Eternal Family and keep a distance, this place is dangerous!" Luo Chen arranged.

"But Fifth Prince, don't you need to evacuate?" the person below asked.

"No need, evacuate irrelevant people, this is already a real forbidden area for living beings!" Luo Chen urged again.

The people below left quickly, but when they left, they took a meaningful look at the ghost king in red, as if they were warning.

The red ghost king's hairs were standing on end at this moment, she had guessed that Luo Chen actually wanted things to continue!

"Your Highness Fifth, is this your plan?"

"Bring out the underworld to take a look!" Luo Chen put his hands behind his back.

The idea is crazy.

This is a forbidden place, and there are those huge and terrifying coffins, which now lead out the underworld. There is still a bronze mask behind Luo Chen, and the weird things gathered together!

It can be said that each of them is a very dangerous existence, but now, because of Luo Chen, these dangerous existences are all gathered together.

Once a conflict occurs, this place will be more complicated than the frontline battlefield situation!

"Your Highness, your idea is too crazy."

"I know, I'm playing with fire!"

Now Luo Chen is really playing with fire!

Because the flame creatures and the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Fire are indeed flames, and of course more importantly, Luo Chen seems to be planning to cause trouble this time.

This time, he intends to complicate the situation!

The huge pass was silent there, like another world, Luo Chen suddenly raised his hand at this moment, and there was a thunder in the sky! A purple thunder dragon emerged from the sky and aimed at the huge pass!

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