The crackling purple thunder dragon's voice was like the roar of thousands of creatures, and it resounded throughout the vast Fire Ministry forbidden area at this moment.

The high-spirited dragon's head has just been raised, like a thunderbolt, restraining all the dead spirits in the world, restraining all the aliens in the world!

This is the majestic power of the righteous way, purple is the most respected, and it is also the ultimate!

At this moment, the huge thunder dragon fell with Luo Chen's hand, like the rolling wheel of history finally turned at this moment.

The powerful force kept rolling and galloping away!

Luo Chen is provoking!

Challenge that huge pass!


The purple Thunder Dragon wrapped in the ultimate terrifying power, directly rushed to the huge pass.

There was a violent and monstrous explosion sound on the pass. At this moment, the magma flew horizontally, flew into the sky, splashed out, and exploded all around!

As the magma exploded around, terrifying thunder and lightning bloomed.

The pass swayed for a while, and then the whole ground seemed to be beating, the dark wind hit, and the terrifying dark wind kept blowing out!

A powerful cold aura rushed in, and the magma that hadn't fallen yet solidified in an instant in the sky.

At the same time a snowflake fell from the sky.

It's snowing in the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Fire?

This is something that the flame creature did not even think of.

The terrifying atmosphere continued to strike, and it was faintly visible that the magma beside the huge pass on the horizon had disappeared.

The direction near the pass is no longer a fiery red world, but a gray world, with a gray sky, a gray moon, and deserts on the gray ground.

In other words, it is not a desert, but dark ashes, the ashes of the collapsed world, the ashes of all things after death, and such ashes filled the entire earth.

In the middle of the pass are two huge gates. The material of the gates looks like bronze, the same material as the bronze mask behind Luo Chen.

But there seems to be a slight difference, it doesn't look exactly the same.

The huge gate is simple and endless, and Luo Chen's blow just now just left a white mark on the gate.

It seems that when the wind blows, the white mark will disappear.

But with Luo Chen's blow, it was obvious that he really challenged that huge pass.

At this moment, the heavy door actually moved at this moment, with a clang, shaking countless ashes.

The ghost king in red looked very nervous at the moment, she looked at Luo Chen, and then at the huge pass.

She didn't understand why Luo Chen insisted on attacking and provoking that huge pass.

At first glance, the pass was a disaster that must not be provoked, but Luo Chen decided to make a move.

At this moment, the huge door sounded, and strong anxiety and a life-and-death crisis hit instantly.

This is the aura that makes the ghost king in red feel terrified and in danger of life and death.

The gate was opened, and no living beings rushed out, but the heavy gate was only opened with a gap, and the result was blood gushing, like a flood from a sluice, rushing in.

Blood flowed like a river, but now I don't describe it anymore, but a torrential flood, full of blood!

There are obviously horrible undead behind the pass gate, which is very scary.

The blood rushed out, spread out on the ground, and flowed non-stop, obviously stimulating the flame creatures in the forbidden area of ​​the Ministry of Fire.

They also seem to be immortal. Over the pass, a huge wing flapped. It was a huge fire phoenix, and there was a strong wind, covering the sky and the sun.

And there are not two flame beasts but dozens of them. Like other flame beasts, the huge flame unicorn opened its mouth violently and spit out terrifying flames.

The scorching flames hit, and the heat wave rolled down, even if it was far away, suddenly, the red ghost king burned instantly.

She quickly took off her clothes, revealing her snow-white, even pale body, and she stepped back abruptly.

Even the king can't bear such aftermath at this moment.

Luckily, Luo Chen was protected by humanoid flame creatures, and he was not hit by the heat wave.

But this is just the aftermath of the heat wave, the center temperature is frighteningly high, and the terrifying flames symbolize the ultimate destructive power.

However, the pass did not melt, but the blood evaporated a lot!

However, the next moment, the tall undead riding the dragon horse finally came back, grabbed the tall Huofeng by the neck, dragged it down from the sky, and smashed Huofeng's chest with a punch.

At the same time, the undead pulling the coffin disappeared, as if he was no longer there.

And Luo Chen was very alert.

"Be careful, we're afraid we're going to quit!" Luo Chen said.

Now the undead pulling the coffin has disappeared. It must not have really disappeared, but has been hidden.

"Back with the bronze mask!" Luo Chen turned around abruptly before kicking the bronze mask!


At this moment, Luo Chen kicked the huge bronze mask like a mountain into the air and threw it at the ghost king in red who was retreating.

The ghost king in red took advantage of the opportunity to catch the bronze mask, and at the same time transformed into a new set of clothes to put on his body.

However, just as she fixed the bronze mask, a hand grabbed it from the slant!


When the ghost king in red raised his hand, it was a palm of death!

But this time, she was trembling and trembling all over. She is the ghost king of the ghost department, and it stands to reason that she should have understood death long ago.

However, at this moment, she seemed to be in contact with the King of Death for the first time, which made her frightened and scared!

Just as the bronze mask flew away from Luo Chen's side, the weirdness that only the dead could see before seemed to go crazy at this moment, and rushed towards Luo Chen.

And in one breath, ten figures rushed over, extremely fast and fierce.

In just an instant behind Luo Chen, more than a dozen palms struck, terribly abnormal, with endless darkness.

However, Luo Chen seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and now he couldn't hide.

But Luo Chen was very smart. When those palms were about to hit Luo Chen's back, a huge coffin suddenly appeared from Luo Chen's back!

bang bang bang!

All those palms hit the pitch-black coffin. Immediately, ordinary people could see that the pitch-black coffin was covered with dense palm prints, each of which seemed to penetrate three points into a wood.

This scene was very frightening and terrifying, but those weird moments seemed to be unbearable too. The palms of each one became transparent for a while, as if they were about to disappear!

However, at the next moment, a huge iron cable came across the sky and passed through Luo Chen's shoulder, wow!

The iron chain went straight to those weird things.

Luo Chen tried to catch those weird things, but failed every time. No matter how much you advance, the weird things will retreat as much as possible. There is even an illusion of growing on the eyes! However!

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