Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4235: serious situation

The spear crossed the sky, pierced the battlefield, shot from the pass, and crossed many obstacles along the way!

The spear seemed to be still in the void, the flame creature exclaimed, and the ghost king in red stretched out his hand to grab something.

The wind blew his hair, and everything seemed to freeze. Luo Chen wore a black black robe, a strand of hair flew forward, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked towards the spear.

The spear was only three meters away from Luo Chen, and it was aimed at Luo Chen's chest, as if the sharp black spear tip was about to pierce Luo Chen's chest the next moment, and at the same time, the huge spear would penetrate the sky and the earth.

Black and white once again show that this seemingly static picture is actually just a moment.

However, at this moment, there is another faster speed in the next moment!

The ground is bulging, and the distance of three meters is not long or short!

The distance of three meters was enough to kill Luo Chen instantly, but the ground swelled into a big bump, and then the whole ground was overturned, and even Luo Chen seemed to be overturned.

The flame creature, the ghost king in red, and Luo Chen all flew backwards. Before they landed, a basalt rushed out of the ground. The basalt was not made of clay, but instead looked like it was made of stone.

The crystal-clear stone looks extraordinarily gorgeous, and the thick basaltic armor is draped on the back, making it look very tall. At the same time, the talking head looks very ferocious and terrifying, and its tail is the head of a triangular snake!

Strictly speaking, Xuanwu is a new species of fusion of two animals, the Myriad Valley Sky Turtle and Taisui Flood Snake!

These two animals merged into a brand new creature, Xuanwu!

And this basalt head is Wanhe Taisui!

The ferocious snake head turned around abruptly at this moment, and then took a mouthful of pitch-black soil towards the huge spear.

The pitch-black spear was stained with mud, and at this moment, the pitch-black spear was turning into dust like mud!

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!

Why are there the most burials in all parts of the world, even in different cultures and backgrounds?

Is it because burial can bury the virus and prevent the virus produced by the corpse from causing the plague?

Then obviously cremation is more appropriate!

Burials are always full of mystery and mystery!

Or is it because in many legends, people come from the mud, are born from the mud, so they return to the mud?

Maybe this is a better explanation?

But no matter what, the soil and the final destination have an inseparable cause and effect.

At this moment, the mud ejected from the head of the Xuanwu snake instantly melted the black spear, and stood in front of Luo Chen.

This is a creature from the Dobe Forbidden Land, terrifying and thick.

At the same time, behind Luo Chen, at some point, a plant of grass stood up. This plant looked very weak, with a drop of dew hanging on the few leaves.

But even though this grass looked small, it gave people a big illusion, as if it helped Luo Chen cover everything.

Luo Chen still had that feeling at the moment.

He is protected by a mysterious force.

Xuanwu helped him block this blow, and that mysterious force was also protecting him.

This power is really against the sky, this is Luo Chen's second attempt to kill himself.

But he was still protected, and there were still creatures from the Ministry of Fire to protect him.

This made Luo Chen's eyes sparkle brightly.

Is this Yi?

independent of cause and effect.

Good luck?

If cause and effect are linear up and down, then Yi belongs to the horizontal world of left and right.

Just like if someone wins the lottery, they will say that it is a windfall.

Horizontal, that is, easy!

Luo Chen had obviously committed suicide just now, but Yi protected Luo Chen.

Moreover, Yi did not violate the rules of the world, and it was not Yi's power that protected Luo Chen.

Yi is using the power of the causal world to protect Luo Chen, that is, borrowing the hands of others!

And this move made Guan Ai tremble for a while.

Especially after the pitch-black spear was turned into mud, it seemed to have completely angered death.

There was a huge sound in the pass, like the sound of a drum, and every knock made people feel very uncomfortable. The sound was like nails scratching glass.

The reason why people hate and feel that this kind of sound will make people's scalp numb and feel uncomfortable.

In fact, it is because in ancient times, this sound is very similar to the sound of teeth rubbing against the skull when animals bite the skull!

It's like a warning voice inscribed in our genes.

But at this moment, this kind of drum sound, like the sound of teeth rubbing against the skull, resounded throughout the battlefield.

In the pass, it is obvious that something will come out again.

It seems that the world behind the pass, death, must kill Luo Chen today.

However, Luo Chen seemed to have some kind of protective power on his body today.

On the other side of Mount Tai at the moment, Tuoba sat there thinking.

He didn't expect Luo Chen to do this.

In other words, Luo Chen has grown up to play this kind of chess game against the sky by keeping silent.

Taking oneself as a bet, not playing with cause and effect, even playing with cause and effect is already a big deal.

Now Luo Chen directly uses death and Yi as pawns, these two things, even the top creatures will not easily touch them.

In the end, Luo Chen found another way to let the two forces hedge against each other.

This is the only one in all ages.

At this moment, even a part of the army of the Eternal Family who stayed outside the Five Elements Department felt that something was wrong at the moment, and everyone felt terrified at this moment.

Originally, the army had already withdrawn. After all, the army from the Human Emperor's Department was coming, and the army was going to overwhelm the border.

But the emperor still left some troops for Luo Chen to protect Luo Chen's safety.

However, this was originally an army to protect Luo Chen's safety. At this moment, everyone began to be terrified and terrified.

At this moment the crown prince who was outside frowned, while Long Aotian shivered.

"Did you feel that your heart was jumping like crazy, as if something big was about to happen?" Long Aotian raised his arm and saw that the hair on his arm was already standing on end.

And the prince raised his mechanical arm, which was bald, obviously without hair.

But a mechanical device like a gossip mirror on the prince's wrist was calling the police.

"What the **** is it? It seems to be the direction of the old man. What is he doing?" The prince frowned.

"This place is very dangerous, should we evacuate first?"

"Look for my father!" Long Aotian said, he began to feel uncomfortable all over, and always felt that something big was about to happen.

The guarding army of the Eternal Human Court also went to find the emperor, because the situation might get out of control, and this matter was underestimated.

In other words, Luo Chen's commotion was underestimated by everyone. The army sent someone to report the letter, and as soon as the front foot of the report left, a large piece of terrifying gray light swept over from the back foot, and tens of thousands of troops were wrapped in it, like a huge eggshell!

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