Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4236: gears of fate

Gray matter filled up, and the inside seemed to be in a mess.

The army of the ghost department is approaching at this moment, and it is also wrapped in gray at this moment.

The gloomy atmosphere made people feel extremely uncomfortable, as if they were companions with death.

Being in the gray, many people feel extremely uncomfortable. This feeling is like a pair of cold dead hands touching your skin slowly on your body.

The cold feeling and the touch of the skin make people's hairs stand on end.

On the other side, the emperor and the others had already noticed the huge gray aura covering the entire fire department without waiting for the messenger to arrive.

"Something happened!" Long Yi's expression sank suddenly.

"How did it become like this?" The emperor's expression was also very serious.

The commotion on Luo Chen's side was really scary, and the terrifying aura was released at this moment, which was very breathtaking.

At this moment, the five ancient emperors from the Eternal Human Court have all returned.

Ancient Emperor Wen Wuge was the first to return, his expression was equally serious.

He also cared about Luo Chen the most.

"This battle?"

"It might be a big trouble." The emperor frowned and said.

"Do you deal with this side or the side of the Emperor's army?" Someone asked.

This is a dilemma.

Because at this moment they have already sensed that the unicorn knight cut off the three heads of the nine-headed heavenly dragon with a single knife, and the aura of the ancient emperor has already permeated.

This breath is obviously shocking, and it also makes people feel terrible.

"No one asked Fifth Brother how this happened?" The emperor was very surprised, because he didn't believe that Luo Chen would make any big trouble.

But what Luo Chen is doing now may develop to the point where there is no way to end it.

"Report, there is a change on the big ship!" Someone came back urgently to report.

"What happened to the change?" the emperor asked.

"It was monitored three times, and each time it was when the gray power broke out, the boat puller seemed to be waking up!"

The boat is naturally the tracker.

Today's tracker has fallen asleep, as if dead, tattered, looks like a corpse.

Are there signs of recovery now?

Everyone knows how terrifying the tracker is. Although the ancient emperor is powerful, the ancient emperor is still not enough for a creature of the tracker's level.

That is an existence that can challenge the top creatures, and a breath is enough to destroy everything.

Obviously, if things go wrong, there will be a chain reaction.

"What did the fifth brother not explain?"

"In the beginning, we just asked our people to withdraw!"

"Didn't you ask us to support?" The emperor asked again.

"Just let the people from the ghost department go in!"

And the ancient emperor Wen Wuge also nodded at this moment, this is indeed the case.

Luo Chen didn't call for backup.

"With his character, things may not develop in an unfavorable direction."

"But I'm also afraid that the situation will collapse completely. After all, the big ship has already been disturbed." Long Yi said with a frown.

This is more troublesome.

They didn't know Luo Chen's plans and plans, and they didn't dare to act rashly, let alone cooperate with Luo Chen.

"Fifth brother must have a plan!" The emperor judged.

Both Wen Wuge and Long Yi believed in this.

But now they have tried the sound transmission method, and there is no way, the gray matter covers everything.

"Go to a group of people to ask in person!" the emperor said.

"Try to move as fast as possible, after all, the front line is about to fight!" the emperor said.

The troops on the front line are already forming formations, and the people of the Eternal Family have already set up a large formation in the ten universes in secret at this moment, and the battle is imminent!

At this time, they naturally don't want to have an accident in the rear.

If it were someone else, they would have already done it all.

But on Luo Chen's side, everyone who has been in contact with him knows Luo Chen's character.

Luo Chen has always been sure of doing things.

On the other side, the outbreak of gray matter has a lot to do with the pass.

In the pass, after the sound of the drum, the world seemed to start to change.

The gray moon, the gray earth, the gray everything, the invasion of death is getting more and more serious at this moment.

The creatures from the Five Elements Department are all gathered here, obviously they are the first pass and the first level of protection.

But they may not be able to stop it.

And when these creatures left their respective forbidden areas, they were in the space where all five forbidden areas could be connected.

There, there was a coffin left by Luo Chen. At this moment, the black ink was no longer flowing, but blood was pouring down on the huge coffin.

The color of the huge metal coffin began to change with the departure of the guardian spirit of the Jin Ministry among the five parts.

It has become decayed, and the power of sealing seems to have weakened at this moment.

At the same time, no one noticed that the king's corpse that stayed there was disappearing.

As if being dragged away by something, one or two, one will disappear after a while, and one will be missing after a while.

It is impossible for Luo Chen not to know that if the creatures from the Five Elements Department come to help him at this moment, the power of protection will be weakened.

But Luo Chen obviously didn't care at the moment!

It's like a script being executed!

The mysterious big ship blocked the passage between the first and fifth eras, the plans and battles between the Queen and the Eternal Family!

Then there is the army of the Human Emperor's Department and the army of the Eternal Human Family.

And the underworld that Luo Chen raised at this moment, and then the huge coffin.

At this moment, everything that seems to be irrelevant, at this moment, is like a cog that is related and bites each other.

The rotation of one of the gears will drive the next one, and then the next one will be passed down, eventually causing all the gears to rotate, forming a chain reaction.

Before the gears of fate turned, no one seemed to know what a small incident caused it. Maybe it was just a butterfly flapping its wings!

At this moment, everyone is like a chess player, but everyone is like a chess piece!

Tuoba of Taishan sighed, watching the sunset, wondering what he was thinking.

The emperor raised his head to look at the sky, where the same setting sun was sinking, as if foreshadowing something.

Similarly, in another universe, there are countless strong and masters of the first era gathered here, and these people are also looking at the sinking sunset!

And Luo Chen can still feel the strong protection of Yi at this moment, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

Luo Chen needs verification!

Not only Luo Chen's own purpose, Luo Chen also needs to verify one thing.

That is, if Yi can really stand against death!

If it is really possible to ignore cause and effect and not be afraid of death!

Well, Xi Clan!

Is it dead or alive? In other words, how could the Xi clan, a race that had mastered Yi, be wiped out?

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