Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 468: Tooth for tooth

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The night of the 19th century lacked entertainment, and there was not so much noise in the city. At night, there was no roar of the engine, no offensive sirens, and no deafening sound.

Since the last riot caused by the conscription, Manhattan has not sounded such a fierce gunfire for decades, so on this silent night, the gunfire is so sharp, sharp and amazing.

Chu Wushuang just held a meeting, and the managers and ministers haven't gone far. This year, any big brother has to take three or five younger brothers, not to mention the very moment, the security work has been repeatedly emphasized, so he was cited by gunfire. There are really a lot of people here.

The "Mad Cow Tribe" itself has a good security force, and can pull out dozens of gunmen casually, so the sound of the gunfire, after the initial chaos, the organized counterattack was immediately organized.

The casualties were still a bit severe. The attackers came prepared and thoughtlessly. Burning bottles, grenades, and light machine guns swarmed up. Although Chu Wushuang's dozen bodyguards were also well-equipped, they were the first to be defeated. Seven or eight, the remaining three or five people were also suppressed by the fierce firepower of the light machine gun behind the corner of the car, and they could not even lift their heads.

Although Chu Wushuang has fled into the "mad cow tribe", he can also imagine the tragic situation of his brothers.

However, at this time, there was no negative emotion such as hesitation and compassion. Every second passed would make the brothers on the street more dangerous. The anger in Chu Wushuang's heart was like a burning car on the street outside.

Raising his hand and hitting the bullet in the revolver on the top of the opposite building, no matter whether there was a hit or not, he grabbed a shotgun from the guards around him and dragged a bulging bullet bag. Chu Wushuang raised his feet. Open the window next to you and jump out onto the street.

The power of a shotgun is not comparable to that of a pistol. The shotgun used by Chu Wushuang is the latest product produced by Junma Weapons Company. If it is close to the 20th shotgun according to 21st century standards, this type of bullet will be used by The composition of each projectile is 0.25 inches. Although it sounds twice as small as the diameter of a pistol projectile, there are as many as 20 such projectiles in each bullet of a shotgun.

When there are more projectiles, the direct result is a decrease in power, but within 25 meters, if a 20th bullet is hit directly, the body will directly become honeycomb coal.

Compared to the first generation shotgun, the recoil of the current shotgun is also smaller. Chu Wushuang has a sturdy stature and can shoot with one hand.

After jumping to the street, Chu Wushuang used the cover of the car to directly suppress the firepower of the light machine gun on the opposite roof.

In fact, within a distance of ten meters, light machine guns are really not as good as shotguns. "Rainstorm" light machine guns use a drum for bombs. You must change the barrel when replacing the drum, otherwise it will cause the barrel to overheat. malfunction.

Changing the barrel is a technical task. A skilled gunman can complete the entire set of actions in ten seconds. Novices are more troublesome, and it may not be possible in half a minute.

With the light machine gun shooter changing drums, Chu Wushuang rushed across the street and came to the hotel door.

"Master Chu, let's go back and let me come." Mike Zhang, also carrying a shotgun, has been following Chu Wushuang to keep Chu Wushuang from taking risks.

Mike Zhang was also injured, blood was dripping from his chest, a muscle on his arm was blown away, and the wound was terrifying.

"Go away!" Chu Wushuang kicked Mike Zhang, carried the shotgun filled with bullets behind him, stepped on the hotel's window sill with one foot, and drew his hand on the balcony railing on the second floor.

Literary works are always used to describe a "gecko" when describing a person who is more agile. Chu Wushuang is now like a shirtless human gecko. Although one arm can't keep up because of an injury, Chu Wushuang didn't seem to be affected in any way. When he put his hand on the balcony railing on the second floor, he stepped on the floor on the outer edge of the balcony, half-turned and borrowed again, and when Chu Wushuang's body was unfolded again, the person had already turned up. On the third floor.

When moving to the top of the third floor, the two machine gun shooters were still changing their barrels.

Chu Wushuang smiled and copied the shotgun in his hand, facing the two pairs of horrified and desperate eyes, and pulled the trigger in his hand.

At a distance of more than ten meters, it is the best shooting distance for shotguns.

When the trigger was pulled, the muzzle flame emanating from the muzzle was half a foot long, in the dark like a sickle of death, wrapped in 20 0.25-inch projectiles, forming a mass of metal storm in an instant.

The half of the head of the main shooter was bombed on the spot. The sub-shooter's pistol was just pulled out half. The powerful kinetic energy carried by the projectile pushed the body of the sub-shooter directly from the top of the third floor.

Downstairs came the sound of violent breaking and glass breaking, followed by the roar of the shotgun "嗵 嗵 嗵". In the dense gunfire, the crisp pistol gunfire became gradually inaudible.

The last few gunmen crouched in the stairwell on the third floor and resisted stubbornly. Chu Wushuang had no intention of staying alive. He ordered people to come downstairs to the gasoline barrel and directly smash the window and throw it in.

Immediately, two firemen jumped out of the window.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot ..." Chu Wushuang, who had red eyes, shouted loudly, and wanted the attackers to accept the cruelest punishment.

Soon, there was a strong barbecue smell on the street.

Pretty fragrant ...

The gun battle that took place in the "Mad Cow Tribe" was reported that night and placed on Li Mu's desk.

"Burning bottles, grenades, and light machine guns. These people are crazy. Do they think this is Montana?" Li Mu almost laughed when he saw the report.

But soon, Li Mu couldn't laugh. Chu had no double injuries. Mike Zhang was seriously injured. 15 Chuntian brothers died and more than 40 were injured.

In contrast, none of the nine gunmen involved in the attack escaped and were all killed on the spot.

The loss was huge, Li Mu decided to go to Arthur at dawn, and if he didn't get anything on the battlefield, he would get it back from the negotiation table.

"There were no clues related to the Japanese at the scene. All the hotel owners were killed. The hotel register showed that these people had stayed for two days and they were prepared." Situ Lei's bow tie was a little Crooked, it seemed to be hurried from someone's sleep.

The people of Springfield Company are all Situ Lei's old brothers. The losses are so heavy, Situ Lei is also deeply heartbroken.

In fact, mixed underworld, originally tied his head to the belt of his pants, Situ Lei already had this mental preparation.

But when those corpses wrapped in white cloth were really in front of him, Situ Lei still couldn't avoid the sadness of the rabbit.

To be honest, from San Francisco to New York, Situ Lei did not intend to enjoy it, but under the protection of the Steed Group, Stoile thought that the Chinese could have a more relaxed living environment than San Francisco, but did not expect that the conflict between Li Mu and the Japanese was so fierce And Springfield became the first victim, which surprised Situ Lei.

Now that the enemy has hit the door, and Situ Lei has no thoughts of shrinking, the soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. Now that they have suffered, they will fight back.

Li Mu also had the same idea, and Li Mu even said more decisively: "Tell my brothers to be ready and wait for me to return from the city government, when we get revenge ... and the light machine gun, let me figure out how to get the hands of those people of."

Light machine guns have not been around for a long time. As far as Li Mu knows, there are no similar products on the market, and the weapons sold by the Steed Weapon Factory are numbered. It is not difficult to trace the source.

Light machine guns are different from smokeless gunpowder. It is easy to imitate smokeless gunpowder. Only a few simple chemical additives are needed to imitate smokeless gunpowder.

If you want to imitate a machine gun, you need to overcome the problem of raw materials. If you use existing steel, the life and weapons can not meet the design requirements, and there is not much practical value. All the weapon steels used by Steed Weapons Company are Carnegie-Rim Steel The company provided that the weapon company, located in Carnegie's old nest in Pittsburgh, is Carnegie-Rime Steel's most confidential factory. It is not easy to steal formula from this.

Compared with the Japanese's aggressive action, Li Mu is more concerned about the loss of weapons. If it can be proven that the light machine gun used by the attacker was produced by the Steed Weapon Factory, Li Mu said that he must also clean up the portal.

Situ Lei is a member of Chuntian Company and cannot control the Junma Weapons Factory. To investigate this matter, he still needs to implement it strictly.

Yan Shun is now Li Mu's personal secretary, and manages a secretariat of more than 40 people.

The staffing structure of this secretariat is a bit mixed. Its members are drawn from the legal department, security department, and accounting department to elites and are directly responsible to Li Mu.

"Rim, have we stopped here for two days ..." Situ Lei tried to avoid the limelight for two days.

Most of the companies under Chuntian Company are entertainment venues. As long as these places are open for business, personnel exchanges are extremely complicated and accidents are inevitable, so Situ Lei is a bit worried.

"No, continue to open the door to do business. I want to see how many people fill in their lives." Li Mu is not worried, Chuntian is not a full-Chinese class, and there are many white gunmen hired. At most these days, there are fewer Chinese. Make a public appearance, and the dead friend doesn't die.

Obviously, Situ Lei is not as shameless as Li Mu.

Knowing Li Mu's arrangements, Situ Lei was startled and stunned, speechless.

This is the difference between bosses and employees, blind tolerance, or blinding harshness.

When Li Mu saw Arthur, it was another tone.

"This is a densely populated city. They actually use combustion flasks, grenades and light machine guns under broad daylight. I can't imagine if they will drag the artillery directly next time ... I listen to you and keep restraint. No further action for the Japanese, but now let ’s see what I get now. Two cars were burned, 42 were injured, and 15 were killed. Is this a war? I would like to ask Mr. Mayor a word, the city government And the police can't guarantee the safety of the citizens. If not, we and I will temporarily close all the properties of the Steed Group to avoid further losses. "Li Mu thundered in Arthur's office, but his words were still enough. Restraint gave Arthur face.

Li Mu didn't come to Arthur by himself. Just this morning, almost all New York newspapers reported on the front page of the major vicious incident of last night. "Time" is the most direct. There is no word in the entire page. The black blocks indicate your attitude.

The impact of this incident is too great. Everyone is at risk. If they are let go, then the next gun battle may happen at their doorstep, and maybe their wives and children will die like the hotel owner ’s family. Yu Innocent, this feeling makes the Manhattan rich who are accustomed to a comfortable life intolerable, so they came to Arthur with Li Mu, as well as Carnegie, Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, John Vanderbilt, Solomon · Loeb and many other leading figures, these rich men are almost all leaders in their industry, usually lame, and the whole Manhattan will tremble. So many people came to the city government together, bringing Arthur The pressure is really not small.

"Rim, rest assured, the city government and the police will definitely protect the safety of everyone. Those who commit crimes will be punished. As for your loss, I will give you an account." In front of so many people What Arthur said was also decisive.

Of course, when Arthur solemnly expressed his attitude, he was probably scolding his mother.

Arthur knew the relationship between Li Mu and Bresta. He didn't say that he was wearing a pair of pants.

Now Li Mu ran to the mayor's office and called for grievances. In name, he scolded the police station for doing nothing. In fact, the pressure was on Arthur.

To put it plainly, this is a political issue.

"Mr. Mayor, please forgive me for being upright. Everyone knows that the killer is on Park Road. I can guarantee that there are many citizens who are as upright as me are gathering there, so you better do something as soon as possible, otherwise everyone will I can't guarantee what will happen next. "Li Muyu threatened to understand that it was Li Mu's specialty to wrap up the public opinion.

Park Road is the seat of the Japanese Consulate in New York.

Hearing Li Mu's words, Arthur's face changed greatly: "Rim, you ..."

Just after saying two words, looking at Li Mu's proud expression, Arthur returned to his senses and grabbed the phone on the desk: "Operator, pick me up at the police station ..."

Arthur hissed and rested. During the time waiting for the call to connect, Arthur's hand was pointing at Li Mu, but he couldn't say a word of blame.

Tooth for teeth, and eye for an eye, this is Li Mu's style of work. Prior to that, Li Mu did maintain restraint, but since the Japanese fired the first shot, Li Mu has enough reasons to retaliate.

Even if Grant is here, he will not change Li Mu's mind.

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