Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 469: Hatred

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Arthur did not find Bresta. Bresta had come to the Park Road Japanese Consulate in New York to direct the police to maintain order.

Bresta has received reports from several hours in the morning that citizens have gathered near the Japanese consulate in New York.

Aresta is cautious, she has always been deceived, and she knows Li Mu's style of behavior very well, so Bresta knew immediately that there must be behind-the-scenes behind this.

In fact, all group events have behind-the-scenes pushers. Where can ordinary people be so politically sensitive, and their personal strength cannot compete with the country? Even if there are media reports to promote the situation, if there is no organization, few citizens will Pay attention to how many people died last night, at least not so much, and the response speed is not so fast.

When Bresta came to Park Road, Park Road was already full of enthusiasm. Nearly 100 citizens gathered near the Japanese Consulate in New York. There were also a large number of media reporters nearby. They were waiting for the breaking news.

From the signs held by the people, we can see that they are prepared.

Slogans such as "against violence and call for peace!" And "We need a peaceful New York!" Are less intense.

"Give the killer!", "The Japanese get out of New York!"

Others simply pray for the dead, there are candles on the ground, flowers near the wall, and even pictures of the hotel owner's family.

It ’s just that the location of the photos is not good. It is right on the gate of the Japanese consulate in New York. The Japanese consulate in New York is like a spiritual hall. If there is no pointer, only rely on the aesthetics of ordinary people. Not to this extent.

The people are still shouting slogans "Hand over the killer", "We need an explanation", "New York does not welcome thugs" and so on.

Over time, the number of people has continued to increase. In fact, it is not only the Chinese who like to join in the fun, but the Westerners are not too big to see the fun. Many people do n’t even know why they are gathered here, just for the sake of simplicity. If you show your freedom and democracy, you will join the group.

As soon as a newcomer joins in, someone will jam him with a paper-flagged American flag and a bulging kraft paper bag containing a bottle of Budweiser beer and a few pieces of fried chicken in Springfield. The fried chicken is still hot.

Seeing this situation, whoever said that the people gathered spontaneously, Bresta would dim his face.

"Sir, would you like to gather the crowds?" As soon as Bresta arrived at the scene, the sheriff came to ask for instructions.

Mass incidents are prone to accidents, large-scale conflicts, or tramples, no matter which one is a disaster for the police.

"Why disperse? They have the right to party. As police officers, we must ensure that the rights of the people are implemented. Do they affect other people? No, since it is not, our task is not to dispel them, but It is to protect them. "Bresta and Li Mu are good brothers. Although they did not communicate in advance, Bresta can instinctively make the correct response.

"Understand! Sir!" The sheriff understood it, saluting and turning away.

The sheriff is not stupid. Of course, she can understand the meaning of Bresta. It is tragic to fail to understand. As the number of cars is increasing, the New York City Police Department is preparing traffic police. .

In fact, this kind of incident is good for the police, at least it can show the role of the police, let those media people who have been verbal all day long to raise their hands, and it is also conducive to easing the relationship between residents.

In fact, the atmosphere at the scene was very harmonious. The protesters drank beer, ate fried chicken, and shouted slogans, which was really good for their physical and mental health.

The police are also welcome. On a cold day, they have to be on duty. It is impossible to be resentful. Fortunately, the person delivering the food is very eye-catching. In the leather bag given to the police, both bottles of beer are fried Chickens are also double servings, so when you are full and drink enough, the police will also shout two throats following the slogan.

The atmosphere outside the consulate was so enthusiastic that the mood inside the consulate was dismal.

Watanabe Shinji and Oshima Makoto stood behind the window on the third floor of the consulate, watching the excitement outside the consulate, both of them were ugly.

"Sir, the telephone at the police station has been unreachable." Oshima's righteous voice was low, and there was no more excitement the day before yesterday.

These days, the telephone is not a program-controlled telephone. It must be transferred by the operator to successfully connect with the police station.

This kind of thing has never happened before. The operator of Junma Electric Company is very professional and can always connect the phone as fast as possible.

Today, it is clear that some people are making troubles, and the Japanese consulate in New York has no energy to scatter. The phone has not been connected at all. You cannot blame the police station for its slow response.

"No need to fight, the Chief of Police is here." Watanabe's face was iron-blue, standing in his place, just to see Bresta.

"I'll get ready. In the event of an accident, we must ensure your safety." Justice Oshima has to perform his duties as a military attache. In any case, Watanabe's letter cannot be accidental.

"No, since the Chief of Police is here, things will not go so far as to be out of control." Watanabe said decisively.

Watanabe's letter is still very fierce. If something happens to the Japanese consulate in New York today, and Watanabe's and embassy staff members are unfortunately killed or injured, the Japanese government's face is certainly not good-looking, and Washington's face is not glorious.

The war between the two countries has not been cut yet!

However, the crowd gathered outside the consulate clearly did not understand the truth. The guys who were full and satiated felt that they were simply screaming, unable to vent the suffocation in their chests, and sporadic attack behaviors began to appear. Stink eggs and tomatoes. The rotten cabbage gangs have begun to become weapons in the hands of the people, smashing into the closed Japanese consulate in New York.

The Japanese Consulate in New York is a street-facing building. There is no garden at the door, and naturally there is no fence. Although the doors and windows are closed, the smelly eggs and tomatoes are still very powerful. Soon the white egg whites, yellow egg yolks, and red tomatoes. The green cabbage gangs are covered with the exterior wall of the Japanese Consulate in New York. The colorful flowers are beautiful and very postmodern.

Now you can be sure. Today's things must have been premeditated. Who has nothing to do in the shopping bag with two smelly eggs?

The reason why the "group incident" is horrible is that "group effects" will happen. The law does not blame the public. There is a person who throws stinky eggs, and someone will follow suit immediately, and the degree of violentness will increase. If you let a stinky egg, I will Throw a potato. If you threw a potato, I would throw a more lethal brick stone.

In fact, in modern cities, it is not easy to find bricks and stones. The New York City government ’s sanitation work is still very efficient. If bricks and stones are everywhere in the city, then the media people can scold the city government. Dog blood drips.

However, nothing is as simple as it seems. If you worry about a certain situation, then it is very likely to happen. The clean and tidy Park Avenue in the past, today there are so many small stones, and the size of the stones is very large. Convenient to hold, a little smaller than an adult fist.

So, of course, the rotten eggs were quickly upgraded to stones.

When the people started to throw stinky eggs, Watanabe still bit his teeth and looked at the distant laughter of Bresta and the police doing nothing nearby. Watanabe believed that all things now are superficial articles, and Bresta is sure Do not dare to take the world by storm, let the people attack the Japanese consulate in New York.

Watanabe's letter is wrong. In Bresta's eyes, this kind of "attack" is not an attack at all. At best, it is the vent of the public's hatred. This vent is to be guided. Will have more serious consequences.

Relatively speaking, the power of rotten eggs and tomatoes is definitely not as great as that of potatoes. When the people only use rotten eggs and tomatoes as weapons, although the scene looks lively, it is actually not lethal.

Potatoes are not the same. When the first potato flew over, a piece of glass broke immediately, and then more potatoes flew up. Within two minutes, all the glass on the front wall of the Japanese Consulate in New York was broken. None were spared, including even the third floor where Watanabe and Oshima Justice were located.

The potatoes came so fast that people were caught off guard. Watanabe was still confident behind the glass window at the last moment, and the next time the glass window was broken. A fist-sized potato flew in along the broken window and just smashed. On Watanabe's forehead.

It takes a lot of energy to throw a fist-sized potato from the ground to the height of the third floor.

Watanabe felt like he was punched in the face, dizzy, swollen, and staring at Venus. He murmured on the floor without any response.

"Sir, sir, come on!" Justice Oshima was horrified, and his voice changed in urgency.

Several staff members rushed up and carried Watanabe letter in hand. In just a while, Watanabe letter had already suffered another five or six times.

When the people started throwing stones, Bresta finally couldn't sit still: "Tell them the point of convergence and don't use offensive weapons."

Bresta does not know that the Consul Lord has been knocked down by a potato. Otherwise, Bresta may have responded more quickly.

The sheriff, who had been standing beside Bresta, hurried away. It might be a little late to stop, but it was better than nothing.

The police hadn't had time to persuade, a car rushing in the distance, and getting off was Arthur's secretary Jimmy Jackson.

"Jimmy, is there any good news for me, and did the mayor have any instructions?" Bresta and Jimmy are old friends, and they are very familiar with each other.

"Mr. Mayor is a little worried about your side, you have to control the situation ..." Jimmy just said a few words and turned to see the messy Japanese Consulate in New York with a look of surprise.

This scene seems to be less controlled.

"Jimmy, everything is under control. With so many people present, nothing can happen, right?" Bresta didn't care, as long as the people did not rush into the Japanese consulate in New York, it would not cause Too severe consequences.

Bresta took precautions. In front of the Japanese consulate in New York, Bresta commanded the walls of the police to build up the wall. If it were not for this protection, it would have been impossible for some people to hold back.

"Oh my God, do you have to wait for the death to be considered a trouble?" Jimmy felt a bit big. To this extent, it was already a diplomatic incident.

"Isn't it out yet ..." Bresta didn't have Jimmy's high political awareness, as long as it wasn't New York citizens who died, whoever loved died.

Jimmy is still waiting to speak. The reporters who have been waiting for the news are like sharks smelling blood, and hula hounds around.

"Mr. Jimmy, do you have anything to say about the violence of last night?"

"There are rumors that Watanabe, the consul of Japan's consulate in New York, was the mastermind behind the violence last night. What's your comment on this matter?"

"Mr. Mayor doesn't want to say anything about such a violent incident. He should give an account to New Yorkers who have always trusted him."

"Will this be notified to Washington? Will we have a war with Japan?"

The reporters asked a lot of questions, and the questions were more thrilling.

"Gentlemen, please be patient. The mayor is in a meeting. I believe that there will be a related press conference soon ..." Jimmy didn't want to say more. At this time, he said more mistakes, and Jimmy could not take the place of Arthur.

The New York City government has established a press conference system. All government employees know how to deal with the news media. As Arthur's secretary, Jimmy is even more familiar.

"Mr. Director, I heard that the violent incident was the revenge of the Japanese government against the Steed Group. What's your comment?"

"I heard that the light machine gun used in the attack last night was issued by the army. Is this claim valid?"

"Springfield is a legitimate U.S. company, but has now been violently attacked. Will the police seek justice for Springfield?"

The reporters saw that there was no information from Jimmy and immediately aimed at Bresta.

"There is no doubt that yesterday ’s violence was a provocation to the New York Police Department, and I would like to reiterate here that the New York City Police Department will not let any criminal, no matter who it is, want to disrupt New York's tranquility and threaten New York citizens. We will resolutely crack down on the safety of everyone, please believe our determination ... "Bresta didn't have so many worries, and his impassioned mouth splashed.

Through the shattered glass windows on the third floor, the full-fledged hate of Oshima's righteous eyes was full of hatred. This scene was completely recorded by the reporter's camera.

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