Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 536: Quality

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After lunch, Li Mu and Green Giles came to the main venue of the Independence Centennial Exhibition to start their own treasure hunt.

The 100-year-old adult independent exhibition is scheduled to open on May 1st, but in fact the decoration of the main exhibition hall was completely completed years ago. As of the end of March, the layout of the exhibition hall has also been completely completed. Thinking about it, it will be more than a month until May, anyway, the venue is also left open, just sell tickets directly and start the "trial business".

It can be seen how scarce the funding of the independent century-old exhibition organizing committee is, and the New York City government is also "poor" afraid.

Tickets for the exhibition are one dollar each. Visitors can save the ticket stub as a commemoration, and they can also get a miniature version of the goddess of victory.

Entering the independent century exhibition hall, the goal is a 13-meter-high, 56-ton, 1400-horsepower Chris steam engine, which is also the largest steam engine in the world today, and represents the level of industrial technology in the United States.

In addition to the Chris steam engine, at this independent centennial exhibition, states will also display the achievements of the first industrial revolution era, such as steam-driven generators, starters, printing machines, forging machines and so on.

In addition to these technically mature but ancient industrial machines, the Independent Centennial Exhibition will also recommend to all visitors a large number of peak products of the second industrial revolution era. These products include internal combustion engines, automobiles, electric lights, telephones, sewing machines, Typewriters, duplex telegraphs, etc. represent the highest level of advanced equipment in the industry at this time.

In fact, this independent century-old exhibition should be a "American Product Fair" in a strict sense. Although there are as many as 35 countries participating in this world exhibition, American products account for more than half of the total number of single products. Among them, nearly half of the products in the main hall are American products, three-quarters of the products in the United States are in the machinery department, two-thirds are in the agricultural department, and almost all are in the horticultural department.

Among all American products, the exhibits related to the Steed Group account for nearly a quarter of the total, which fully reflects the position of the Steed Group in the US economy.

Junma Group's products are indeed eye-catching. All internal combustion engines appearing at the exhibition are products of Junma Group. Although there are more than ten brands of automobiles, almost all cars use Junma Group's engines.

In addition to automobiles and internal combustion engines, Junma Group also holds an absolute monopoly in the field of electric lights and telephones. All the electric lights and telephones appearing throughout the exhibition are provided by Junma Group, including 1,200 light bulbs provided for the main exhibition hall. This is all from the donation from Junma Group.

Judging from the exhibition status of these ten days, the horses of the Steed Group are indeed very popular. Among them, Steed Motor Company has received orders for nearly 7,000 vehicles from all over the United States and Europe. In terms of production, it will take a full year to complete these orders next year.

Electric lights and telephones have also been harvested. Although British companies have not had any contact with the companies of the Steed Group, orders from France, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Turkish Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy have made Steed Group eat a lot. In just ten days, the Steed Group received orders worth $ 15 million from lights and phones.

The bigger surprise came from Junma Clothing Company. On the second day of the opening of the independent century exhibition, Junma Clothing Company received an order for 500,000 military uniforms from the Ottoman Turkish Empire. This order made Cao Anran ecstatic. The current production capacity, even if working overtime, would take eight months to complete this order.

So during this time, Li Mu approved a series of requests for new factories, not only the Junma Automobile Factory, the Junma Electric Factory, the Junma Apparel Factory, but even Carnegie-Rim Steel.

Of course, Li Mu accepted all these requirements. The larger the company's scale, the higher the influence of the Junma Group. Others will have to be more cautious if they want to fight against the Junma Group.

There aren't so many people who can do nothing, there are not many second-force groups like the Texas Cotton Farmers Association.

By the way, under the "mediation" of Samuel Tilden, the Texas Agricultural Association has been completely subdued, and the Texans not only have to restore the supply to ensure the quality, but also exempt the Junma non-staple food company from Twenty percent of the payment was made as compensation to Junma Clothing Company.

Li Mu expressed satisfaction with this result. In fact, this compensation is optional for Li Mu. Li Mu does not care about this money, but Li Mu needs to use the money to show the majesty of the Steed Group and keep those who are tempted to steer the Group. .

Regarding this matter, Samuel Tilden once proposed to use the symbolic approach of "compensation for one dollar" to recognize the victory of the Steed Group.

Li Mu resolutely rejected this request. "One dollar" does sound full of persuasion, but it is actually a standard two-pronged behavior. Right, right. The winner doesn't need to be blamed, and he must pay the wrong price. If you want to take a dollar out, things will change into small things. Who is this to fool?

With this money, Li Muning would like to donate to the lonely elderly in the United States, at least in this way can buy a large wave of people's hearts, why is it cheaper for those who do not see the coffin and do not cry.

You have already achieved such a perfect start before you officially started. Li Mu is not worried about the Junma Group's harvest now, and you can shift your mind to Taobao in the main exhibition hall.

In fact, don't look at the dozens of separate venues for the Independent Century Exhibition. In fact, the best part is in this main exhibition hall. Other professional venues and branch venues in other countries are a display, especially branch venues in various countries, many of which are not open at all. It is only used to provide accommodation for exhibitors from home countries, or only to accommodate visitors from home countries.

According to the requirements of the Independent Centennial Committee, all participating countries should have their own exhibition halls. In fact, this is not the case at all. Of the 35 countries participating in the exhibition, only 15 have their own exhibition halls. Other countries have not even considered this. problem.

For example, the Qing Empire did not have its own exhibition hall.

Although the Qing Empire also sent a delegation to participate in the 100-year Independence Exhibition, and it also brought more than 6,800, 700 boxes, and 200,000 silver worth of exhibits, in fact, the Qing Empire did not take this exhibition as a return at all. Incidentally, people didn't come to sell things either, just to show the Qing Dynasty's Wuhua Tianbao, perfectly playing the role of a guilty sinner.

At this time, although the Qing Empire had a long history and vast land, it did not have an international status in the international community that matched its population. Therefore, the Qing Empire's booth was located in an inconspicuous corner of the main exhibition hall. The huge archway is very oriental, and Li Mu could not even find the booth of the Qing Empire.

When Green Giles came to the main exhibition hall, he must first visit the exhibition hall of the United States of Cuba.

Because of the relationship between the United States of Cuba and the United States, a well-positioned exhibition hall was found, right next to the exhibition hall of the Junma Group, in the middle of the main exhibition hall.

Li Mu has already seen the exhibition hall of the United States of Cuba, so he temporarily separated from Green Giles, and Li Mu went to the exhibition hall of the Qing Empire alone.

Do n’t get me wrong, it ’s not Li Mu who is here alone, but there is no need for other people to waste pen and ink. In fact, Li Mu will always have a dozen or so followers at his side. Chu Xue and Mason must be essential. The rest All are security guards with large waists.

These bodyguards from Li Mu are all from Chuntian Security Company. They are wearing a uniform black suit and uniform, and a top hat that is easy to move. The height is more than 1.99 meters, which is impossible without eye-catching.

There is such a group of people around, so there is almost no dog blood incident. When people see this large group of tall and strong bodyguards, they will naturally weigh and weigh their own weight.

In fact, there are not so many mentally disabled people in the real world. The stranger who shouted "My dad is XX" is actually the only one in the world. His father accidentally released it. If other people have such a scourge, Even if he didn't strangle him directly, he wouldn't let him go out and show his face to cause disaster.

In fact, it includes the wonderful girl who shouted "My dad is so and so". His background is like that. He who has a real background will never say that. People do n’t do anything so tasteless, and even if they say The media did not dare to report.

The exhibition hall of the Qing Empire is indeed very oriental. From a distance, you can see the tall wooden entrance archway. The entrance archway is beautifully made.

This archway was made in the Qing Empire. It was dismantled and shipped here and then assembled again. It is estimated that this craft is comparable to Lao Yan's.

On the front of the torii is a plaque of "Daqing Kingdom" written by Li Gui, a representative of the Qing Empire.

Li Gui is from Jiangning and served in Ningbo Customs in 1865. He was ordered to participate in the American Centennial Exhibition by the order of the Imperial Taxation General Secretary Hurd.

There is also a couplet on the torii, the upper link is: gather the great views of the eighteen provinces, and the heaven is invincible; the second link is: celebrating a hundred years, the friendship of Ston; horizontal batch: Wuhua Tianbao.

If there is no word on this torii, Li Mu doesn't mind moving the torii together, now even if it is made of sandalwood, Li Mu's most important thing now is sandalwood.

In the exhibition hall of the Qing Empire, porcelain and silk are still the main characters, in addition to wood carving, fine wine, furniture, fur, and precious medicinal materials.

Looking at the exhibition halls of the Empire, there is no trace of industry. Even from the perspective of the 19th century, this place is more like a museum than the exhibition halls of other countries.

Before Li Mu entered the exhibition hall of the Qing Empire, Mason, as the head of the bodyguard of Li Mu, should go in first and make a circle to determine the security status of the entire exhibition hall.

In fact, there is no need to worry too much about the security situation. The security work of the entire independent century exhibition has been contracted by Springfield Security Company. Li Mu has confidence in Springfield Security Company.

Although I am confident, the procedures should not be saved at all. Especially after the conflict with the Texans, the security around Li Mu is tight and tight. No one dare to be sure. After serving up softly, did he also give up the possibility of revenge in the next step.

No one dares to shoulder this responsibility, so be careful.

It is estimated that these days, very few foreigners came to visit the exhibition hall of the Qing Empire. A dozen "old zombies" wearing robes and horse gowns were bored in the exhibition hall. The older ones gathered together in a bunch of chat. Several gathered together to comment on the white faces in the exhibition halls of other countries around them, a posture of onlookers.

But I don't know if they are here.

To be honest, if he wasn't interested in what these ancestors left behind, Li Mu really didn't want to see this group of "zombies", seeing the braid behind the zombies' brains, Li Mu would feel sick in his heart.

If you think about it, this group of zombies has contributed countless palace dramas to the screens of later generations. There are few other contributions that Li Mu can think of. They are like a group of parasites. They are lying on the body of Han people to **** blood. In the future, I will jump out of disgusting people from time to time, and I do n’t even feel that I have any disgusting things, just like Aq in "The True Story of Ahq". If the ancestor is wide, then it is too wide. Take it out and show it. As for whether other people feel unwell, they don't care ...

There were more staff than guests in the exhibition hall, and the white face of Mason suddenly came in, and was immediately warmly welcomed. Two translators who were not familiar with English greeted the babble, and Mason took a lot of effort to understand. The two invited him to have tea with the "old zombies".

Drink tea?

Drink your sister!

I have to work well ...

Mason simply rejected the invitation to translate, and after confirming that there were no hidden dangers in the entire exhibition area, this sent a signal to Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't take a dozen people to go in, just took Chu Xue alone.

After seeing Li Mu and Chu Xue, the two translators stunned for a while before you pushed me and I pushed you up. Once they came up in English: "Welcome, welcome ..."

This English has a spell with Mr. Zhao's English, full of Tangshan flavor.

Not to mention, Li Mu was really kind to hear.

"Speak Chinese, I understand." Li Mu was rare and cheerful.

At the level of Li Mu, you really do n’t need to prove your approachability with Yan Yueshui. Americans who love to show are politicians, and ordinary Americans are so flowery. If Li Mu sees everyone, he will put on a smiling face. Instead it will make fun of you.

Americans are of this quality these days.

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