Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 537: Old Summer Palace

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The four great joys of life are: Jiuhan meets Ganlin, he knows from his hometown, the night of the house, and the title of the gold list.

Since Li Mu bought the United States for so long, almost all the Chinese people have been very kind. This kind of kindness really comes from the heart, not a superficial politeness.

If it is not for special reasons, the Chinese in this era will definitely not take the initiative to leave their hometowns and come to the United States thousands of miles away from home. Therefore, the Chinese in the United States have a deep understanding of "knowing about their hometowns", because The Chinese people all know that they can only survive if they hold a group, and if they want to live better, they can only hold tighter.

So not only Li Mu. In the United States, almost all Chinese people will do their best to help as much as possible when they encounter Chinese people asking for help, and they will never quit.

After the establishment of the Junma Group, the Chinese are getting better every day. Many Chinese are gradually sharing this generosity with more people, and the range of recipients is no longer limited to the Chinese group. This also makes the overall image of the Chinese The better they get, they are kind, generous, and full of justice. Even in the towns of Junma and Kuobin, the crime rate of criminal cases last year was zero. This is extremely rare in the United States today. It's all in one place.

It is also because of a long-established habit that Li Mu always shows special tolerance when facing all Chinese, even if it is occasionally severe, it is also a knife-tofu heart.

Li Mu's tolerance is normal. After all, no matter how rich Li Mu is, it is only a success in his career. In terms of personality, all people are equal. So, so far, Li Mu's concept of hierarchy in his heart is actually not that great. Strong.

At least compared with everyone in this era, Li Mu's concept of hierarchy is the lightest.

For these Qing Empire exhibitors who came from afar, Li Mu also wanted to help as much as possible, at least to enable them to feel even a trace of warmth in a foreign country, so Li Mu ’s plan is that when the Independence Centennial Exhibition ends, regardless of How much of the exhibits brought by the Qing Empire could not be sold, Li Mu would give him a round package.

This can also be regarded as an investment, after all, after hundreds of years, these can be regarded as cheap for now.

But it is regrettable that when I was paying for Mingyue, Mingyue always liked Zhaogou.

So when the two translators knew that Li Mu could speak Chinese, and they were still standard Beijing movies, the expressions of the two translators were extremely wonderful. They first looked stunned, then strangely, and finally hurriedly gave a gift. After leaving Li Mu, he turned and ran.

How is this going?

Why is it a **** look?

We are all yellow-skinned and black-haired, okay. How come I do n’t look like a “ghost”?

Li Mu was confused and couldn't understand why the two translations were like this.

A short while later, a middle-aged man wearing a government gown and hurriedly came.

Forgive Li Mu's ignorance. Li Mu really can't tell the meaning of these glass beads in the Qing Dynasty and the tonics on her chest.

"This gentleman, you are neglecting." The expression of the middle-aged official was also complicated. Looking at Li Mu's eyes unconsciously, he took a little look.

This kind of scrutiny is actually very uncomfortable, although most of the meaning is doubt, and part of the meaning is condescending contempt.

Yes, it is contempt.

Although Li Mu was unwilling to admit it, this kind of gaze is what it means.

Again, if the Chinese in this era did not have a compelling reason, no one would leave their hometowns. After all, it is because people leave their hometowns.

Although Li Mu is a suit and leather shoes, and they are also custom-made by hand, they are very valuable from head to toe. In the eyes of many Qing people, this is not a traditional Chinese costume, so they will be a little bit more glamorous. The taste of this position is despised by many Qing people nowadays.

"Busy you, let's just take a look." Since this person has prejudices in front of him, Li Mu doesn't want to talk too much with this person.

To be honest, in terms of qualifications alone, I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty official in front of Li Mu is really not qualified to talk to Li Mu.

"This gentleman stayed ..." Qing officials also wanted to set the bottom of Li Mu, and naturally refused to let Li Mu slip away so easily.

Mason, who had returned to Li Mu's side, raised his hand and blocked the way of the official of the Qing Dynasty with firm eyes and a door-like figure, and did not let him approach Li Mu at all.

Only then did the officials of the Qing Dynasty discover that the bearded majestic foreigner in front of him turned out to be the child just now.

It is indeed small. Although Li Mu has always wanted to pretend to be mature, after all, the age is displayed there. People often say that there is no hair on the mouth and that things are not strong. The Chinese are particular about thirty and stand in the eyes of many people.

Li Mucai didn't pay attention to what the separated Qing officials would think. He picked up a plate that seemed to be blue and white and let Chuxue appraise his condition.

I really have to look for Chu Xue, not to mention that Chu Xue is not too old, but I was born in Wangfu from an early age. It is natural to say that the things used in Wangfu are definitely fine products. Under the eyes, Chu Xue's vision is still very good. of.

In fact, you have to let Chu Xue say 123, and Chu Xue ca n’t say it either, just like Puyi revisited the Forbidden City after the founding of the country. Puyi can pick up the faults when he sees the furnishings in the Forbidden City. For example, this vase is placed here. Wrong, this painting is a fake, not a genuine one, etc.

The expert must be unconvinced. You said this was wrong. Why do you say so?

Pu Yi's answer is very simple. If you ask me why it's wrong, I can't say clearly, but this thing is different from what I used to do.

Chu Xue's feeling now is similar to that of Pu Yi. After seeing the blue and white flower in Li Mu's hands, Chu Xue glanced casually, and subconsciously left his lips.

Li Mu immediately threw the blue flower in his hand.

The Qing Empire did not do anything authentic. The first-class products were kept in the tribute palace, the second-class products were exported to Europe, the third-class products were sold to the United States, and the fourth-class products were sold in the country ...

Seeing Li Mu treating the exhibits so casually, although the Qing officials were dissatisfied, they did not care about Li Mu because a group of people came to visit and the British were still accented.

Britain this year is not the 21st-century Britain. The 21st-century Britain is like an old and aristocratic who has a lot of energy and lacks strength. He is also following the Americans as a second devil. It is like a human foot. The toad on the top, why don't I touch you.

Britain this year is the British empire known as "sunset". The nickname "sunset" is really not an exaggeration. Britain's territory is spread all over the world, and the sun will never disappear from British land.

Almost 30 years ago, the Qing empire who thought that he would inherit the Han family's heritage would be eternally taught by the British Empire, and now the Qing state ’s mentality is like the Phoenix man driven out of the city, facing the British. It was like Nurhachi who hadn't found his godfather at that time, he could not wait to kneel and lick all the time.

So in the face of the British, the Qing people really didn't dare to neglect, even the official translations surged on, what did the attentive energy say ...

His father is not so thoughtful during the New Year holidays.

There was no noise from the people around him, but Li Mu felt much more at ease, without feeling a little lost, and happily wandered the stall with Chu Xue.

It really feels like walking around the street stalls. People are still more down-to-earth these years. Even if they participate in the World Expo, things are piled up in piles. It feels like a mountain of goods. This form is actually good. At least it looks spectacular.

In fact, there are still many good things. Porcelain can be inconspicuous. You can look at leather goods. Leather goods are not good, there are medicinal materials, and no longer can there be furniture. Even if nothing is inconspicuous, it should be with Chu Xue. Shopping is also good.

I really have to look for it carefully. There are still some things that can catch my eyes. For example, Chu Xue found a gold lacquered flower round box. According to Chu Xue, although this thing is not very good, it is barely doable.

Lacquerware is a specialty of the Qing Empire. One lacquerware must be painted hundreds of lacquers from beginning to end. Each piece of lacquerware can be said to be a work of art and has good use value.

Li Mu's requirements for Chu Xue have always been 100% obedient, because Chu Xue never put forward excessive demands that made Li Mu embarrassed, so Li Mu immediately decided not to wait for the final takeover, and bought all of the lacquerware first. .

"It doesn't have to be that much, just have this one ..." Chu Xue was a little surprised, but also a little happy.

In fact, a woman like Chuxue is the happiest. She never has any requirements. Even a small harvest can be the most satisfying, not to mention a generous person like Li Mu. This is just what all women dream of. Need ATM.

"Buy it, let's put it there when it's not finished." Li Mu put it on the line. The lacquer ware is practical and artistic. Just like Li Mu said, it doesn't need to be placed to look good.

With a wave of Mason's side, someone immediately went to the staff.

"Let ’s go around again. If you see anything good, you're welcome. Let's pull it all back, so that these things don't fall into the hands of foreign devils." Li Mu hasn't had any fun yet. Since he wants to spend money, just spend Happy.

In fact, the things here are not as good as the palace, and they are still barely passable. The key is that the price is cheap and sufficient. Think about 6,800 kinds, 700 boxes, which is equivalent to 200,000 yuan. According to Li Mu ’s wealth, This is equal to nine cows and one hair, as long as all the purchases can make Chu Xue happy, Li Mu really does not feel bad about this money.

Ideas are good, but not always possible.

Li Mu and Chu Xue had not yet taken two steps, and suddenly they heard someone yelling.

"I said, our boss wants these things." Li Mu heard, this was the voice of bodyguard Mike.

"It's all okay, but we just want to postpone the transaction time after the Independent Centennial Exhibition, or two months later."

It was another familiar voice. Li Mu looked intently.

The last time I saw Rong Hong was when Li Mu had just arrived in Springfield. It had been 4 or 5 years since the start of the event. Rong Hong was still the same as before.

It is still a little different. If you look closely, you will find that there are more wrinkles on Rong Hong's face and more white hair. In other words, it is even more stingy.

The main thing is still tired. You must know that the "stay in the United States" is Rong Hong's push, but now there is such a freak as Li Mu, whoever he wants to stay in his heart will respond.

In the Qing empire these years, Li Mu said that when he became older, he would have to plunder, and when he was young, he would have to allocate at least 3,000 miles to the Ningguta armor slavery. As an official of the Supervision Bureau, Rong Hong was at least an ineffective supervisor. Responsibility cannot be shirk.

The meaning of Rong Hong is actually very simple. I want to buy it. Anyway, when we send something, we sell it. It's the same for everyone, but we want to postpone the transaction time. After all, the exhibition hall has been set up, and the area of ​​hundreds of lacquerware is still Quite a bit, this will move all at once, what to do with such a large area.

Mike really has developed limbs and a simple mind. Of course, in other words, he is absolutely loyal to Li Mu. What Li Mu says is what he must do without any discount, so Mike insists that he pull all the lacquerware now. go.

Rong Hong was also very helpless. There was a way to meet the soldiers. It was unreasonable. Rong Hong had been in the United States for a long time. When he looked at Mike, he knew that this might be a rich bodyguard. Under normal circumstances, such people Can't offend, so Rong Hong explained as much as possible, hoping that this matter could find a solution acceptable to both parties.

Rong Hong was with the group of British people. He didn't see Li Mu over, so Rong Hong didn't know that Mike was Li Mu's bodyguard, otherwise Rong Hong wouldn't stop talking nonsense with Mike at this moment.

In fact, Rong Hong's impression on Li Mu was quite good. As a Chinese who traveled abroad in his early years, Rong Hong never forgot his own country. Such people should be respected no matter where they go, so Li Mu gave Rong timely Defeated the siege.

"Forget Mike, then the transaction will be completed in two months." Li Mu took the initiative to take a step back. In the past two months, it was just enough for Rong Yao to send someone back to the Qing Empire, and then pulled a batch of lacquerware over again.

"Li Mu ..." Rong Hong looked at Li Mu with a complicated expression.

In fact, the mood is more complicated.

It should be said that this matter should be resolved satisfactorily until now, but there are always some people who want to have extravagant branches. In English, he noticed the golden lacquered flower box in the hands of Chu Xue, and immediately lighted his eyes.

"It's so beautiful. It's a work of art. How much does this cost?" The Englishman was kind of eye-catching and didn't dare to ask Li Mu for trouble, but asked the interpreter around him.

"Uh, this gentleman ..." Before the translator said anything, Li Mu's face quickly pulled down.

What do you mean?

Don't pay attention to shopping first come first?

Do you think this is the Yuanmingyuan?

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