Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 561: Money way

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It should be said that the United States in the 19th century was still very new to Japan, and it was not clear enough about the morals of the Japanese. Even in another time and space, until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in the Second World War, many Americans were listening for the first time. Let's talk about Japan.

All of Mason's understanding of the Japanese was influenced by Li Mu, and now all these have finally caused Bresta's vigilance, and Bresta's choice did not disappoint Li Mu.

Honestly, Li Mu doesn't want to see any Japanese who has already joined the US citizenship in New York. Today, Li Mu and the Steed Group are fully capable of doing this, but it is best for Bresta to do it.

Do not underestimate the police chief Bresta. This post is not the same as the police chief in Springfield. It is a real high weight.

In the sequence of U.S. cities, although the status of Springfield City is high, in Massachusetts, the seat of the city government is Boston, not Springfield City, so the police chief of Springfield City is a bit under-qualified.

The New York City Police Department is different. The main body of New York State is in New York City, and the seat of the capital is also in New York. Although New York State has its own state police, the speciality of New York City is that in New York State, it is indeed the former mayor special Wade, or the current mayor, Arthur, they are not inferior to the governor of New York, or even worse than that, so a strong city government has created a strong city police station. In New York State, the state police The strength is far less than that of the New York City Police Department. Considering that there is almost no National Guard in New York, the New York City Police Department has become the most powerful force unit in the state.

If you look at it this way, you just use Brest as a gun, and Li Mu is really not kind.

Fortunately, Li Mu and Bresta have a good relationship. Bresta is still a shareholder of Steed Weapons Company. Even if Bresta knows that Li Mu's motive is impure, he may be willing to be driven by Li Mu.

After the Japanese are settled, Li Mu is satisfied. An apple city that cannot see the Japanese is the big mouth-watering apple. Otherwise, it is like a moth-eaten apple. It ’s a pity to throw it away directly. Eat and feel sick.

Of course, according to Li Mu's understanding of the Japanese, the Japanese should not be so stagnant, saying that the Japanese ambassador to the United States should not bother Ulysses Grant recently.

But this has nothing to do with Li Mu, as long as he doesn't bother Li Mu, Ulysses Grant doesn't bother Li Mu.

One day at the end of May, JP Morgan and Li Mu met.

This meeting is not a kind of dinner, but a formal meeting. The meeting place is in Li Mu's office.

Recently, J.P. Morgan has made several big business in succession and achieved quite a lot, so all over him is filled with spring breeze and looks more spirited than Will, who is refreshing at happy events.

"What's worth it for you to come forward in person? I guess it must be a big business. I hope you can bring me good news." Li Mu was also in a good mood and shot the vaccination ahead of time.

"Of course it's a big business. I can't even swallow it. Can you imagine how big it is ..." J.P. Morgan is a bit slutty, with not only a wine glass in his hand, but also Erlang's legs. If it is put in the past, it is mostly the style of Rockefeller.

The main business of the Morgan family is banking and investment. Although in the physical field, the Morgan family has attacked everywhere and is now a shareholder of many large companies, but the Morgan family rarely involves physical operations. The port of San Diego is a special case and is one of the few. One of the real estate businesses run by the Morgan family.

Of course, the port of San Diego also brought rich returns to the Morgan family. Since the establishment of the United States of Cuba, the port of San Diego has gradually become the core of the Caribbean Sea.

Through the port of San Diego, Li Mu and a group of American gangsters sold industrial products to countries around the Caribbean Sea in exchange for a large amount of non-renewable raw materials.

This trade method is almost ecstatic for everyone. In the past two years, American capitalists led by Li Mu have taken more than 1 billion US dollars of wealth from the port of San Diego, of which San Diego Investment Corporation has the most profit.

San Diego Investment Corporation is also a company in which the Morgan family has a stake, along with Silvester, the President of the United States of Cuba, as well as former Prime Minister Nelson and current Prime Minister Green Gals.

In fact, democracies are also very depressing. For example, the United States of Cuba. Although the leader of the United States of Cuba is nominally the president of Cuba, the president is not actually responsible for managing the country. Instead, he appoints a prime minister, who then organizes cabinets. Then Rule the whole country.

In this way, the quality of state management has nothing to do with the actual state leaders. The state governance is good, of course, it is the leadership of Mr. President that is well known and well used, and the state governance is not good. That is also the incompetence of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. No wonder the president.

"Speaking of it, I'm really curious about the big business that even your Morgan family can't swallow." Li Mu immediately regained his enthusiasm. Now Li Mu also has a bank, and he is also very interested in investing in Li Mu. It is said that no one is more clear than Li Mu. The development trend of the world in the next 100 years is the biggest advantage that Li Mu has.

"It was French national debt, and France issued a new round of national debt. This time, the total amount was 100 million US dollars. France used the proceeds of the French North African colonies as collateral. The term of the national debt was ten years." J. P. Morgan couldn't help it With a smile, buying national debt is the best investment of this era for the average person, and the French still use colonial proceeds as collateral. Whatever it looks like, it is a steady and uncompromising sale.

After listening, Li Mu was disappointed. Compared with buying government bonds, Li Mu would get greater returns if he invested his money in the realm.

Of course, disappointment does not mean that there is no interest. At present in the United States, the expansion of Junma Group has reached a bottleneck period. There are not many areas that require Li Mu to invest a large amount of money, unless Li Mu is willing to invest in laying submarine cables between the United States and Southeast Asia. .

Regarding the submarine cable, it sounds very tall, but it is actually not very mysterious. About 25 years ago, the first submarine cable in the world appeared, and ten years ago, the British were even more successful and crossed the Atlantic Ocean. , China Unicom cables between the United Kingdom and the United States, so technically speaking, it is not impossible to lay a submarine cable across the Pacific Ocean.

At the regular meeting of the Senate two months ago, the Senate had passed a decision to repair the submarine cable connecting San Francisco and Hawaii. The project cost more than ten million US dollars. So far no company is willing to take the job. Li Mu is no exception.

In fact, Li Mu himself is very happy to see the emergence of the submarine cable connecting San Francisco and Hawaii. Today, Hawaii is too important for the current Li Mu. Hawaii not only represents the votes, but also represents the support of Li Mu in the House and Senate. If the payment method proposed by the Senate was not too nonsense, Li Mu had already let Junma Construction Company take over the job.

The method of payment proposed by the Senate is to replace the project funds with the right to operate. If a company is willing to come forward to lay the submarine cable, the company will obtain the right to operate the cable for 30 years. During this period, The profits obtained will belong to this company.

It sounds great, but in fact everyone knows that this must be a losing trade.

In the current U.S. territory, only Hawaii is overseas, so Washington must be happy to see the use of a submarine cable to connect Hawaii to the United States. Considering the closeness between Hawaii and the United States, the use of this cable is estimated. The rate will not be too high, so let alone the 30-year operating right, and whether the 100-year operating right can recover the costs and a question mark.

It will be said that the radio telegraph will appear in another one or two decades. By then, the value of the cable telegraph will plummet, so even the profit in these 30 years cannot be guaranteed. If Washington cannot find a really effective payment Way, then Li Mu is definitely not going to be the head of this injustice.

Speaking of French national debt, this is actually the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian war. Li Mu remembered about four years ago, when Li Mu had just arrived in the United States not long ago, France had sent people to the United States to sell national debt, just in time to catch up with the national shooting in Washington. The competition was also the beginning of Li Mu's emergence.

Four years have passed now, and Li Mu has become a new billionaire from nothing, and the French have not paid off their compensation, which is really a sad topic.

"Did you not be interested in this national debt?" J.P. Morgan is not the same as Li Mu. There are not so many imaginations in Li Mu's mind, so investing in government bonds has become the best choice for J.P. Morgan.

"The gains of the North African colony are too sincere ..." Even as a traversal, Li Mu didn't know much about Africa. Li Mu didn't even remember how big the French North African colony was. specialty.

It is useless to have special products. Algeria of Suzuki seems to have a very large oil field. Now it does not make any sense to Li Mu. In the current oil industry, the Rockefeller family is the only one. The oil produced in the United States alone is sufficient. The world ’s oil consumption, so it is not a good thing to get too many oil fields, or it will affect Li Mu ’s earnings. After all, Li Mu is also a major shareholder of Mobil Oil.

"Did you only stare at the French North African colony? Then your vision is too short." J.P. Morgan's expression of "despising you" looked very upset at Li Mu.

"Then let me hear what business opportunities have been discovered in your long-term vision?" Li Mu may not be so excited because of a joke among friends. J.P. Morgan may not have the vision and mind of Li Mu, but IQ is definitely better than Li Mu. Only high or low, otherwise the Morgan family will not have such great achievements in the future.

People in the 21st century mentioned that Rockefeller, Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan always liked to compare their wealth with US GDP. In fact, this is not fair. Many times, these top rich people The influence they possess does not match their property.

For example, J.P. Morgan. When the outbreak of World War I, J.P. Morgan and his allies controlled nearly a quarter of the wealth of the United States, so the influence of the Morgan family at the time was evident.

It can be said that if the Morgan family did not agree at that time, the United States would not even be able to participate in World War I. Even if the President and the Congress did not approve the United States to participate in the war, the Americans would not be able to fight, which is not an exaggeration.

"Did your Steed Group always want to enter Europe? Then you and Krupp have a good start, but in the UK and France, it seems that you and your Steed Group are not welcome, now is an opportunity, An opportunity to make you popular. As for how many business opportunities there are, I don't need to remind you to understand. "J.P. Morgan's words made Li Mu have to pay more attention.

J.P. Morgan is right. The cooperation with Krupp is indeed the successful landing of the Steed Group in Europe, but outside of Germany, the Steed Group is very difficult, not only the hostility of Britain and Spain to Li Mu and his The Steed Group, the French, the Belgian, the Dutch, the Italian, etc., did not welcome Li Mu and his Steed Group, which made Li Mu's sales team very helpless.

Now is indeed an opportunity. If Li Mu can pay the "protection fee" to the French government by purchasing government bonds, then the French must pretend to sell Li Mu a little bit, then the next thing is logical. Once Open a gap in imperialism. Even though the British and Spanish certainly don't want to see Li Mu and his steed group, other countries should have some changes to Li Mu and his steed group.

Who wouldn't live with an American rich man waving a check these days ...

Even if the rich man is of Chinese descent, the dollars in his hands still have an irresistible charm.

"I'll think about it again ..." Although Li Mu had already moved his heart, he didn't say anything to death, but still left enough room for himself.

If you want to "bribery" a country, it is estimated that 10 or 20 million US dollars is not enough. Even if France loses the Franco-Prussian War and loses its shame, it is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. Give the French a temptation that they can't refuse.

"By the way, how much are you going to buy?" Li Mu wanted to inquire about the writings of the Morgan family and make a reference for himself.

"Our Morgan family underwrites half of them, and we will buy about 30% of them." J.P. Morgan is also doing his best, and 30% is probably the liquidity of the Morgan family.

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