Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 562: Crisis PR

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Issuing national debt also costs. The French government issued 100 million US dollars of national debt this time, the cost is about 10%, which is about 10 million US dollars.

This 10 million US dollars will not be paid first, but will be deducted from the subsequent settlement, that is, after selling the national debt, the Morgan family only needs to pay the French government 90 million US dollars.

Considering that the interest on this national debt is about 8%, this is indeed a good deal for the Morgan family. They are buyers and sellers.

Li Mu did not disappoint J.P. Morgan. Although he knew that there was such a fool, Li Mu did not care about it. As long as the Morgan family could persuade the French government to let the products of Junma Group enter France and French-controlled colonies, Li Mu is willing to buy the remaining 50 million US dollars of national debt.

J.P. Morgan praised Li Mu's decision and promised to communicate with the French government as soon as possible. Before July, Li Mu would give an answer.

Considering the traffic conditions at this time and the efficiency of the French government, one month has been fast enough, and Li Mu is also satisfied with this.

Compared with the United States, although the French population is a bit smaller, the market is not small. After all, the French have a century of industrial revolution, and wealthy people abound. They may not fight the Germans, but they say In terms of wealth, the French are definitely richer than the Germans.

Junma Group's main products in Europe are cars and home power supply systems. These things are not actually produced for civilians. If you want to afford them, you must have a certain net worth.

Of course, Junma Group's products are not all luxury products, and daily necessities are also a major item of Junma Group.

Europeans do not use chopsticks. They use knifes and forks to eat other metal products. Before stainless steel was invented, gold and silver were the main materials for making tableware and other kitchen supplies.

But gold and silverware are not affordable for all households, so the stainless steel tableware introduced by the Junma Group is very popular in Europe and is generally welcomed.

In terms of value alone, daily necessities are certainly not as expensive as cars and home power systems, but in fact the profits are not low. At present, only Carnegie-Rim Steel can produce stainless steel, so every dollar of tableware sold The Steed Group will earn 50 cents of it.

On June 1, the Echo, a Democrat-oriented party, reported a traffic accident caused by a steed car.

The cause of the accident was out-of-control brakes. After the out-of-control car knocked down two pedestrians, it overturned a carriage and rushed into a living room of another family.

The accident left two pedestrians dead and injured, and a $ 400 carriage was completely destroyed. Did you eat it? It was a group of four-year-old stallions called Tennessee, whose hind legs were broken in the accident.

Hundreds of accidents have been caused by the defect of the product itself and improper operation by the user so far. Under the public relations of the Junma Group, the past accidents have rarely caused any disturbances.

The first time was obviously different. Junma Motors didn't know the news of the car accident. The "Echo" was the first to report it. It was obvious that someone was taking the rhythm.

Li Mu's response was very quick. He immediately convened the head of Junma Motor Company and the head of the public relations department to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"Our cars now use second-generation engines. Compared with the previous-generation engines, the frequency of accidents has been greatly reduced. At least they will not break down on the road for no reason. The training for drivers has also been strengthened. There are some minor problems that the driver can handle on the spot, so recently, the frequency of accidents has been much less than before. This time there must be someone deliberately speculating, otherwise we will not receive the telegram. "Jun Ma The general manager of the car company, Leandel Clark, has realized the seriousness of the problem.

Liandel Clark is a native of New York who graduated from Harvard University's Department of Mechanical Engineering. Before coming to Steed Car Company, Leandel Clark worked at the Steed Institute.

In the two years that he came to Junma Automobile Company, Liandel Clark performed well. He successively served as Deputy Chief Engineer, Sales Manager and Assistant to General Manager. In February this year, Li Mu appointed Liandel Clark as General Manager of Junma Automobile Company.

"We have contacted the editor-in-chief of The Echo, Kenneth Commons. Kenneth's attitude is very strong, saying that there will be follow-up reports that will continue to be released, so there must be some support behind it, otherwise the" Echo "will not Dare to be so arrogant. "Apollo Steinbeck, the manager of the public relations department, had a solemn expression. Since it was seen in the newspaper, this is also a failure of the public relations department to a certain extent.

Apollo Steinbeck was also a media person. He previously operated a newspaper with considerable influence in Boston. Later, this newspaper was acquired by Time. Apollo Steinbeck was reassigned to the public relations department of Junma Group. Since last year Began the position of manager of the public relations department.

"Time" is currently the unquestionable giant in the media industry in the United States. Of the more than 300 newspapers in the United States, only the "Time" has a huge influence in the United States, as is the National Association of Journalists. The editor-in-chief of Time Magazine, Sami Larkin, led the establishment, which further consolidated the position of the industry leader of Time Magazine.

Of course, the industry boss will not cover everything, otherwise there will be no such thing as "Echo". In front of the general election to be held at the end of the year, no matter what the boss must give way.

"Don't worry about the rhythm of the" Echo ", now I ask you to figure out one thing. Is this accident caused by a defect in the car itself? Although the" Echo "said that the brakes failed, it may also be Man-made sabotage. I will call the police station later. A technical team will be organized over the factory to go to the scene with the police. "Now is not the time to hold the responsibility to account for the accident. The Public Relations Department organized a press conference, and we have to make our own voice, respond publicly to this matter, dispel public doubts, and ... what is the editor-in-chief of The Echo News? "

"Kenneth, Kenneth Commons ..." Apollo Steinbeck was impressed with the name.

"Get ready and deal with this as soon as possible." Li Mu felt a little tired, not physically exhausted, but tired.

Ryandale and Apollo didn't dare to neglect, and after leaving, they performed their responsibilities, and Gloria, who had been avoiding on the balcony, came in.

Gloria is still very decent. Although she has established a relationship with Li Mu, Gloria never disturbs Li Mu when she handles her official duties, and she will not express her opinion.

"Not smooth?" Gloria came behind Li Mu and helped Li Mu gently massage his shoulders to relax.

"It's not that bad, it's just normal intrigue. They want me to be distracted, but unfortunately they won't do it." Li Mu is full of confidence. Where is it now? The contest has just begun. Li Mu has not yet started to fight back. Yet.

The Democratic Party seems aggressive and attacking everywhere. In fact, it is an East Hammer and a West Hammer. It has no rules at all and cannot find the focus of the attack. Therefore, although there are many outside moves, there is no power, and that can not let the Republican Party hurt.

Compared with the newcomers of the Democratic Party, Li Mu is much more sinister. Li Mu is asking people to collect dark materials about the Democratic Party, including even Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden.

So far, Li Mu has made some gains and got a lot of "expectations", but it is not yet an opportunity. Li Mu will wait until a suitable opportunity to release all these black materials, and the Democrats will understand at that time. What makes a blow fatal.

The efficiency of the public relations department was still very high. On the afternoon of that day, a press conference was held on the steps in front of the Central Park headquarters building.

Li Mu and Liandel attended the press conference together, but unfortunately, Liandel should have been ignored by reporters. All questions were focused on Li Mu.

"Before answering the question, I express my deep condolences to Laurent who was killed in the accident. Laurent had four children. He worked hard and took care of his family. He felt unfortunately killed in an accident that should not have happened at all. The reasons for this have not been investigated so far, but we have decided to donate $ 3,000 to Laurent's widow, and from now on, the horse will pay Laurent's children $ 50 a month for living expenses until these All children are grown up "Li Mu didn't mean to shirk his responsibilities. When he first came up, he expressed his condolences to the victims. This will win the most sympathy points:" ... We have organized an investigation team and will go to Lexington tonight. Please rest assured that if the final investigation results prove that the cause of the accident is due to the quality problem of Junma Automobile, then Junma Automobile Company will certainly not shirk responsibility, and we will certainly be held responsible. "

"Mr. Riem, it is said that the reason this matter is so influential is that someone is behind the scenes. What's your opinion?" It's still the same old rule. Two of the three questions belong to Time Magazine.

The press conference held by the Junma Group will definitely give priority to taking care of their own people. Although other reporters are uneasy, they have nothing to say. The same is true for others, and they will probably do too much and give no chance.

"Is there anybody who has contributed to the situation, and it is still unclear whether this will make us steed the Horse Group into a more responsible company, and at the same time, I hereby reiterate that Congress should pass the" Transport Law "as soon as possible so that we can maximize To prevent such incidents from happening again, here I want to tell all the owners of the steed car. The good news is that the Bank of America under the San Diego Investment Corporation has decided to provide insurance for all the cars of the steed group. If such incidents occur again in the future , Because all costs incurred by the accident will be borne by Bank of America. "Li Mu seized the opportunity to advertise for Bank of America.

Speaking of which, the insurance industry has a long history, and insurance has been around since at least the 14th century.

The automobile industry is an emerging industry. Objectively speaking, the performance of automobiles is not perfect, and the proportion of accidents is still relatively high. Therefore, insurance companies are still on the sidelines, and no company is willing to underwrite the automobile.

The insurance industry is undoubtedly a high-margin industry. Bank of America has long wanted to get involved in the insurance industry, but has never found an opportunity. Now is a good opportunity to enter the market. With this opportunity, Bank of America can rightfully get involved in the insurance industry.

It was also a windfall.

As for the Traffic Law, although Li Mu has called for a long time, he has not really invested time in lobbying, so the current Traffic Law is still at the appeal stage.

If you want to divide responsibilities, you must first have a law to follow. Throwing the pot into Congress is a good choice. Anyway, the Congress and the President are being scolded every day, and it does n’t matter if they are tortured.

"The last question, this lady in the front row." Apollo Steinbeck was in charge of the press conference and gave the last opportunity to "Metro Beauty Magazine".

There was a wailing immediately at the scene. Although the reporters did not dare to overdo it, disappointment and sigh were inevitable.

At a press conference, there were only three opportunities to ask questions. Two were given to "Time" and one was to "City Beauty Magazine". The Steed Group did not waste anything at all.

In fact, being a reporter is not easy. Even if you can't get a chance to ask questions, you have to come to such a press conference to participate in it, otherwise you may miss a big news.

In terms of the media industry alone, "Time" and "Metro Beauty Magazine" are targeted at the social elite and housewives, and the coverage is indeed wide enough.

And the most critical issue is that the two newspapers are large enough, and really no one dares to carry it forward, such as the Echo. It is estimated that Kenneth Commons drank too much. Regardless of the breaking news.

"Hello Mr. Riem, now that General Will Barron and Ms. Claudia are engaged, then when will you and Miss Gloria get engaged?" The reporter from "Metro Beauty Magazine" lived up to expectations The question really is enough gossip.

This is understandable. After all, the audience of "Meizhen Beauty Magazine" is almost all housewives. If you ask housewives to go to politics, they will not be interested, and gossip will be true love.

"Soon, it should be within this year, if there are no surprises." Li Mu also refused to come to such a question, anyway, what should have been said already, gossip does not matter.

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