Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 571: Conduct

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The larger the scale, the more people involved, and the more unexpected variables.

When the Junma Group was a small factory, everyone could work hard in one place, so the work efficiency was surprisingly high.

The situation is different now. The staff in the Hayes election office are not employees of the Steed Group. The people who pay them are Hayes. Although Li Mu has an influence on them, they have no decisive influence. There are all kinds of accidents.

On the night when the Echo News published the fake news of Hayes, Li Mu and Hayes met at the Junma Building to discuss how to deal with the news of the Echo and how to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future.

"The purpose of the Democratic Party is to stir up the water. Their propaganda has been passive since the election, so now they have to find another way to try to regain the initiative in this way of killing the enemy one thousand ... The reputation will have an impact, but the impact is not as large as the Democratic Party imagines, so the most important thing for us at present is to establish a preventive mechanism to prevent such incidents from happening again. "Li Mu first gave Hays a peace of mind, otherwise It is estimated that Hayes could not sleep tonight.

Compared with eliminating the impact, Li Mu attaches more importance to establishing a corresponding mechanism, so as to prevent micro-duration and prevent any pig teammates from dragging their feet.

"Can you tell me how you intend to eliminate the impact of this incident." Hays frowned, never again calm and calm in public.

Relatively speaking, Hayes is much more nervous. After all, this is related to Hayes' own interests, and Hayes already knows how much influence public opinion will have, so Hayes is very worried that this matter will become his Waterloo.

"The old man they found was a Mexican ..." Li Mu's simple words made Hayes frown.

In the United States, Mexicans have a worse reputation than blacks.

There has been war between the United States and Mexico. Although Mexico defeated and conceded, after all, the United States lost in the war, so this feud was forged.

Compared with the United States, Mexico's human resources can be described in terms of abundance, but in recent years, although the United States has increased its efforts to attract immigrants from Europe, it has never set its sights on neighboring Mexico, and the rapid development of the United States has also allowed Mexicans Envious, so many Mexicans will choose this way of "smuggling" to come to the United States, work and live in the United States, so the attitude of Americans to Mexicans is extremely shameless. In the United States, "liar", "thief", "rogue" "It's synonymous with Mexicans.

Unlike smuggled Mexicans, although blacks have a low status in the United States, black Americans are also Americans after all, even if the United States has abolished slavery, in fact, even those southerners who are most unwilling to abolish slavery have to admit it. Black slaves made their own contributions to the development of the United States.

In this context, it is questionable how credible a Mexican spoken, so Li Mu did not think that the Democrats could do a heavy blow to Hayes' reputation through this incident.

Hayes certainly understands this, so after Li Mu points out that the witness is Mexican, Hayes immediately reassured.

Then the focus of the problem is on how to establish an effective prevention mechanism.

"The leak must be investigated to the end and the source of the leak must be found out. All relevant responsible persons must pay the price, otherwise similar incidents will occur in the future. Next time, I dare not guarantee that we can still be so lucky." Li Mu prepared Killing chickens and monkeys can only get some people's attention if they really hurt.

In a short period of time, it is not easy to establish a set of effective prevention mechanisms, so Li Mu can only "use the classics in troubled times."

Fortunately, this accountability mechanism does not have to be continued. After all, the general election will be held at the end of the year. After the general election, even the election office will no longer exist. At that time, these provisions will no longer exist.

"I've been asked to check, no matter who this matter involves, I will never let him go." Hayes mentioned this incident and gritted his teeth.

"In fact, this is also a good thing. The problem is now better than the outbreak at a critical moment ... In addition, I think it is necessary to remind you that the management of the office staff must keep up." Li Mu After thinking about it, I couldn't help but set off a wake-up call for Hayes.

There is also a saying in the United States that "one person gets the word, the chicken and the dog rise to the sky." Everyone wants the so-called "from the dragon", so many people want to squeeze into Hayes's election office. Once Hayes is successfully elected, then These people will be heroes, maybe they will join the White House with Hayes.

In fact, it ’s a matter of campaigning, that is, a lot of interest groups come together to work for something. Hayes, as the core of a sound office, has to do a good job of balancing the forces of all parties. The staff is complex and almost everyone has a background.

Li Mu understands the principle of "many eyes are mixed", but before that, Li Mu had not reminded Hayes. After all, it was not convenient for Li Mu to remind him that there was suspicion of exceeding authority.

Since ancient times, companions have been like tigers. The higher the status of Hayes, the more Li Mu has to avoid suspicion. Things that cannot be manifested must be kissed, and Hayes is taken care of like children.

"The composition of office workers is a bit complicated, and their goals are not the same. Some people are for gilding, some are for accumulating experience, and more are spokespersons for the interests of a group, so it is not easy to manage them. , I have been worrying about this. "Hayes knows the status quo and knows that there is a need to change, but Hayes is now powerless, it is like snowball, when the snowball reaches a certain level, want to promote It is not enough to rely solely on manpower; it is more dependent on inertia.

"No matter how difficult it is, we must continue to do it. Open the bow without turning back. You have also resigned from the post of governor, so we have no retreat." Li Mu set himself up for Hayes.

Hayes did not have a retreat, but Li Mu ’s retreat was wide. Even if the Republican Party lost the election, Li Mu is still the owner of the Junma Group and still one of the richest people in the United States. No one can change this. .

After talking with Li Muchang, Hayes went back to rectify his campaign team, and Li Mu was also responsible for eliminating influence for Hayes.

What surprised Li Mu was that the Democrats attached more importance to the scandal than Li Mu imagined. At the end of September, Democrats publicly stated in a Senate meeting that, in view of Hayes's dishonesty, he asked the Senate to disqualify him.

On the issue of "honesty", East and West have very different attitudes.

Orientals were educated when they were young, to be modest and polite, to be good to others, to be considerate of others, and to learn to look at things.

The purpose of education is certainly not wrong, and the method is good, but when such people grow up, they will become smooth, and things will come. If you use a good word to describe it, we will weave good-faith lies at the appropriate time.

A lie is a lie. Even if it is a good-faith lie, the focus should be on the lie, not the good-faith.

Westerners are extremely strict about honesty. Compared with the Eastern world, Western society is more like a contract society. People are responsible for their own words. If they have said that, promises must be made, otherwise they are people. Product problem.

When politicians have problems with their character, they often mean the end of political life.

In this respect, it is not unreasonable for the Democratic Party to claim that Hayes's character is wrong, and to request that he be disqualified from the election.

Although the Democrats occupied most of the seats in the Senate, they still could not occupy an absolute advantage, so the Democrats' proposal was not unexpectedly rejected.

Regarding this result, the Democratic Party did not feel much disappointed. They did not expect that through this incident, Hayes could be killed with one shot.

However, this incident also sounded a wake-up call for the Republican Party. The Democrats are now full of firepower. If the Republican Party does not raise their spirits, then maybe they will overturn in the gutter.

"The" Republican "published the full content of Martinez's interview in today's newspaper. Martinez also showed reporters his 20 dollar bill ... Yes, the one signed by Mr. Governor himself. Sami Larkin briefed Li Mu on the latest progress.

Regarding banknotes, the United States Constitution does not have a legal method expressly stipulating that writing and drawing on banknotes are not allowed.

After all, these banknotes were not printed by the US government, but by the government authorized banks.

When Hayes was visiting a Mexican named Martinez, he wrote a blessing on a 20-dollar bill, signed his name, and gave the bill to Martinez. .

Now this $ 20 note is evidence that Democrats have denigrated Hayes.

"It's simple. Give me 100 US $ 20 banknotes tomorrow and let Hisstone sign his name on it." Li Mu's bad taste reappeared, and he didn't like to sign, so let him kiss him.

"Then tomorrow's press conference?" Sami Larkin was afraid to determine Li Mu's intentions.

"Follow the original plan ..." Li Mu also looked forward to turning over at the press conference, so this opportunity will definitely not be wasted.

According to the original plan, Junma Group will hold a press conference tomorrow, with the theme of condemning Republican artificial fakes.

If Hayes were to lose his candidate status because of this, then Samuel Tilden would have no idea how many times he would lose.

From the beginning of the public opinion war, the Democratic Party and The Echo have been making up and messing up. Don't look at Samuel Tilden's national tour speeches are also lively, in fact, they have been following the pace of the Republican Party.

Let ’s take things like rhythm. If you can drive, you will carry the whole audience. If you ca n’t, you will be the crematorium of the whole family. The Echo newspaper is closely following the steps of Time Magazine. The compilation of data is actually a personal effort.

It is a technical job.

The next morning at 9 am, the press conference started on time.

Recently, the saliva battles of the "Echo" and "Time Weekly" have become more and more lively. People who have no idea of ​​the truth are enjoying the fun. Even if they cannot get a chance to ask questions, the press conference has attracted nearly a hundred journalists.

This lineup is a bit big. When Li Mu walked into the press conference, he couldn't help doubting that maybe all the reporters in New York were here.

As usual, the first question was raised by a reporter from Time Magazine.

"Regarding that Martinez, I have to remind everyone that he is a Mexican ... Of course, I do not mean to discriminate against Mexicans. I just want to tell some people to use Martinez to return When you are at home, remember to help him buy a train ticket. "Li Mu flirted with ease at the press conference, a joke about what to do.

"Do you mean that the Democrats are cheating this time too?" The Echo reporter couldn't help asking questions.

This is the law in the United States. Even though the reporters of the "Echo" are not to be seen by Li Mu, they still have the right to participate in press conferences. No one can interfere with this.

"Although you did not obey the rules, I am still willing to answer this question ..." Li Mu did not like unruly people, but since the reporter of the "Echo" jumped out, then Li Mu did not mind to face in person: "... I want to As a reminder, what you say is good and you may not be able to do it beautifully. When Mr. Tilden gave a nationwide tour speech, he had to make big promises everywhere. These promises are worthless because Tilden There is no chance for the sir to cash in ... I don't know if the Democratic Party is in favor of fraud, because I don't want to find someone to act as a scapegoat. "

Li Mu's attitude is very obvious. The Democratic Party is not cheating on this matter, but has been doing it.

With this ethical standard as the basis, even if Hayes said in a panic about this matter, it would not be killed with a single stick. After all, the Democratic Party has habitually lied, and relatively speaking, only made a mistake. Sri Lanka is more cute.

I really want voters to think the same way as Li Mu.

"Last question, Mr. Riem, the editor-in-chief of Time Magazine and Urban Beauty, both work in the Hayes campaign office. Will this matter affect the reputation of these two newspapers?" Urban Beauty The reporters are also fierce, dare to ask any questions.

"I believe in their professional ethics, so I am not worried about this issue." Time Magazine "and" City Beauty "are relatively professional newspapers. We do n’t need a newspaper like this to increase sales. It costs money to read our newspapers, so we have to be responsible for our speech. "Li Mu said that outside the words, he accused the Democratic Party of fraud. Although he didn't say it explicitly, he kept the Democratic Party dark.

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